Annual Groundhog tally for 2013

I love the air rifle! It has opened up possibilities, not available to cartrige firearms. I know I've killed over 50 groundhogs with that rifle! My longest kill is 69 lasered yds on an adult groundhog...DRT! It will shoot five shot groups under a dime at fifty yards on a calm day with JSB Exact pellets.

I did make a quick trip out yesterday afternoon, and at the same farm I killed the three hogs with the pellet rifle last Friday, I shot another one, I even saw the pellet strike it's head, but too far back, and it got down the hole

Then I went to a new field that was a reclaimed gravel pit. This is the first year it's been planted in 40 years, and I spied one groundhog out in the beans. The rangefinder said 411 yards. I set up the bags, lined up the swift, added a little right hold off for the breeze, and what I figured was the right elevation, and turned the 50 Blitzking loose!
This was the result:

The shot was from the shadows of the trees directly over the dead pig.
I went to another field on that same farm and connected with the 204 from a sitting position at a little over 160 yards:

The last farm only yielded one pasture poodle, and I shot that one with the 22 mag. at over 100 yds:
. That one was a heavy hog!
The day ended like this:

Feeding the eagles again! 74 YTD

Back to the bean fields of Ohio.

Again this season Nomad47 was gracious enough to invite me to hunt with him. I arrived at his motorhome right around 9 AM. We loaded up our gear and headed out. A little rain drove us from out first set, but by the time 7 PM and a some more rain, we'd put in a full day of hogging. I managed to get five for the day (doubled my total for the season so far) two at 165 yds, two at 265 yds and one at 235 yds. One of the 265 yarders was with Bill's 6 XC. The others were with my T/C Venture in 243 using 58 gr Hornady VMax bullets. Here's the damage. By the way, 265 is now my all time longest shot. Before that is was 260 and also with Nomad47 last year here in Ohio.

Hey, what gives with Photobucket? They removed two of my photos. That never happened before. Must be some new policy to appease the tree huggers and PITA bleeding hearts. Is there another site we can use that won't mess with out stuff?
thanks for sharing all the stories...

where I am at the ground piggies are terrible scarce

if you are a farmer that is a good thing,

if you enjoy sniping varmints.... not so much
There getting scarce here to, but I did manage to get out between some rain showers and whack 2 with the 22mag I saw 5 total but only could get shots at two,
The first one saw me and ran into a drain pipe then stuck his head back out (bad move) the second one I saw while fishing the first one out of the creek, made a nice long offhand shot and heard the whack and it dropped like a stone but no pic it was across the creek which was about 10' wide, but did get a pic of the first one although he's a little wet

Those 75 Amax can sure make a mess of a groundhog.

Had to work today but made it out for awhile after work, only saw one hog and had to wait him out to get a shot but he finally popped his head up.
Another for the 22 mag

Looks like it's starting to click for everyone now. Should be a good Summer for all. Hopefully I will be able to contribute to the count once we get back home. Headed to PA on Tuesday for a visit with in-laws for a few days. Should be able to get into the fields for some hog hunting. Will let you know how it goes.
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeGood luck Dogbone.
Only about a week left, 2 max hear and the beans will be too big .
Almost over .

Thanks Tim! Sorry for the bad news.
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeGood luck Dogbone.
Only about a week left, 2 max here and the beans will be too big .
Almost over .

I have a plan for that this year
Beans and corn already too tall here. A lot of the hay is still up thanks to all this rain lately. I wish we could use a high rack here, but no shooting from a vehicle in any shape or form in VA unless you have a handicap permit for that. I'd make a small platform for the Jeep if we could use it. Might have to put a tripod deer stand in the hay field here soon for chuck hunting if they don't get to mowing
Nice looking hogs good job guys.. I've been on vacation this past week but I spotted a few the other day on a farm I hunt.. Gonna try out my new mossberg MVP predator and see what happens
Keep after 'em Corey. Patience will serve you well.

PJ - Make sure you include some pictures of the Mossberg along with your kill shots. Love to see what it looks like.
Got this female at work today at 160 yards ...Finally got to try out my new mossberg MVP predator in .223.. I'm shooting 40gr nosler varmageddon using 28.1 of hodgon's cfe223 .. I've got them moving around 3750 fps..
