And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Mexican drug cartels are targeting America’s ‘last best place’
Cartel associates have flooded Montana with fentanyl and meth – and also set up operations on Indian reservations, where law enforcement is scarce.
Hopefully, following link will allow access to video to non-subscribers???
Cartels Taking Over US Land, Threatening Authorities
The Mexican drug cartels are gaining control of U.S. territory. While authorities try to take back areas on American soil run by cartels, the Mexican organized crime groups are issuing threats against sheriffs, border agents, and even their families.
What could go wrong...


The Epoch Times

Immigrants Entered America Under Biden’s Watch​

‘This is a disastrous situation,’ Mr. Johnson said. ‘It’s a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices.’
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By Tom Ozimek


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Wednesday that official figures of around 9 million grossly underestimate the number of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office, and that he believes the true number is closer to 16 million.

Mr. Johnson made the remarks while speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill on April 10, during which he announced plans for a vote later in the day on a resolution condemning the Biden administration’s “open border” policies.
“Since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office, it began on day one, they began to open that border wide,” the speaker said.

He noted that the Biden administration had taken over 60 specific executive actions and agency actions to “open the border wide and send the welcome message to everybody around the globe, including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign nationals ... coming here to do us harm.”

Republicans, who blame President Biden’s policies for record numbers of illegal immigrants pouring into the country, have repeatedly raised concerns about the associated national security threat.

In October 2023, a group of Republican senators sounded the alarm after Border Patrol agents caught illegal border crossers carrying explosives that Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said were “tailor-made for terrorism.”
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Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data show that there has been more than a 3,000 percent increase (comparing former President Donald Trump’s term and that of President Joe Biden’s so far) in the number of people on the FBI’s terror watchlist caught trying to enter the country illegally.
Mr. Johnson said at Wednesday’s presser that official numbers put the number of illegal immigrants at around 9 million but added that “we all know and I think intuitively we understand that the number is much, much higher than that.”

The official number of gotaways—people who evaded capture while crossing the border illegally—is around 3 million, he said, before providing what he believes is the true illegal immigration toll.

“I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally,” he said. “Where are they? What are they plotting?”

“We would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now,” he continued, noting that there have been over 340 people caught trying to cross the border illegally who were suspected terrorists on the FBI’s terror watchlist.

CBP data show that, so far this fiscal year, border patrol agents have encountered 140 individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist trying to enter the United States, with 70 of them caught trying to enter illegally between ports of entry.

During the four years of the Trump presidency, the total number of people on the terrorist watchlist caught trying to enter the country illegally between ports of entry amounted to 11.

By contrast, so far under President Biden, that number is 351. That represents a whopping 3,091 percent increase compared to former President Donald Trump’s term.

“This is a disastrous situation,” Mr. Johnson said. “It’s a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices.”

Mr. Johnson added that it’s unknown how many people on the terror watchlist managed to enter the country undetected and may be lurking in communities across the country.

Terror-Listed Illegal Immigrants​

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who’s facing an impeachment trial in the Senate, was recently called on to explain the circumstances of inadmissible aliens on the terrorist watchlist being released into the United States rather than being held in custody until deportation.
A group of House Homeland Security Committee Republicans expressed concern in an April 3 letter to Mr. Mayorkas about unanswered questions regarding the DHS’s current practices in processing and releasing known or suspected terrorists into the United States.
“We are now facing a consistent stream of cases highlighted in the news of aliens allegedly on the terrorists watchlist either being apprehended at the border or discovered in the interior,” they wrote.

They demanded information from Mr. Mayorkas on the number of aliens released into the United States who were on the terrorist watchlist since January 2021, the month President Biden took office.

A DHS spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that it would respond to the letter through official channels while insisting that the agency and its intelligence, counterterrorism, and law enforcement partners screen and vet individuals prior to their entry into the United States to prevent those who pose a terror threat from coming in.

The GOP lawmakers expressed concern about whether the Biden administration’s “catch-and-release” program was resulting in more people on the terror watchlist entering U.S. communities.

Under the Biden administration’s “catch-and-release” program, illegal immigrants are released into U.S. communities to await asylum hearings.

Mr. Mayorkas recently admitted that over 70 percent of illegal immigrants are being released after an initial arrest.
Texas National Guard agents prevent illegal immigrants from Venezuela from crossing a barbed wire fence tat the El Paso Sector Border after crossing the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, on Feb. 29, 2024. (Herika Martinez/AFP via Getty Images)
Texas National Guard agents prevent illegal immigrants from Venezuela from crossing a barbed wire fence tat the El Paso Sector Border after crossing the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, on Feb. 29, 2024. (Herika Martinez/AFP via Getty Images)

A report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for fiscal year 2023 showed a staggering rise over the past few years in the number of illegal immigrants on the non-detained docket, meaning released into communities to await hearings.
This number has soared from 4.7 million in 2022 to 6.2 million in 2023—a jump of over 30 percent.

By comparison, the number of illegal immigrants on the non-detained rolls was 3.26 million in 2020 and 3.6 million in 2021.

In response to the border crisis and associated national security threat, Republicans have called for measures such as ending the “catch-and-release” policy, expanding expedited removals, renewing border wall construction, and reinstating the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy.
Diversity is strengthening America? Like those openly supporting the terrorist group Hamas?
How many of these college agitators slipped into the country illegally by design?
I believe Obama is still in charge and is going to fundamentally change America into a failed state. The clean up will be messy and the BLM riots will look like child's play.
State of Tx indicted illegals who assaulted TNG troopers in spite of judge releasing on personal bond of an unknown number on Easter Sunday. Arrest warrants will be issued according to the El Paso DA.

More than 200 migrants arrested after rushing an El Paso border gate
Gov. Greg Abbott said state troopers were “instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass [and] destruction of property” related to the breach.

More than 700 National Guard troops were dispatched to El Paso after the breach, Abbott said last week.

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar warns that using federal aid to help migrants travel makes San Antonio a “magnet”

The city will get an additional $17.8 million to help migrants. Cuellar, who created the grant program in 2014, said it was never intended to help migrants travel to other cities.

Your tax dollars at work!

GOP Senators Demand Biden Cancel Plans to Accept Gazan Refugees into US​

Think tank FAIR noted that Arab states refuse to accept Palestinian refugees due to possible security risks, while the U.S. ’seems less cautious in this respect
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By Aaron Pan

GOP senators have demanded that the Biden administration stop its plans to accept Gazan refugees into the United States over concerns of possible terrorist ties.

In a letter dated May 1 to President Joe Biden, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and 34 other GOP senators raised national security concerns if the White House allows these refugees from “this high-risk population for terrorist ties and sympathies.”

“We demand that your administration cease planning for accepting Gazan refugees until you adequately answer our concerns and focus your attention instead on securing the release of U.S. hostages held by Hamas,” the senators wrote.

The letter is in response to an article by CBS News on April 30, reporting that the Biden administration is considering welcoming certain Palestinians to the United States as refugees.
According to the report, in recent weeks, senior officials from several federal agencies in the administration have discussed possible plans to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have family members who are American citizens or U.S. permanent residents.

The senator warned that Hamas now controls a majority of the Gaza Strip, and U.S. officials have limited access to the area, which makes it difficult for them to conduct comprehensive vetting before admitting these refugees into the United States.
A poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research released in March found that 71 percent of Palestinians in Gaza supported Hamas’s decision to launch the Oct. 7 attack on Israel that killed 1,200 people. The poll also revealed that 52 percent of Gazans want Hamas to remain in power. Notably, nearly all Gazans (93 percent) think Hamas did not commit atrocities against Israeli civilians, while 94 percent think Israel committed war crimes instead.

In the letter, the senators also questioned the effectiveness of the Biden administration’s border policy that they said added to their concerns for the federal government’s ability to effectively vet refugees in Gaza, which is far away from the United States.

According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, border patrol officials arrested 169 people on the federal terrorist watch list in the 2023 fiscal year. This marks the highest annual number since Border Patrol was established in 1924.
How Biden’s Policies Are Prolonging the Gaza War: Eugene Kontorovich

“We must ensure Gazans with terrorist ties or sympathies are denied admission into the United States—no easy feat, given the fact that the Gazans were the ones who voted Hamas into power in 2006. Without thorough vetting, your administration may inadvertently accept terrorists posing as refugees into the interior,” the letter reads. “This is especially the case as Hamas terrorists have a long track record of co-mingling with civilian populations in Gaza.”

In addition, the senators are concerned that the refugee plans could worsen the existing tension at the Egypt-Gaza border, as more Gazans might flood the area in hope of leaving for the United States.

“We are confused as to why the United States is willing to accept Gazan refugees when even nearby Arab countries supportive of the Palestinian cause refuse to take them in due to security concerns,” the letter reads.

The senators then asked President Biden to answer several questions, including to confirm the number of refugees that the White House wants to accept, the screening process to prevent those with terrorist ties from being admitted into the United States, the cost of the plan, whether U.S. officials have consulted with partners in the region, and the housing locations for refugees.

U.S Refugee Processing Centers to Open in Middle East​

Last month, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a plan to open field offices in Qatar and Turkey to increase refugee processing capability and other purposes.
A report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) released in April warned of potential security risks. It noted that the Biden administration “is already seeing that asylum applications, refugee status, and humanitarian parole authority are being routinely exploited by economic migrants to gain quick entry to the U.S.”
“The two refugee processing centers in the Middle East could only make this easier, increasing our national security risk.”

Additionally, the report indicated that Arab states refuse to accept refugees due to possible security risks, while “sadly, the U.S. seems less cautious in this respect.”

Immigration is Top Voter Concern​

According to a recent Gallup survey, a steady 27 percent of Americans named immigration as the most important problem the country faces for three consecutive months. This saw immigration take top spot in monthly surveys three times in a row—the first time the issue has held this position in the past 24 years.
An earlier poll taken in March by The Associated Press suggested that over two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the Biden administration’s handling of immigration compared to 31 percent who say the president is doing a good job. A slight majority of 56 percent of Democrats approved of the president’s immigration policies, while just 20 percent of independents and 9 percent of Republicans expressed positive attitudes.
Bill Pan contributed to this report.
Y E S ! ! When president Trump is elected, we can look for the invasion of illegals to stop.
Panama’s New President Vows to Shut Down Darién Gap Migration Route
In a surprise victory with potential implications for the Biden administration, José Mulino was elected president of Panama May 5 on a platform that included closing the Darién Gap to migrants on their way to the U.S. southern border.

During a May 6 interview with a Colombian radio program, the populist president-elect reiterated his vow to repatriate migrants coming into Panama while shutting down what has become a major route for illegal migration.
Spanish media outlets reported that Mr. Mulino joked on the campaign trail about getting help with some “cement” for a wall in the Darién Gap should former President Donald Trump return to the White House.
Smoke and mirrors to try and deflect the backlash Biden's open border is causing across the nation prior to the '24 elections. 2500 illegal crossings per day would still allow up to 912,500 illegal entries per year to continue unchecked.

Biden executive order restricting asylum processing along U.S. border expected on Tuesday

The sweeping move is expected to allow U.S. immigration officials to quickly deport migrants who enter the U.S. illegally, without processing their asylum claims, when border crossings surpass a certain threshold, the people said. It would rely on a presidential authority known as 212(f), which gained infamy during the Trump administration when it was used to enact several immigration restrictions, including the so-called "travel ban."

The partial ban on asylum claims is expected to be activated when daily migrant apprehensions between ports of entry surpass 2,500, two sources briefed on the policy told CBS News, meaning it would likely take effect immediately. In May, Border Patrol recorded an average of 3,800 migrant apprehensions each day, according to agency data obtained by CBS News. The sources cautioned that the threshold in the final order could be adjusted at the last minute.
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Garland, like the rest of this administration, is a liar and usurper. They do not have the best interest of everyday Americans at heart. They do, however, have the best interest of our enemies at heart. They are doing the bidding of the chi-coms, mexican cartels and Islam to name only a few. These people can't go soon enough.