And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Illegals who caught bus out of NYC after attack on police may have gotten free ride from US taxpayers: sources

Yoiber Martinez, 19, appeared on video arguing with passing police officers and smoking from a pipe before staggering down the sidewalk. He was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, disrupting traffic and possession of a controlled substance.

At the time of his arrest, he was already walking free despite more than a dozen pending larceny charges, including six felonies related to credit card theft.

A handful of the suspects in the shocking attack, after being freed without bail, are believed to have swapped immigration numbers with other people at their shelter and used the misappropriated identities to obtain vouchers and tickets under fake names, a law enforcement source told Fox

Fine specimens, all, after, being released w/o bond by liberal prosecutors! Wonder if they took their pre-paid NY credit cards with them?
ETA: Just heard on FOX News that the cost for those NY credit cards issued to illegal aliens is more than twice the budget for US veterans!!
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New record of 1,000,000 encounters reached by this day in the FY (Gotaways not included). Meanwhile, congress fumbles Mayorka's impeachment, ultra left DA's releases illegal aliens without bond who viciously stomped NYPD officers (on video) after they arrested one of the violent felons (with long rap sheet of violent offenses). Four of these known violent offenders then switched their identities with other illegal aliens at the tax payer funded shelters, then recieved (tax payer funded) travel vouchers at a local church NGO, which they used to travel toward the border. Thankfully, they were apprehended in Phoenix. Can't help but wonder if they were in possession of the prepaid debit cards, also issued at a cost to the taxpayers' at a cost of twice the annual budget allocated for veterans.

Texas Governor Denounces New York’s Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants Prepaid Debit Cards


LIVE: Gov. Abbott with Texas House Representatives for Border Security in Eagle Pass​

Gov. Abbott arrives @ 28:30 min. in video:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" title="LIVE: Gov. Abbott with Texas House Representatives for Border Security in Eagle Pass" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
More than 20,000 border encounters w/Chinese illegal aliens since October 1, 2023. As a matter of reference, a US armored division is composed of 17,000 troops.

Following screen shots from Fox News:
migrants since

Look at these idiots. Insane in the membrane.

It will probably climb to 10 or 15 illegal aliens once they contact their friends about where they're staying who also just jumped the border.

After that when the idiots get tired of being hosts for the hordes of illegal aliens it will probably be very difficult to have them evicted from the property. It'll probably be a 6 month process and a dozen court appearances. Assuming the illegal aliens don't decide to turn on the idiots and hogtie the couple and takeover their house or worse.

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And there's lots more where those came from.................................................................
But it's not an "invasion". Left(democrat, anti-American fascists) repeat this often,for one reason. Constitutionally if there is an invasion the state(s) being invaded can intervene on the federal government's role in protecting( or not protecting) the border. Words matter, so does voting and voting fraud.
But it's not an "invasion". Left(democrat, anti-American fascists) repeat this often,for one reason. Constitutionally if there is an invasion the state(s) being invaded can intervene on the federal government's role in protecting( or not protecting) the border. Words matter, so does voting and voting fraud.
Yep, words to matter, same reason they stopped calling them illegals or illegal aliens and now the official line is "migrants".

Words do matter as well as the narratives. Wheather the narratives are coming from academia, the wokie big businesses, bureaucracy, the hollywood elite entertainment industry, mainstream news or sportsball entertainment, these organizations all share a lot of influence in our society. IMO Just about every narrative coming from these organizations of influence are meant to deceive the public to the point of inverting reality. Not to mention how fear and coercion are used to manipulate and control our society. When you get down to the root and the brass tacks of the situation, it get's into the realm of psychological warfare on the American public.

An invasion is a military operation as well as the level of propaganda being used to facilitate it in order decieve and manipulate the public.

Here's a good side note on that topic.


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Guess I be a "transparanoid" but I been speaking English for 87 years (if you count dada) and I'm just too old to learn the new, I refuse to learn it is more accurate. I know which restroom to use, can use your own imagination.

Video is absolutely true, thanks for posting, Foxpro. If you don’t believe it, just note how every main stream media uses exactly the same phrase(s) to report anything political. One might even think they had a program to go by…….naaaah. Guess I’m just getting paranoid in my old age.

Being an honor graduate of “charm school”, my personal thoughts on this is, “Isn’t that incredible!?”….or in my most refined Texas English, bull…. !
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It all started with the removal of citizen status from the census. Then not cleaning the voter roles. E-Verify needs to be put in place for ALL workers, with BIG penalty for fails. Don't fund the NGOs. Solves the problem.
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The FBI hosted the annual sheriff's association meeting in DC. The sheriff's were told, 10 million illegals have been allowed into the country under Biden, majority are military age single males. California has had 20,000 CHINESE military age males alone enter their border. Canada is going to start letting Gaza "refugees" in, which means easy entry into the U.S. Computer ransom/hack attacks are OCCURING DAILY at all levels of government and communications/banking and utilities. FBI told sheriff's to prepare for terror attacks, just a matter of time. NO U.S. MILITARY OR NATIONAL GUARD will be coming to your aid. You should prepare to protect, shelter without electrical, utilities,phone service for extended periods. If an outage extends past 72 hours, society/civil unrest will make black lives matter marxist riots look like block parties. Good luck, prayers for the country.
Some of them aside from the UN NGOs behind this aiding the human trafficing into the United States are leftist poltical organizations operating with drug cartels/human smuggling rings under the IRS tax exempt status of a 501c3 as church groups.

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Stacking the deck:
Why is Biden letting in millions of illegal border crossers?
A possible answer can be found in an executive order that Biden signed on the first day of his presidency. It reverses former President Trump’s memorandum that excluded undocumented immigrants from the decennial census that is used to determine how many seats states will have in the House of Representatives.
Biden's Executive Order on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census