
Congrats to BP and TJ, fine shooting guys. I had one come in to deer carcass last night but the fog and my elcheapo NV wasn't having none of that. I couldn't see past the porch much less 100 yds. Keep banging guys. I put out another deer carcass in another place this morning and have a cell camera on it. I will have to drive to it then slip in and shoot. It's possible if the coyote stays long enough. It'll be a 200 yd shot. Take's me about 15 minutes to get there. I'll have a couple bait gathering videos on here tomorrow night some time. Freezer is looking pretty good.

HAPPY and SAFE New Years to everyone here, even DU lol.
Thank you Week!
A little bait gathering from the Hammer and I. It was time to make burger before the season ran out. The Mrs. did her part first then it was my turn.

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You have to copy the video link in the address bar after you actually open the video.

This is your video link after it is opened as opposed to the link you posted. Then you do as you stated, and paste the video link in the YouTube box after you open the 5th icon (little TV screen). Full Screen Reply


Last night I stayed at the shack, hoping the coyote from three nights ago would return. He did, and I was able to test the new AGM Rattler TS25 thermal scope. I used my trusty Dtech 6x45 shooting a 70 gr. Blitz King which dropped the coyote on the spot.

So far I am pleased with the Rattler, though it is a bit different than the Pulsar Apex I have had for the last three years. The menu is a bit different, but overall I like it. The image quality is good, though I noticed last night that, due to a greater field of view, the scope's brightness was affected by the horizon and ambient light. When I scanned further down the hill the view got darker and more crisp. I mainly purchased this scope to serve as a scanner, but wanted to get some time behind it as a rifle scope. I was fortunate to have this coyote return soon after finding the bait.




The 70 gr. Blitz King did not exit. It broke the offside shoulder which could account for it staying inside the coyote. This next photo shows the entry on the right side.


No Exit as you can see in this photo.



GG, sorry I lost you. Notice below the box when you are typing a reply and you see three small boxes below the box you type in. The first is Submit, second Preview, and third Switch to Full Reply Screen. When you click on the third box, it will Switch you to the Full Reply Screen. At the top of that screen is a series of icons. The fifth one from the left looks like a small blue TV screen.

When you click on that icon it gives you several options: Google Video, MySpace Video, Yahoo Video, and YouTube Video. So you click on the YouTube one and it gives you a box to post your url address for the Youtube video. You need to open you video before copying the URL, an then you just paste it there and click on it.

Be sure you have your cursor where you want the video to be placed in your post before clicking to post it. I usually drop down a couple of lines to separate the video a little from the message.

Here is your video URL the way it should look to post into the YouTube box I described.

Notice the difference between your link and this one. Here is the URL as you posted it.

And this is the way it looks once it is posted in the YouTube box on the fifth Icon (little blue TV screen)


I took the last bracket ] off the end so that it wouldn't post as a video.

Here it is posted with the bracket at the end.

Precision in every aspect as usual. You got your timing spot on with your visit to the cabin.

I'm sure your TS25 is the same manufacturer as my Hikmicro just branded differently. My spotter is a 25 and my scope is a 35. Has the same features looks the same unit ect and all the same spec. Just different mount

I think you'll find it a great unit.

I pasted what you see in the blue box but it still shows the link. What did I do wrong this time?
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Okay, we're going to try this again Week and GG. You must open your video on YouTube just like you are going to watch it. Then, you copy the URL address once it opened. If you will notice carefully you see that you are missing the /watch?v the way you are trying to post it.

The URL should read

It won't work unless you copy the URL after you click to open your video.
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What I was doing wrong... after opening my video, I would go right under the video window where it says share and copying the link from there. It would not work like that for me. I just did it copying the link from the URL box at the top and it worked just like DU said.
Now, if he could just tell me how to make those running shots work for me like they do for him....

Thanks for your patience DU, much appreciated.

Happy News Years ya'll

Dave, your scope does look like the Rattler. You are probably right that they are branded differently but are the same, except for the mount.
Week, glad you got it. Hopefully GG will read back over those posts and see what went wrong. As to making those running shots, it's really quite simple. You just put the bullet where the coyote is going to be when it gets there.
Good shot and great video Gobbler. That is quite a pile of rib cages there for the bait. What are you using for bait?
06, again, outstanding performance on the 60 yard line. That 70 grainer smacked him hard, and a beautiful coyote.
Week, congrats on the deer kills. Lots of burger in the freezer for sure, great job!
Happy New Year to all of you you! May the bait sites be active!!

Spoiler alert...Santa got me a DVR for the Hogster. Hoping for some activity:)
Originally Posted By: DoubleUpWeek, glad you got it. Hopefully GG will read back over those posts and see what went wrong. As to making those running shots, it's really quite simple. You just put the bullet where the coyote is going to be when it gets there.

Got it! Why didn't I think of that?