
Thanks guys.

Corey, the 6X45 left a hole on the offside of the male. A lot of blood around it but didn't appear to be a gaping hole. The female didn't appear to have much damage to her pelt and I didn't see an exit wound. Generally I get exits, always on broadside shots. It may have been the angle I shot her at. I didn't skin these two since they both smelled like a skunk factory, so I really didn't look that close to the pelt damage.

As to the skunk being mostly black, we get some of those around here about like Corey mentioned, with just a little white on their heads. There is another skunk coming to the site that has some white on it's back.

A few years ago I saw one skunk that was more white than anything else.

We have some like this one too.





Went down to freshen up the pile with some freezer burned salmon chunks, grabbed the card out of the camera to get a look at the one I could just make out in the snowstorm last night:

Had no idea there were others in the background (again). So hard to tell if this is the same trio from last week. I thought I shot one of them last Friday. Now wondering if the loner I saw in the daytime on Saturday is one in this group, or by himself. Either way, not running out of them just yet!

+1 on what Weekender said. You certainly have a good supply of coyotes.

They do seem a bit shy and hang to the edge.

I think you will be putting another one on the ground soon.

Ive had 140 lbs. of pure beaver meat in to 70 lbs. blocks and one road kill fawn out since dec. I killed one coyote and should of had another.I dont know what happened,I guess I got to excited and blew an easy shot.Anyway, most all that bait is still there eccept what the bobcats have eaten.Not much around this year.I killed one crow a couple months ago,somthing ate it a week later and I never had another crow on my baits all year.Two gray fox fell to my reduced 17 rem. loads mid winter,no fur damage.Slow year but next year will be much better,I cant wait!

Scalloper, don't know if I could handle two women at my age!! LOL.

J.Mark, your season has been like mine, with the exceptions of the double the other night.

As well, I'm curious about your .17 Rem. loads, bullets you use, poweder etc. I'm seriously thinking of a .17 build of some sort in order to save fur. I have shot several fox with my 6x45 and learned the hard way it's just too much gun. It's great for coyotes, but tough as heck on fox.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Scalloper, don't know if I could handle two women at my age!! LOL.

J.Mark, your season has been like mine, with the exceptions of the double the other night.

As well, I'm curious about your .17 Rem. loads, bullets you use, poweder etc. I'm seriously thinking of a .17 build of some sort in order to save fur. I have shot several fox with my 6x45 and learned the hard way it's just too much gun. It's great for coyotes, but tough as heck on fox.

Yep Dave at our age 2-20 will kill ya!
Another night of action here - something hit quick at 10 pm, escaped before I could look through the scope. Next was a lightning fast trip from a canine, again no shot offered. Back to bed to wake to a 2:15 visit from the bobcat, who stuck around for a half hour. Just fast asleep at 4 - beeeeep, beeeeeep for another run to the gun. Put this one down for the count about 30 seconds later.


Managed to get the spinner on video. She dropped right at the last turn 10 yds from the bait.

Not the big one, but one less fawn killer in the woods this spring. Three nights left, though
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Nice going lefty. You don't seem to have a shortage of coyotes that's for sure.

I finally have another coming to the bait. It's been 3 weeks since last coyote. Ignore the dates the camera is old and programming is a PIA, buttons only work half the time.

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Lefty, man you just have a lot of shooting opportunities. If I had half as much as you, I would be one happy camper. Nice going with the video. The camera is working great for you, and with sound too.

Pmack, I think you will drop that coyote very soon. If he's intent on coming to the bait, you will get him. I'm anxious to see the results.

Jeff, what about 21?

6mm - Yea, pretty awesome to have so much action to keep the winter exciting. Mixed emotions for sure, part of me wants to shut it down and save some for next year. But the deer hunter in me says thin 'em out every chance you get. I really think there are still quite a few around since I'm on the edge of a fairly good sized woodlot that is posted by almost every abutter. Definitely hasn't had much deer or coyote hunting pressure for many years.

Gonna do some shed hunting / scouting in a few weeks after yote season shuts down. Should have a pretty good feel after that.
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I'm probly a bit late to the party and sure it's been brought up here, but I haven't found it yet. What are you guys that have sensors on the bait using? I had one a couple years ago, but if the batteries weren't brand new I couldn't get the 300yard range I needed to reach the bait. My best bait sight is actually 450yards from the house and id like to find something that could reach that one.
Originally Posted By: vt coy callerI'm probly a bit late to the party and sure it's been brought up here, but I haven't found it yet. What are you guys that have sensors on the bait using? I had one a couple years ago, but if the batteries weren't brand new I couldn't get the 300yard range I needed to reach the bait. My best bait sight is actually 450yards from the house and id like to find something that could reach that one.
Thats a long shot for consistant kills. I am not aware of a sensor that will work well that far but I am sure one can be bought for enough money. I would put out a small free bait at the 450yd spot and put a big bait at 75-100 yd that would be my kill bait. Thats what I have done here. I buy seafood and put some of the fish, bait, road kill deer whatever 200-300 yds behind my kill bait all year long the birds are always there calling coyotes and the coyotes come in all times of the day and night. I belive it settels them down for the kill bait. Every winter if a coyote hits the freebee bait within a week or two they give up their hide
on the kill bait. I have put whole roadkill moose on the free bait and they eat it all then the only thing left is the kill bait. They only normaly give you one shot if you miss thats normaly the last chance you get on that coyote. Some think a coyote can alarm others to a dangerous area so make sure you do everything possible to harvest that coyote the best oppertunity you get. I have passed on many just because it was not a good shot but they normaly come back and give up their hide. Good luck.
vt coycaller the dakota murs alert has a 2mile range or more.Go to home security they have the cheapest price,I think $157.00.You can't night hunt at 450 yards at night with much effectivness unless you know somthing I don't.Id put the bait inside 150 yards.Predators get bold at night, and they will take a house cat right off your porch at night.Good luck.
6mm06 I shot those fox with berger 25 gr.match target loaded with 23 gr. of 4831 for a m.v. of 2870.The problem with the 4831 is it dirties the barrel terribly.I am going to download with blue dot this summer as it is said to work just great.Just search this site for blue dot downloads,alot of good info here.The 25 gr. bergers exited,which my fast loads on coyotes never do.If I had used balistic tips or bergers varmint bullets I would of had according to my carcass testing silver dollar size exits give or take.I had one dime size exit and one pea size.For now berger isn't making the match target so I think a slow hornady 25 gr.hollow point will work fine.Its speed thats tuff on the little fox.Some have said that a 20 gr. ballistic tip at 4,200 fps will not exit.I have 5 fox carcasses in the freezer that Im going to wrap in thin deer abdomon hide and test this summer.As far as which 17 to get my choice would be the 17 remington because I can use my 3950 fps loads for long range DRT not exit coyotes, and I can download to 17 hornet velocities and lower for fox.This way I dont have to spend another $1,200 on another gun and reloading stuff.I must say I am a sucker for a cute little cartrige like the 17 hornet.I have dreamed about it even.But I have two 17 remingtons already and I must resist cheating on them for a slimmer model.Have I said I love my 17's.
Thanks guys I'll look into that.
I don't shoot the 450yd from the house, there's an island between the house and bait that gets me in to 250yds, just have to sneak around the side of of the house and keep the island between me and the bait. Works great, I get most of my fur this way. I even plow a path when the snows deep with the tractor for easy walking. I have another (3rd) site that I watch from the house across the road. This ones about 525yds, when I see em on it I sneak up to the barn (250yards from bait) and take my shot from there. Biggest drawback is sleeping in my lazyboy so I can wake up every couple hours to check em, or I have a hut that I sit in up by the barn site. Can't use any lights here so gotta have enough snow and moon light to see em. Thank god, id never sleep!
Originally Posted By: Scalloper6mm06
Great job... The only thing better then coyotes in pairs is women in pairs

Women in pairs? No thank you. It's all I can do to handle the one I've got!

J.Mark, thanks. I keep hoping to find a load that will work well (saving pelts but anchoring them) on fox, bobcats and coyotes. I may be asking for too much from one cartridge.

I have been thinking about the new .17 Hornet. No doubt it would be great for fox and probably bobcats, but I wonder how well it might do on coyotes at the bait site. Shots would be close, 60 yards. If I understand correctly, the factory cartridge is loaded with 20 gr. V-Max. I also see that Berger 20 gr. Varmint bullets are available, so maybe that would work well. What do you think?

GerryB, I fully agree. One is plenty, sometimes too much! LOL.