Well, on the night of Jan 1 another coyote showed up at the bait. It rained and snowed the second night so I was finally able to hunt last night. He showed up something after 10:00 PM, but wouldn't commit to the bait site. He would come in and grab a piece of bait and then run off to eat it. It took me a while of playing cat n' mouse with him to finally get a shot. He was further up in the field, at an estimated 90 yards when I squeezed the trigger. I knew the trajectory would be high at that distance since I am sighted spot on at 60, so I held a bit low. The bullet struck just slightly high of midway from back to belly, and exited the opposite side about where I would normally hold for shooting. Even though the Rattler TS25 only has a 1.5x magnification, it wasn't any problem getting a sight picture and shooting at the distance of about 90 yards.
The coyote ran about 25 yards and went under a briar patch. I had to break briars to get him out. The snow really aided in the tracking since I didn't know exactly where he went.
I normally drive over to the "shack" and unload my gear, but due to the snow I backpacked in, about 300 yards or so from where I park the truck.
It was a pleasant and pretty walk along the farm path.
The briar patch in the center is where I found him.
You can see here where the bullet hit.
I drug him out of the briar patch and up into the field a bit for some photos. You can see his track skirting the field and sage grass as he went to the bait site.