And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

UN goal for 2024 is 3 million people moved to the U.S. southern border. This includes criminals, criminally insane, terrorists, military age single males. Than Biden/democrats use non legislative(non-budget funds) tax dollars to feed, shelter, and move them around the country. The goals, bankrupt the country, change voting demographics, facilitate crime(they want crime to be an issue, especially firearm related crime) create more government dependent bodies. While they implement the 2030 great reset, using the mankind caused climate change hoax as cover for a world marxist controlled government.
Biden has power to do so under existing laws. Seal border  first then reform immigration laws!

Biden making historic (for this administration) trip to border during border crisis. His last trip was made to El Paso (When Brownsville was the hot spot for illegal crossings), this trip to Brownsville (when, thanks to Gov. Abbott's extensive measures to close the border in spite of headwinds out of Washington DC), the hot spot is now shifted to CA). Another interesting point is that according to county election officials, Democrat turnout for the primary election ongoing now is running 300/day under normal turnout for presidential primaries. Isn't that incredible!

Biden and Trump to hold competing trips to the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday
"Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas to meet with U.S. Border Patrol agents, law enforcement officials and local leaders," the White House said in a statement.
Biden and Trump to visit border 29 Feb. 2024
Biden announces trip to Brownsville, Tx, which is currently the sector with the smallest numbers of illegal crossings. It will be only the 2nd time he has been to the border since taking office. In May, 2023 he chose to visit El Paso, which had the lowest reported numbers of illegal crossings along entire TX border at the time. Brownsville was highest in May of 23, until Gov. Abbott sent the TXNG/DPS to assist overloaded CBP. TX installed fencing and razor wire, and currently Brownsville has lowest illegal crossings of any sector along the Rio Grande River with only 12 illegal crossings in the past 24 hours (28 Feb. 24).

With Brownsville effectively sealed off, cartels shifted to Eagle Pass, which quickly became the hot spot for illegal crossings on the southern border until Gov. Abbott installed a barrier of buoys in the Rio Grande and seized control of Shelby Park which was the center of most illegal activity in Eagle Pass sector. TXNG/DPS built a wall of Conex boxes topped w/fencing and razor wire, which CBP issued orders to cut, CBP was then denied access to the park, Biden threatened to take control of park back and court battle ensued. At last count, court has given CBP the green light to cut wire and Abbott replied "any wire cut will be replaced forthwith". (Due to Gov. Abbott's Operation Lone Star, illegal crossings have plummeted from a high in December to only 511 on Monday, 26 Feb. and 12 @ Brownsville.) Cartels have now shifted to California, proving that the border fence is effective and that the border can be secured!

20 December 2023:
Unprecedented Migrant Surge at Eagle Pass Strains Local Economy and Resources

28 Feb 2024:
USBP reported arrest of 11 illegals with criminal records such as rape, murder, weapons smuggling, etc. How many of the thousands of "gotaways" reported in the past months have criminal records?

A number of states have pledged to send state national guard troops to assist TX in efforts to stop the incursion of illegals.
These are the states sending National Guard troops to southern border

Texas governor building 2,300-bed military base at seized border park
Contrary to what current administration claims, that additional legislation is necessary to fix the border, it is pointed out that reinstatement of border policy which was in effect at the time Biden took office, and which he reversed immediately, would effectively restore the border security as it was in 2020. Hopefully the following link detailing what policy changes were made will work.

The Biden Policies That Transformed America’s Borders

January 2021: Biden Ends National Emergency​

To fulfill his campaign promises, President Biden has implemented more than 500 actions on immigration in the first three years of his presidency, according to the Migration Policy Institute.
Biden's Secret Migrant Parole Program uncovered. Some sources reporting the number at over 350,000 migrants have been flown from undisclosed foreign countries to 43 (also undisclosed) airports within the US through the end of January, 2024. These aliens are being given 2 year parole, allowing them to remain and work in the US for two years and released with instructions to re-apply for parole at the end of two years. These "parolees" are in addition to the 2.4 million illegal crossing reported during that same period!

  • A lawsuit reveals Biden's CBP is refusing to disclose airports where it is flying undocumented aliens from other countries
  • It comes amid a continued flow of migrants over the southern border
  • Biden's expansion of the CBP One app allows migrants to apply for asylum in their country, be flown to the U.S. and given two-years to obtain legal status

Fox News screen shot
Here's another part of the reason the borders are collapsed and the mexican drug cartels are bascially in control of long stretches of our southern borders. We have ding-dongs like this guy running around trying to impress other dudes on dinner dates. Whoever hired this guy is probably just like him.

These aren't government employees, they're activists.

INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Secretary of Defense Personnel, “Why Not Just Have An Open Border?”

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Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns, Judge Rules Published Mar 19, 2024 at 10:33 AM EDT
A judge this month dropped gun charges against an illegal migrant in Illinois, sparking further debate about the rights associated with the Second Amendment.
The defendant, who contended the firearm was possessed for self-defense and protection of property "during a time of documented civil unrest" in the spring of 2020, has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime or a crime involving the use of a weapon.
Judge Johnson got it WRONG. Illegal means a crime! Her interpretation of 'persons' vs 'citizens' is incorrect! At the time of the Constitution, all 'persons' except American Indians were considered 'citizens' as the 'country' was just formed. More wokeness.
I'm conflicted. On one hand, I want all the gun owners and 2A supporters we can get. The 2A says nothing about citizenship, only "people," the interpretation of which varies, and in some court cases has included non-citizens. Immigration violations are misdemeanors (and in most cases without conviction), so don't automatically prevent possession like a felony conviction. On the other hand, I want immigrants to obey our laws, including those written to provide the legal path to citizenship. Once here legally, they should buy all the guns they can get!
Once here legally, they should buy all the guns they can get!
Agreed, but that is already the law:
May aliens legally in the United States purchase firearms?

An alien legally in the U.S. is not prohibited from purchasing firearms unless the alien is admitted into the U.S. under a nonimmigrant visa and does not meet one of the exceptions as provided in 18 U.S.C. 922(2), such as possession of a valid hunting license or permit.
[18 U.S.C. 922 (d)(5), (g)(5) and (2); 27 CFR 478.11 and 478.32(a)(5) ]

May aliens legally in the United States purchase firearms? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

My personal instinct is that the act of entering the country illegally in the first place is an indication of the individual's willingness to ignore our laws & w/millions of illegals/year entering our country, many of whom cannot be vetted, and the number of violent crimes attributed to individuals who have entered illegally, I am inclined to agree that they should not be allowed to obtain a firearm.

Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was illegally or unlawfully in the United States when he possessed a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on June 1, 2020.
The invasion into the USA across our borders should be looked at as a military operation because that is what an invasion is. When your country is being invaded by all kinds of people of whom many are hostile to our country, the American people, our culture and way of life they should not be given gun rights right away.

Only after a proper vetting of each individual in order to have rights to possess arms to make sure they are here to live the American way and not the way of organized crime, the drug cartels and the international communist movement that has infested fedgov. This is the way it is supposed to be but obviously not the way it is.

It is an invasion under the guise of helping people. The Cloward and Piven Strategy to overwhelm our system to the eventual collapse of our financial system and our country. While the left and fake republicans in DC have been sending billions upon billons of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine so they can secure the borders there and everywhere else in the world, just not the United States borders because that would be racist. Literally pissing taxpayer money away as wastfully as possible getting us involved in sorts of proxy wars and conflicts, creating and establishing giant centralized unconstitutional bureaucracies that make the rules instead of congress making the laws subverting our country and government.

We've been fighting the taliban for how many years and spending trillions on that fight only to replace the taliban with the taliban.

Replacement migration is an agenda of the globalist elites, UN2030, the world econmic forum and the chinese communist party. It's all by design, it's an organized plan against the United States.

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