204, I have posted the photos a few times in the baiting thread, but there are so many pages to go through in order to find them. I guess what we all need to do from time to time is update hunting shacks, projects etc. so that newcomers can see them quicker, and also to refresh us all. So, below are some photos of my hunting shack project.
I purchased this Amish-built storage building in 2011. First, I built a 12x12 platform for the building to sit on. The building is an 8x12 so that gave me a 4' porch. I have since replaced the plywood porch part with decking boards which are proving to be much better.
The delivery guy brought the building on a flatbed hydraulic trailer and slid it off onto the platform, then squared it up in the back.
I insulated the building and put OSB as paneling. In the ceiling I put foam insulation board and over that a 5mm thin plywood. The lights are DC.
I started with an air bed but have since built a good bunk with a mattress, memory foam mattress over that and a comforter, then a sleeping bag on top.
Makes for a comfortable rest.
I put inside shutters over the windows, and then cut out a small opening to shoot through. I use foam (Walmart) to cover the hole, and cut holes for the
forearm and scope to see out.
I have a propane heater that keeps the building toasty. The temp got down to 18 degrees on the night of the last coyote I got, and I have slept there
in temps barely above 10 degrees and stayed warm.
I utilize space by mounting the Cook stove on the door. I also put insulation board on the inside of the door.
Up until this summer I used a 12 volt battery pack to power the overhead lights and camera that watches the bait site. This past summer I finally put
in a small solar system that keeps a deep cycle AGM battery ready to go all the time.
The solar system has allowed me some luxury this year, such as a DC powered TV that has a DVD player included, and a good lamp for reading.
This project has been a work in the making over the last 10 years. I began pretty small and have added to and upgraded over the years.