Machine with regular thread. I did a tight stitch(25 stitches per inch) and small zig-zag. My wife said zig-zag was the strongest stitch. I've got the body done and will do the arms today. It's slow and a pain in the butttt, but worth it in the long run.
For hand sewing my hunting stuff I use 80lb test braided super line fishing line. The wife was scared it might be too big and tear up the old singer.
I bought my ghillie while it was on sale, but agree the sewing of the string was very loose and shody. Looks like about 5 stitches per inch and very very loose.
Crap, I've still got the hood to do too!
It's a shame too, because they look good, fit good, and blend in very well.
PS Use a thread color you can see. If you make a boo boo and need to fix it, thread that blends in sucks. I did mine with the mesh down and the strings up. Take your time keeping the strings worked under the foot on the machine.
I've got the sapper suit so I have no pants to do.