And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 15 OCTOBER 2024

“Local taxpayers are not picking up the tab. They should not pick up the tab. We really need a coordinated federal response.

I guess I missed it in Civics.
What tax payers are not local.
Anyone see the interview with Mayorkus, DHS Secretary on NBC this week. He claims the Border is under control.
But,Mayorkus is a Democrat. Almost impossible to get the truth.
Originally Posted By: ADKAnyone see the interview with Mayorkus, DHS Secretary on NBC this week. He claims the Border is under control.
But,Mayorkus is a Democrat. Almost impossible to get the truth.

Absolutely! Mayorkus is an expert at linguistics. He emphatically claimed that "the border is secure!", pauses and then states "there is a difference between secure and safe", "we are working on making it more secure."

C'mon, man! It's either secure or it isn't and every day/month a new record for encounters, apprehensions and getaways is announced. Doesn't give much confidence on the truth of Mr. Mayrocas' claims, now does it!?

Texas federal judge's decision upheld by supreme court, giving Texas and Louisiana a victory over Biden's handling of deportation. Federal judge quotes some very telling statistics regarding numbers of illegal crossings/"getaways" in support of his ruling.

Quote:“Given that the number of encounters with illegal border-crossers is ten times what it was in April 2020 … an increase in arrests and expulsions is far from impressive, especially if … roughly three-fourths of the illegal aliens that cross the border go undetected by DHS entirely,” Tipton wrote.

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Admin Policy Narrowing Detainment, Deportation of Illegal Aliens
By Gary Bai
July 22, 2022 Updated: July 22, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court gave Texas and Louisiana a temporary legal victory in the border states’ attempt to strike down a September 2021 Biden administration immigration guideline.

The Supreme Court, in a ruling without explanation on Thursday, allowed a federal judge in Texas to block the Biden Administration’s immigration guideline that, according to the border states’ prosecutors, limits the ability of border agents to detain and deport illegal aliens.

The ruling is a political setback for the Biden administration as it tries to juggle an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration, overburdened Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and an agenda to replace the Trump administration’s more stringent border policy amid bipartisan criticism.

Dissenting justices include Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson—marking Jackson’s first vote since the start of her tenure last month.

DHS Guidelines

The DHS issued the new immigration enforcement guidelines in late September 2021, directing immigration authorities to exercise “discretion” and prioritize detaining or deporting illegal aliens who “pose a threat to national security, public safety, and border security.”

Put into practice, the September 2021 guideline designates that an illegal alien’s lack of legal authorization to stay in the United States “should not alone be the basis of an enforcement action against them.”

This guidance is in direct contrast with the Trump-era DHS policy, which guides immigration authorities to detain and deport illegal aliens in a non-discriminatory manner, except in certain limited cases, such as those who came to the United States as children or are parents of U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The high court’s ruling, which upheld a federal court’s ruling in June 2022 vacating the Biden administration’s September 2021 DHS guidance, gives Texas and Louisiana a temporary victory, at least until the Supreme Court hears the case in the December 2022 argument session.

Uncontroverted Evidence’

According to Trump-nominated Judge Drew Tipton from the Texas District Court for the Southern District, it is “difficult to deny” that the DHS’s September 2021 memo inflicted harm on the state of Texas.

Tipton sided with the border states in saying that “uncontroverted evidence” shows that the September 2021 memo led to an increase in the flow of illegal immigrants into Texas, with the state needing to spend more money on prosecution, detainment, healthcare, and administration.

The district court continued by saying that while the DHS argues that some immigration data showed an increase in the number of arrests and expulsions following its guidance to “prioritize” criminally convicted aliens, the increase is disproportionate considering the “unprecedented surge of illegal aliens pouring over the border.”

“Given that the number of encounters with illegal border-crossers is ten times what it was in April 2020 … an increase in arrests and expulsions is far from impressive, especially if … roughly three-fourths of the illegal aliens that cross the border go undetected by DHS entirely,” Tipton wrote.

Border States Sue

The ever-escalating legal clash between the border states and the Biden Administration began two days after Biden took office.

Texas, on Jan. 22, 2021, sought a court injunction on a January 20 DHS memorandum that the state attorney general said suspended the deportation of the “vast majority of illegal aliens without any consideration for individual circumstances.”

As the case spiraled in the courts, the DHS issued a new set of immigration guidelines in February 2021 and yet another in September 2021—the last of which Texas and Louisiana sued in Texas’s District Court for the Southern District.

Tipton sided with the border state attorneys general and ruled in June 2022 that the federal government may not “require its officials to act in a manner that conflicts with a statutory mandate imposed by Congress.

Texas and Louisiana showed that the DHS’s September 2021 guidance, Tipton continued, is “contrary to law,” “arbitrary and capricious,” and “failed to observe” necessary government procedure.

“Using the words ‘discretion’ and ‘prioritization,’ the Executive Branch claims the authority to suspend statutory mandates,” Tipton wrote. “The law does not sanction this approach.”
Split Courts

After Tipton’s ruling, the Biden administration appealed to a three-judge panel—unsuccessfully.

The judges at the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in an unsigned opinion dated July 6, 2022, wrote that some of the Biden administration’s concerns advanced in its September 2021 guidelines—particularly those replacing “Congress’s statutory mandates—are “extralegal” and “plainly outside of the bounds of power” conferred to Congress by the Immigration and Nationality Act.

“For example, it provides that the guidelines ‘are essential to advancing this administration’s stated commitment to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality,’” the panel wrote.

The Fifth Circuit ruling came a day after a polar opposite ruling by the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on a similar case, in which Arizona, Ohio, and Montana sued the Biden administration on the same grounds.

Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton, a Bush-appointed judge, sided with the Biden administration, opining in the ruling that the Biden administration, like previous governments, is given “considerable authority” by federal law to shape immigration policy and, therefore, guidelines for detention and removal of illegal immigrants.

The Fifth Circuit court, in explaining its differing opinion with the Sixth Circuit, said that precedent supports its conclusions and that “fulsome fact-findings” from the lower court support Texas’s and Louisiana’s standing.

In an email statement to The Epoch Times, a spokesperson from the DHS said it “is obligated to and will continue to abide” by the Texas District Court’s decision regarding its September 2021 guidelines “as long as the decision remains in effect.”

“In the interim, ICE officers will make enforcement decisions on a case-by-case basis in a professional and responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement officials and in a way that best protects against the greatest threats to the homeland,” the spokesperson added.

The Texas attorney general celebrated the Supreme Court’s ruling as “another win” for Texas and border security.

“Yesterday the Supreme Court made clear that, while we prepare for oral argument this winter, the Biden Administration must detain illegal aliens with criminal convictions,” Paxton said in a July 22 press release.

“It’s the right legal decision, and it’s what’s best for Texas and our nation.”
Brandon's new Pea in a Shell you see it (them), now you don't!

FEMA Official Says Illegal Immigrants Bused From Texas to DC Will Be ‘Put on a Train to Miami,’ Email Shows

By Bill Pan
July 24, 2022 Updated: July 25, 2022

When the first bus carrying illegal migrants from Texas arrived in the District of Columbia on April 13, an official of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said those who had no family to pick them up would be “put on a train” to Florida, according to a newly surfaced email.

The Oversight Project, an investigative arm of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, obtained the email from the D.C. government via a Freedom of Information Act request regarding its response to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s initiative to bus illegal immigrants apprehended at the nation’s southern border to the nation’s capital.

Abbott launched the border bus mission in April to give the Washington community a taste of what has been experienced by Texas border towns as a result of the Biden administration’s border policy. He pledged to send cooperating migrants to the U.S. Capitol, where “the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”

In the email dated April 13, a FEMA official told a group of Washington health officials that Abbott “made good on his promise” to drop migrants off on the steps of the U.S. Capitol building.

The FEMA official appears to be disappointed that the Texas Division of Emergency Management, which was tasked to arrange the buses, didn’t keep its Washington counterpart informed of the buses’ whereabouts.

“DC was in contact with Texas EM [Emergency Management] and they said they would alert DC when a bus was leaving and provide a manifest. They did not do that,” the official writes.

The official goes on to describe a plan to rely on Catholic Charities of Arlington, Virginia, for support, although the religious charity network indicated that they didn’t have “a huge bandwidth” if buses kept coming from Texas. The official also said that FEMA has held meetings with Washington officials, Customs and Border Protection, non-governmental organizations from the border towns, and border town officials for advice on how to handle the situation.

“For this first drop, some were picked up by family members and the rest will be put on a train to Miami,” the email states.

The message was relayed by Patrick Ashley, senior deputy director of the D.C. Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Administration, and was introduced as “a quick update from FEMA.”

In a statement to The Epoch Times, FEMA press secretary Jeremy Edwards confirmed that the message was part of a “situation update” on April 13, but shouldn’t be interpreted as official FEMA’s present or past policy.

“The email is reiterating what is happening on the ground at that snap-shot in time,” Edwards said. “The email does not state FEMA policy now or then. The email does not in any way suggest that FEMA was putting people on trains to Miami, which was not the case then, nor has it ever been the case.”
Destination: Miami

Some illegal immigrants who voluntarily accepted the one-way bus ticket to Washington told news outlets they wouldn’t be staying there. A young man from Venezuela, who was among the very first batch of arrivals, told Newsmax that his final destination was Miami. The Daily Beast spoke to the same group of people and reported that they were planning to travel either to New York or Miami, with the help of Catholic Charities.

When asked about their travel plans, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warned the illegal immigrants not to try to come to the Sunshine State, where they wouldn’t be welcomed.

“To those who have entered the country illegally, fair warning: Do not come to Florida. Life will not be easy for you, because we are obligated to uphold the immigration laws of this country, even if our federal government and other states won’t,” the Republican governor’s office told Fox News in a statement.

“Florida is not a sanctuary state, and our social programs are designed to serve the citizens of our state. The governor will protect the sovereignty of the state of Florida.”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez’s office didn’t respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment on whether it was aware of any illegal immigrants being transported to the city.
The Mayor’s Response

Meanwhile, Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser continued to condemn Abbott for “tricking” people into accepting his bus ride offer.

Appearing July 17 on CBS News, Bowser said her administration has called on the federal government “to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses.”

“We think they’re largely asylum-seekers who are going to final destinations that are not Washington, D.C.,” the mayor said.

“I worked with the White House to make sure that FEMA provided a grant to a local organization that is providing services to folks. But I fear that they’re being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the United States of America.”


Governor Greg Abbott speaks during a press conference in Uvalde, Texas, on May 27, 2022. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Abbott, Texans Push Back Against Washington Mayor’s Claims Over Illegal Immigration

By The Center Square
July 22, 2022 Updated: July 22, 2022

Texas leaders are pushing back against claims made by Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser after she blamed Texas for her city’s struggles to deal with illegal immigrants.

Bowser said that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and others are “tricking” illegal immigrants by transporting them to Washington. Abbott says the only “lie” being told is by the Biden administration about a border crisis the administration created.

Bowser told CBS News’ Face the Nation that she’d called on the federal government “to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses” whose final destination isn’t Washington. Roughly 100 people a day are arriving and the city’s homeless shelters are full, she said.

The City Council also sent Bowser a letter requesting that she provide additional resources and ask the federal government for help.

“We condemn these actions by Governors Abbott and [Arizona Gov. Doug] Ducey, who have demonstrated no regard for people who are exercising their human right to seek asylum. The District, on the other hand, has a history of serving all residents who settle here, regardless of immigration status,” the city council members wrote.

The “sanctuary city” of Washington is a welcoming place, Bowser said, “because we know that our neighborhoods are safer and stronger when no one is afraid to call on our government for help.”

Because many illegal immigrants being released into the United States have shown they have no way to support themselves, once they arrive to the U.S. capital, they are finding limited assistance.

One humanitarian aid worker told CNBC News: “We do not have the ability to sustain this. If they’re coming in from Texas but need to get to New York, that is an expensive endeavor.” Because those arriving appear to have no money and their connections in the United States appear to not be helping them, some arriving are sleeping in the city’s homeless shelters, parks, and on the street.

One Venezuelan man told CNBC News that he was “in a good place” living in Venezuela but he wouldn’t have “gone through that journey” to enter the United States illegally if he knew he would have ended up on the streets in Washington.

Muriel Bowser

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser (R) speaks at a news conference at the John Wilson Building in Washington on March 14, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Abbott directed the state’s emergency management division to transport foreign nationals to Washington after the Biden administration began releasing them into the United States instead of deporting them or requiring them to remain in Mexico while their claims are adjudicated. Texas also has sued over a range of policy changes the administration has implemented that it argues violate immigration and other federal laws.

On April 6, Abbott began the busing scheme as another measure to thwart illegal immigration impacting the state.

“We are sending them to the U.S. Capitol where the Biden administration will more immediately be able to address the needs of the people that they are allowing to cross our border,” he said.

In two months’ time, Texas had spent $2.9 million to bus 1,778 people to Washington at Texas taxpayers’ expense, The Center Square previously reported.

As to the mayor’s claims, Renae Eze, Abbott’s press secretary, told The Center Square, “The only lie is the Biden Administration telling the American people that our border is closed. President Biden’s open border policies have created an ongoing humanitarian crisis, with record-high illegal crossings and deadly drugs like fentanyl flooding into our state.

“Border communities are overrun and overwhelmed,” she added, and the governor launched the border bus mission … to help provide support to these communities pleading for help where the Biden Administration is dumping migrants. With our nation’s capital now experiencing a fraction of the disaster created by President Biden’s reckless open border policies that our state faces every single day, maybe he’ll finally do his job and secure the border.”

John Hostettler, a vice president with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, said, “Texas hasn’t ‘tricked’ the illegal immigrants heading north. It is the Biden administration who has fooled potential asylum seekers into believing that making the dangerous journey will result in them receiving special status to stay in America. In truth, the vast majority of asylum claims are ultimately denied.

“If Mayor Bowser would like to stop the influx of migrants into her city, she should instead join the calls to fix the root cause of illegal migration: an administration that encourages illegal crossings and refuses to secure the border,” he added.

The Texas legislature has so far allocated more than $4 billion to border security efforts through Operation Lone Star and Texas is the first state in U.S. history to build its own border wall.

By Bethany Blankley

A group of Texas National Guardsmen walk toward a group of Cubans who just crossed the Rio Grande illegally from Mexico into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 19, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Growing Number of Texas Counties Declare ‘Invasion’ at Border
By Jack Phillips
July 28, 2022 Updated: July 28, 2022

Two more Texas counties confirmed they have declared an invasion at the U.S.–Mexico border in recent days amid historically high illegal immigration.

The Parker County Commissioners Court unanimously voted this week to invoke a law to say that the United States and Texas are under invasion, local media reported.

Because of the significant presence of illegal immigration and drug trafficking, the declaration says it is “an invasion of Parker County, Texas, as the term ‘invasion’ is used in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution and in Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution.”

“I think we all know the border is a mess,” Parker County Sheriff Russ Authier told commissioners during the meeting ahead of the vote. “We see different aspects of it other than our partners who are on the border seeing the human side of the smuggling, trafficking of people. A lot of what we’re seeing here is the drug smuggling.”

The Atascosa County Commissioners Court separately declared the surge of illegal immigration an invasion on July 25. Judge Russell Wilson signed the declaration affirming the invasion at the border.

Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith told The Center Square that with the declarations from Parker and Atascosa counties, “the significance … cannot be overstated.” Kinney County and several other Texas counties issued similar declarations earlier this month.

Goliad, Edwards, Jeff Davis, Terrell, and Presidio counties also announced invasion declarations.

More Details


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A large group of illegal immigrants crowd under a shady tree as Border Patrol agents organize transport near Eagle Pass, Texas, on May 20, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

“It clearly establishes that the border crisis impacts every county in the state and is not limited to those communities near the Rio Grande,” Smith also told the outlet. “The safety and security of every Texan is threatened by the federal government’s abandonment of its constitutional duty. I encourage every county in the state to acknowledge the crisis is an invasion. If Texans don’t save Texas, no one will.”

Earlier in July, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed an order authorizing the state’s National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety to apprehend illegal immigrants who cross the Mexican border into Texas and return them to the border. Unlike the counties, the Republican governor didn’t declare an invasion.

“While President Biden refuses to do his job and enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress, the State of Texas is once again stepping up and taking unprecedented action to protect Americans and secure our southern border,” he said at the time.

A section of the Texas Constitution allows the governor to declare an invasion to protect the state.

“He shall be Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State, except when they are called into actual service of the United States. He shall have power to call forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions,” the state Constitution says.

Along the border, apprehensions have surged past 1.7 million so far in the current fiscal year—with three months to go, July data shows. Border Patrol agents between Brownsville, Texas, and San Diego apprehended 232,628 illegal border crossers in May, the highest monthly total in 23 years, officials have said.

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Human Smuggling Logistics of a Mexican Cartel

By Charlotte Cuthbertson
August 4, 2022 Updated: August 4, 2022

GOLIAD, Texas—Three stash house operators, a raft guide, two walking guides, a bush hiking guide, a taxi driver, and at least three other drivers were coordinated to smuggle Martin Lazaro Bieya from Reynosa, Mexico, to Houston—his first major city after running the gauntlet through U.S. Border Patrol and law enforcement.

His final goal was Detroit, where he said an uncle had a job lined up for him.

Bieya’s trip was cut short in Goliad County, some 200 miles north of the border and 150 miles shy of Houston, after the vehicle in which he was being smuggled crashed into a culvert as the driver attempted to flee local law enforcement.

He initially fled the scene, but was picked up by the sheriff that evening after walking to a road to look for water and food.

The Epoch Times spoke with 17-year-old Bieya through a translator on June 23 as he sat in the Goliad jail.

Bieya said he’s from Veracruz in eastern Mexico, where his family owns a small ranch, but he “can’t make enough money there.”

He says that in late May, he made the decision to come to the United States and called his uncle in Detroit.

“He told me he would get me to the United States,” Bieya said.

A couple of weeks later, Bieya and his father took a bus to Reynosa, a major city separated from McAllen, Texas, by the Rio Grande, which marks the international border.

In central Reynosa, the duo waited at a restaurant. They provided to the uncle their GPS location and what they were wearing, and a taxi soon arrived to take them to a stash house.

At the house, Bieya’s father bid him goodbye and got back in the taxi to return to Veracruz.

Inside the house, which Bieya said was good-looking, “not a trashy house,” four other Mexicans waited to be smuggled across the border. These weren’t the illegal crossers who turn themselves into Border Patrol for asylum, but rather, the “gotaways”—the tens of thousands who evade capture every month because they’re unlikely to qualify for any type of legal entry.

A Mexican man in his mid-20s was running the house, Bieya said. He said that he didn’t have to pay anything for food, accommodation, or transport at any stage, but suspects that his uncle paid about $7,000 to have him smuggled to Detroit.

“He said he paid a lot of money, but he never told me how much he paid,” he said.

Bieya said he spent the night in the house, and around noon the next day, the five migrants were transported by car to “the end of a long road,” after which he estimates they walked about three miles to the bank of the Rio Grande.

There, they crossed the river in an inflatable raft and disembarked into the United States.

A smuggler paddles his raft back to Mexico after dropping two illegal aliens on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande near McAllen, Texas, on April 18, 2019. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Two Mexican Americans appeared and escorted them further from the river.

“They knew what they were doing. They were just there to pick us up,” Bieya said. The group walked until nightfall, then stopped for a while before resuming at about 1 a.m. They arrived at a stash house in McAllen, Texas, in the early morning, he said.

Three other illegal immigrants were already at the stash house, bringing their group to eight.

Several hours later, the group was transported to a second stash house in McAllen, where they waited until evening before squeezing into a Ford pickup truck. By now, there were 14 people to transport, including two Honduran nationals and one female.

“There were seven of us” jammed into the truck bed under a sheet of plywood to hide them, he said. “It was tight.”

“After about an hour on the road, the truck stopped and they told us to get out.”

Bieya said he didn’t know where they were, but the timing fits with where smugglers drop off illegal immigrants so they can walk through the brush to skirt the Border Patrol highway checkpoint near Falfurrias, Texas.

It’s one of the deadliest paths for illegal immigrants, where many die from heat-related issues. Guides, or “coyotes,” leave sick or injured people to fend for themselves.

The original two coyotes were still with Bieya’s group, and at this point, a third was present to lead them in their ensuing seven-night trek.

“We walked from 4 in the afternoon until 5 in the morning,” Bieya said. At the time, the temperature in South Texas was hitting the high-90s to 100s during the day, while the night cooled to the mid-70s.

The group carried 1-gallon jugs for water, and when they ran dry, they’d find a livestock trough to refill. They ate only once a day.

“We all talked about what we would do if we made it safe into the United States,” he said. “I wanted to work for a couple of years and hopefully get citizenship.”

Helicopters with spotlights passed over several times, and they had to scurry into the brush to hide. He said he also saw drones three times during the trek. Two rattlesnakes met their demise during the trip.
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A map shows Goliad County in relation to the U.S.–Mexico border and Houston. (The Epoch Times)

After seven nights, Bieya said the group arrived at a paved road and waited for the pickup vehicle to arrive. Within an hour, a Chevy Tahoe SUV stopped, and they all crammed in. The next stop was supposed to be Houston, but in Goliad County, Sheriff Roy Boyd spotted them and attempted to pull the vehicle over.

The driver tried to escape, but lost control and crashed into a culvert. All of the occupants, including Bieya, fled into the brush. But he was the last one to exit the vehicle and never saw the main group again. He said members of the group had told him they planned to go to New York, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Houston.

“I didn’t know what to do because I was so hungry, so thirsty,” he said. Later that evening, he said he decided to turn himself in.

Bieya found some workers near a road and asked them for water.

“They gave me two bottles of water and a beef taco,” he said. Not long afterward, the sheriff was passing by, saw him on the side of the road, and apprehended him.

Eight other members of the group were later apprehended in a nearby county. They were turned over to Border Patrol and taken back to Mexico, but Boyd has issued warrants for their arrests, should they reappear. The warrants include felony charges for engaging in organized crime, as well as several misdemeanors, including evading arrest, Boyd said.
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Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd in his office in Goliad, Texas, on Nov. 23, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

The Cartel

The Gulf Cartel coordinates all the logistics of the human smuggling from the eastern part of Mexico right through the Texas corridor and deep into the United States, said Boyd.

“Just think of the logistics that go into it,” Boyd said. Bieya was just one person in a system that handles thousands of illegal aliens per day.

Officials in El Paso, Texas, recently estimated there were 60,000 people across the border in Ciudad Juárez waiting to enter the United States illegally. Boyd said he’s heard estimates of a half-million waiting to cross along the 1,254-mile Mexico–Texas border.

“As you move those people, where you’re moving them to has to be vacated by the people who are already there,” he said.

“It’s almost like warfare, the logistics of feeding and transporting and housing and having water and the toiletries and all of the things that are required. It’s a phenomenal task just on the logistics side.”

He said working factories and warehouses in Mexico are common locations that cartels use to stash people until they’re ready to take them across the border.

Boyd said the cartels pay the Mexican government each month for the use of the “plazas,” which are the staging and border crossing areas. The government will allow a certain volume of drugs or amount of people to flow through per month, and if it exceeds that, the cartel is taxed, or the government will raid a warehouse and sit on the commodity until the cartel pays.

“It’s how they work with the drugs, so I suspect they work the exact same way with humans,” Boyd said.

If too many people get stacked up waiting to cross, it causes a cash flow issue for the cartels, he said, “because now, the cartels have got to pay extra manpower, they’ve got to pay for water, they’ve got to pay for food, they’ve got to pay for toilet paper, they’ve got to pay for medicine—they’ve got to pay for all the things because it’s in the cartel’s interest to keep these people alive.”

“What these people don’t know at this point is that that payment to get across to Texas is not the final payment. The final payment gets told to them when they get to Houston,” he said.
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Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd checks a site used by cartels to smuggle illegal immigrants through Goliad County, Texas, on Nov. 23, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Inside Texas, and beyond, the Gulf Cartel has an extensive network, with Atlanta being the next major hub beyond Houston.

“The cartel owns car dealerships, restaurants, various businesses, and it helps them launder their money, move their slaves, and maintain a foothold within the communities,” Boyd said. “That’s how it functions, and it’s very complex, but it ensures the cartel’s total control of their operational area within the United States.”

The smuggler drivers are now often recruited via social media such as TikTok, WhatsApp, and Facebook, Boyd said.

“They were targeting Hispanic teenagers from the metropolitan areas like Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas,” he said.

“They show wads of money. And so you have a teenager who sees somebody with $10,000, and they’re told, ‘You can drive down to Falfurrias, pick up eight people, drive up here, and you get this amount of money.’ It’s quick, easy money.”

Boyd said there’s a large Hispanic community in Houston, of which a portion “sympathizes with Mexico and works for the cartel—and so they’re the operatives that get hired to go back and forth.”

Boyd’s goal is to deter the cartel from entering Goliad County. Within the 852 square miles of the county, he monitors 16 cartel sites that are currently dormant, but tactics change quickly.

“We can’t stop it. The federal government wants it. The federal government encourages it through their policies and procedures,” he said.

“All I can do is try to make it as uninviting as possible for them to come into Goliad. And that’s what we’ve been trying to do.”
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A warning sign to cartels at the Goliad County boundary line, written in Spanish. (Goliad Sheriffs Office)

Boyd started putting up large billboards on the county line last year.

“Warning! Drug and human traffickers: Turn around, do not enter Goliad County,” the signs read. “Go around. Or we will hunt you down and put you in Goliad County jail.”

He said they worked—when the signs were up, cartel activity decreased, and when the Texas Department of Transportation (DOT) removed the signs, cartel activity picked up again.

Boyd had to stop putting up the signs after an attorney general opinion came back saying a county isn’t authorized to place signs without approval from the DOT.

“We have a whole list of rules, we have a Constitution, we have laws,” Boyd said.

“The cartel only has one: to make money. So it makes them very quickly adaptable to whatever situation they find themselves in. They’re constantly morphing.”

Boyd arranged a deal with Bieya that if he gave him as many details about his journey as possible, he’d recommend that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) allow him to stay in the United States. Boyd said Bieya will likely be released—with the 3,000 pesos (about $150) he brought—within the next two weeks, to his uncle in Detroit.

“Hopefully, it’ll save him from winding up in indentured servitude [to the cartel],” Boyd said.
I think it's stupid that Abbott is sending all those illegals to NYC and DC. Eventually they will still be a problem somewhere.

He needs to send them back to mexico where they belong.

Originally Posted By: Foxpro.223I think it's stupid that Abbott is sending all those illegals to NYC and DC. Eventually they will still be a problem somewhere.

He needs to send them back to mexico where they belong.

Sending them back to Mexico is above the governor's authority and against federal law. He has done all he can legally do (catch them and turn them over to CBP, who then release them with a pat on the back, and send them on their way with an envelope full of your tax $$$$ and a plane or bus ticket to wherever they wish to go).

Gov. Abbott has promoted state legislation enabling many illegals to be charged with trespass by state and local authorities and jailed. He has bused 6500 illegals to DC and stated "there are more on the way".

This has gained national attention to the crisis on the boreder to what has been previously ignored by "non border" states (As evidenced by DC and NYC mayors squalling on national TV and requesting federal aid up to and including National Guard troops.)

Every state is a border state under Brandon's open borders and the sooner folks realize it the better. Once their Ox is gored........

I was not going to post this one due to the graphic content, but since the rest of the country seems to be oblivious to the seriousness of the results of throwing our borders open to all comers, I will post the link only to this disgusting (for lack of adequate adjectives to describe this heinous act by a previously deported individual) in hopes that, perhaps a few eyes may be opened to some of the consequences of complacency.

Illegal Alien charged with first-degree kidnapping, three counts of capital murder, and two counts of abuse, in Tallapoosa County, Ala., on Aug. 2, 2022. (Tallapoosa County Sheriff’s Office)
Oh, and then there's this:

Biden Admin Evacuated Hundreds on US Watchlist From Afghanistan: Whistleblower

By Caden Pearson
August 5, 2022 Updated: August 5, 2022

Two GOP senators have urged the Department of Defense (DoD) to immediately investigate whistleblower allegations that hundreds of Afghan evacuees who appeared on official watchlists were not properly vetted before they were released into the United States.

According to the DoD whistleblower, the Biden administration failed to properly vet 324 Afghan evacuees who appeared on the DoD’s Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL), which includes known suspected terrorists, said U.S. Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday.

The BEWL identifies individuals whose biometrics have been collected and determined by analysts to be threats or potential threats to national security, including known suspected terrorists.
Epoch Times Photo

A full flight of 265 people supported by members of the UK Armed Forces on board an evacuation flight out of Kabul airport (MoD)

Hawley and Johnson said the whistleblower also alleges that White House and DoD officials instructed agency personnel to “cut corners” and not conduct full fingerprint tests on the evacuees at staging bases in Europe, “in order to promote the rushed evacuation from Afghanistan.”

Further, the whistleblower alleges that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staff were authorized to delete old biometric data at their discretion, said the senators, who went on to say that this is a “troubling development that could threaten national security and public safety.”
Whistleblower Allegations Raised in LETTER

Hawley and Johnson raised the DoD whistleblower’s allegations with DoD Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell in a letter on Thursday (pdf).

“We write to you with concern over new allegations raised by a Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblower. This information may show the Biden Administration’s failure to vet those evacuated from Afghanistan was even worse than the public was led to believe. The following allegations demand an immediate investigation by your office,” the senators wrote.

The DoD has previously admitted in a report that the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) did not vet all Afghan evacuees “using all DoD data prior to arriving in” the United States.

The DoD earlier this year said that it identified 50 Afghan individuals in the United States whose records indicate they might pose a significant security concern.

Hawley and Johnson said they “understand that number has risen to at least 65,” and declared that the individuals “need to be immediately located, fully vetted, and, if appropriate, deported.”

The senators noted that the 324 Afghan individuals allegedly on the watchlist are in addition to the 50 or 65 already identified.
Answers Sought From DOD

Hawley and Johnson asked O’Donnell to confirm how many BEWL matches were generated by biometric submissions from Afghan evacuees.

Of these matches, if any, the senators asked the DoD acting inspector general to clarify if any were denied entry, admitted entry, or currently in the United States.

The senators also sought information about the allegations that NSC or DoD staff instructed personnel to cut corners in processing the evacuees’ fingerprints, and asked for clarification on the circumstances under which agency personnel may delete biometric data.

Hawley and Johnson also asked O’Donnell to clarify the number of BEWL matches generated by Afghan evacuees after they arrived; what steps have been taken toward identification, vetting, or deportation; and how many were known suspected terrorists.

Additionally, the senators asked if the FBI or other law enforcement were investigating the individuals.
Hawley Grills FBI Director

At a Senate Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing on Thursday, Hawley confronted FBI Director Christopher Wray about the whistleblower’s allegations.

Wray wasn’t able to give a clear answer about the FBI’s efforts to track down and interview the 324 Afghan evacuees, but noted that “there are a number of individuals, through our joint terrorism task forces, that we are actively trying to investigate.”

The FBI director noted that the agency had disrupted a number of actions related to the evacuees, but did not specify what they were.
Epoch Times Photo

Evacuees wait in front of a Royal Air Force C-17 at Kabul airport (LPhot Ben Shread/MoD/PA)

Regarding the allegations of cutting corners, Wray said: “I will say that this was a massive number of people to be vetting in an extraordinarily short period of time and that in my view inevitably raises concerns.”

“Oh, I think you’re absolutely right about that,” Hawley responded. “‘Inevitably raises concerns’ I think is the is the nicest thing that could be said about it.

“We know that the basic procedures were not followed. We know that the screening process was not followed. And now we know that potentially hundreds of people connected to terrorism are loose in this country as a result,” the Missouri senator said before conceding his time.

The Biden administration brought around 77,000 Afghans to the United States during its chaotic military withdrawal last year. The airlifts were for Afghans and their family members who risk Taliban retaliation for helping the United States during its 20-year war. The execution of the withdrawal has been widely panned.

The Afghans were being granted Special Immigrant Visas entitling them to bring their families.

The Epoch Times reached out to the DoD for comment.
Brief news quote from last week:

"1.7 million illegals crossed the southern "border" since October, 2021 and the fiscal year doesn't end until September."

Just a reminder, Governor Abbott has bussed 6,500 illegals to Washington DC and assured Mayor Bowser that there are more on the way.

Pentagon rejects DC mayor's request for National Guard to assist with migrants arriving in the nation's capital

White House has 'constructive conversations' with DC mayor after call for help with migrant surge-- amid reports that White House officials are frustrated with her comments.


DC Mayor’s call for National Guard to deal with migrant ‘crisis’ sparks outrage from border officials

Bowser has called for a 'national response' to what she described as a 'humanitarian crisis'

By Adam Shaw | Fox News

Texas mayor on border crisis: ‘The numbers are incredible’

McAllen, Texas Mayor Javier Villalobos discusses his town’s experience with surging border crossings and weighs in on the impact of the border crisis on the country.

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s call for the National Guard to be activated to assist with an influx of migrants she described as a "humanitarian crisis" has sparked pushback from border officials and lawmakers, who say that what is now facing D.C. is only a fraction of the chaos that has been hitting border states for months.

"We are focused, and we continue to be very focused on having the federal government do its part and take the lead in what we see as a growing humanitarian crisis with people who are seeking asylum coming across the country to get to their final destinations," Bowser said Thursday.

Both Bowser and New York City Mayor Eric Adams have sounded the alarm about migrants being sent to their cities, with both mayors blaming Arizona and Texas for the influx. (Arizona has denied sending migrants to NYC.)

Bowser said that D.C. has secured FEMA’s involvement with a more than $1 million grant to set up a "respite center" for migrants hitting D.C. Bowser is asking that the DC Armory be used as a processing center and DC National Guard resources be used to help field migrants as they arrive by bus.



Aerial view of immigrants waiting to board a Border Patrol vehicle to be taken for processing, after crossing the border from Mexico on June 22, 2022 in Yuma, Arizona. (Qian Weizhong/VCG via Getty Images)

"I’ve also asked the Secretary of the Army to deploy the D.C. National Guard to help lead that effort," she said, before adding that she expects the crisis to "escalate."

"The number of people crossing the border, seeking asylum, we expect only to go up and we need to make sure there is a national response," she said.

But for officials and border state lawmakers, they saw both hypocrisy and misappropriated blame from the liberal mayor — as they pointed to the millions of migrant encounters since President Biden took office.

"Washington D.C. finally understands what Texans have been dealing with every single day, as our communities are overrun and overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants thanks to President Biden’s open border policies," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office said in a statement.

"If the mayor wants a solution to this crisis, she should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border — something he has failed to do. The true ongoing humanitarian crisis is along our southern border," he said.

July 22, 2022: Mayor Muriel Bower has called for the National Guard to be activated in response to the crisis.

More than 200,000 migrants have hit the border in each of the last four months, with more than 1.7 million migrant encounters in FY21, and this fiscal year looking to outpace that number. It has led to some officials describing the situation as an "invasion" and calling for states to take matters into their own hands.


Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who said the crisis could be called an invasion earlier this year, described Bowser’s comments as "the height of hypocrisy."

"Shame on all the liberal mayors that did nothing and said nothing while we saw a record amount of people illegally entering into our country, while we saw a record amount of fentanyl and other drugs pouring into our country," he said. "They didn't care, or they ignored it until it literally came to their front door."

Former acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan told Fox News Digital that Bowser's comments were "laughable" and "insulting" to those towns and cities that have been at the forefront of the crisis.

"It's absolutely insulting to the border communities and towns that are being overrun and overwhelmed every single day. And they have been since the first day of this administration," he said.

"They are literally being overrun. From a financial perspective, from a resource perspective and from a safety and security perspective — and some of these are small counties — they are literally being overrun," he said. "And now that the mayor of D.C., after a few thousand, is going to now come out after all this time and declare a crisis and that she needs more money, it's absolutely hypocritical — and I would say insulting to the border towns and communities."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sends seventh migrant bus to Washington, D.C. as Biden's border crisis spirals out of control

Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd, who has called for Texas Gov. Abbott to declare the border crisis an "invasion", told Fox News Digital: "If Mayor Bowser wants to see what a real humanitarian crisis looks like, she is welcome to come to Texas and witness one first hand."


"Tens of thousands of illegal aliens enter Texas every day. Our communities along the border are overrun with criminal aliens. The bodies of illegal aliens abandoned by their smugglers are found every week throughout South Texas," he said. "Threats and violent actions of cartels have caused landowners and homeowners to abandon the property they worked all of their lives for. Texans along the border live in perpetual crisis as a result of the Administration’s open border policy."

"If Mayor Bowser believes that her city is being overwhelmed with illegal aliens, she should join us in declaring an invasion and deport her unwanted guests to New York," he added.

Brnovich, meanwhile, suggested that Bowser’s comments may indicate a movement from a growing number of Democrats on their approach to the crisis on the southern border. He said he had been "pleasantly surprised" by the number of Democrats who opposed the ending of expulsions under the Title 42 public health order.

"So I do think there has been some awareness by more and more folks of the impact this is having on a humanitarian level, on a crime level, and just the fact that there's a realization from these liberal mayors that what Joe Biden has done is not humane, it's insane," he said. "And frankly, there is a side of me that says they deserve to experience what border states and communities have been feeling for the last year."

Fox News' Timothy H.J. Nerozzi and Bill Melugin contributed to this report.
Originally Posted By: Foxpro.223I think it's stupid that Abbott is sending all those illegals to NYC and DC. Eventually they will still be a problem somewhere.

He needs to send them back to mexico where they belong.

Please click here to watch video "BORDER AGENTS CLEARED IN "WHIPING" in this article for complete explanation as to federal limitations placed on all governors limiting their ability to handle the crisis on the border.

Originally Posted By: hm1996Originally Posted By: Foxpro.223I think it's stupid that Abbott is sending all those illegals to NYC and DC. Eventually they will still be a problem somewhere.

He needs to send them back to mexico where they belong.

Please click here to watch video "BORDER AGENTS CLEARED IN "WHIPING" in this article for complete explanation as to federal limitations placed on all governors limiting their ability to handle the crisis on the border.


Thank you.
You are very welcome. Thanks for watching.

MSM slants the news to favor their narrative and I'm sure what is broadcast is watered down and the farther from the border the less factual the reports become IMHO. Heck, lots of misinformation is pumped out right here on the border!

Just released on Fox news: Del Rio, Tx sector reported 1600 illegals crossed this morning! One group of approximately 200, mostly from Venezuela and Cuba were taken into custody by Texas task force.
The reported opined that, "some of which may find their way to NYC or Washington DC".
