Great photos of the cat, 6mm06. After looking at your videos aagain, I also think you have two cats visiting your site.
Here's a couple of photos showing my scope / camera mount setup.
I cannibalized a cheap old tripod that came with a spotting scope, just using the top shaft and swivels. Increased shaft thickness by shouldering it with a piece of 1 inch stainless pipe, and borrowed the clamp that came with my XLR250 light, (that I almost never use these days since getting my NV setup). This mount will quickly clamp on to any scope I have. Haven't tried taking a shot with it on, but mostly set it up for exactly the "catch n release" photos I posted earlier. Let me know if this doesn't fully explain...
Here's a couple of photos showing my scope / camera mount setup.
I cannibalized a cheap old tripod that came with a spotting scope, just using the top shaft and swivels. Increased shaft thickness by shouldering it with a piece of 1 inch stainless pipe, and borrowed the clamp that came with my XLR250 light, (that I almost never use these days since getting my NV setup). This mount will quickly clamp on to any scope I have. Haven't tried taking a shot with it on, but mostly set it up for exactly the "catch n release" photos I posted earlier. Let me know if this doesn't fully explain...