
A well deserved double Dave. I'd be too excited to go back to sleep after the fist one not to mention after the second. Precision is your trait for sure. Well done.

Blusam, I've been pretty much a blind hog this whole winter, taking only one other coyote. Maybe my eyesight restored itself for a brief moment, though I may continue to be blind for a long time to come.
Way to go David. You have been due for a night like that. Being able to watch that beautiful cat was just icing on the cake. Now maybe the attack possum will get it next?

Corey, that attack possum is just too much. He keeps me laughing. Here's an example (video).
Watch it all the way through. He's a tough little dude.

Here's a very short clip of the female coyote after the shot. The coyote was so
nervous that I didn't risk waiting for the trail camera to turn on. After the shot,
it rolled down the hill and the camera got a quick shot of it.

Here's last night's bobcat visit.

This is yesterday's (daytime) bobcat visit - with sound.

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Congrats on a great lookin double. Long time coming! I don't know how you managed to sleep so quickly after action like that.

Fairly quiet here, only the bobcat and a pair of coons cleaning up scraps for the past few nights. Gonna get my .17 bloody tonight if the coons come back, night hunting ends this weekend.
That possum is sure a stud.I grabbed a couple oppossums by the tail when I was a kid.One I kept for awhile before my mother made me let it go.Im glad I didnt grab your possum, probbably would of ended up in the hospital. That cat sure looks fat 6mm06,wonder if its pregnant.
Wow! Really neat video, I envy you guys that get out and get to do this type of stuff.

Loved the coyote rolling around, thought it was being goofy, but i watched again and it looks like a bullet caused his goofiness.

I hope one day I will be in the position to be able to set up cams and baits and the like.

Thanks for sharing it all! Really neat stuff.


Them possums won't back down, I have quite a few where I live. After dark while walking my Malinois he has found a few. He's got some training, and is best in protection and is an absolute lunatic toward all human "bad guys" when commanded, but when it comes to possums, he won't go in for the kill, they put up a pretty mean posture and "don't F with me" defense. Mean little critters when cornered. Funny to see him try to go in on it but not commit, much smaller than a human.
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Yea, I have really enjoyed watching the attack possum. He's just a cool dude.

J.Mark, the cat does look pregnant to me. I'm hoping it is anyway, and hope it has a whole mountain side full of kittens this year. Our bobcat season opens November 1. Seems we always have some cats around the farm.

Lefty, there's nothing like making some good shots via night vision, and then crawling into a nice warm and cozy bed. I didn't have any trouble sleeping. Actually I didn't want to get up this morning. A crow woke me. LOL.

Brained, I hope you are able to get out and enjoy this kind of stuff. If not for this, I would be a dull boy for sure. This stuff keeps me going.

Here's the little deal taking a bite out of a skunk

Wish I woulda put a cam on my bait pile I got all my friends to give me there deer carcasses plus all my family and a few of my buddies buddies l. I had a total of 16 carcasses. Never did hunt over it either. Alls left now is rib cages and bones of a few.
No sign of the coons last night. The large yote made a few quick appearance after midnight, but snow was in the air. I want a clean shot at this one, if I can drop him clean, might trade him with the one in my taxi's freezer for the mount. Still three nights to go (and infinite days...).
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WTG 06, congrats on the double. Your patience has servered you well. You could use the attack possum for a guard dog. Really like your videos and pics. Nice shooting.
That attack possum is funny. The skunk had the barrel pointed at him and the hammer back, but the grinner wasn't backing down. Of course, when you're a possum, you don't have much to lose. How did the 6x45 do on those two pelts?

Originally Posted By: J.MarkThat skunk has no white stripe down its back.Ive never seen that before.

I've trapped a few that had a "V" on their head and that was it. Some have the "V" that drops off their heads and runs over their shoulders down the side instead of the back. Some one or two stripes down the middle. A few are white from one side to the other with a black belly. I get all kinds of patterns here. It is the mostly black ones like David has that you hate to run up on while night calling. My last time out I thought a cow pie was winking at me and my headlamp until I realized it was a stripeless skunk I walked up behind. They make me say bad words and run