And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 15 OCTOBER 2024

Quote:A report issued last month from the Federation for American Immigration Reform found that 18 months after Biden took office, more than 4.9 million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States. It noted that it’s roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland.

6 More Buses of Illegal Immigrants Arrive in New York City: Mayor

By Jack Phillips
September 18, 2022 Updated: September 18, 2022

Six more buses filled with illegal immigrants arrived in New York City on Sunday morning as Democrat Mayor Eric Adams condemned the move.

When asked on CNN about GOP governors busing illegal aliens to other parts of the country, including New York, in recent months, Adams claimed they are engaging in “the erosion of basic human rights.”

“Well, I think it’s a message for the entire country,” Adams told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday. “You see, this is their way of covering up what many people have been really concerned about the erosion of basic human rights. We’re seeing crisis calls for coordination.”

In the interview, Adams did not make mention of the Biden administration’s immigration policies. Republicans say that the White House’s shift on immigration has triggered a massive surge in illegal immigration, and they have no choice but to transport them to other parts of the country.

The administration, which oversees U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection, is the only U.S. entity that has the ability to deport people. Governors do not have such authority.

After President Joe Biden took office last year, he immediately moved to scrap several key, Trump-era immigration rules. They included ending construction of the former president’s signature border wall, reissuing provisions established under the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and rolling back interior immigration enforcement priorities that were implemented by former President Donald Trump.

Adams confirmed to CNN that six more buses filled with illegal immigrants from Texas arrived in New York City on Sunday morning. The mayor said that the city is stretched thin and cannot deal with the influx.

“We received a minimum of six buses early this morning. Over 11,000 individuals, asylum seekers and migrants have come to the city already,” Adams told Tapper. “It is time for us to coordinate this humanitarian crisis that our country is facing.”

For months, Abbott has said that his administration as well as Texas border towns have been overwhelmed by illegal immigrants, adding that the state doesn’t have the resources to deal with them.

A report issued last month from the Federation for American Immigration Reform found that 18 months after Biden took office, more than 4.9 million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States. It noted that it’s roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland.

“In that time, the Biden administration has blamed an unprecedented surge of illegal immigration on all sorts of external factors, except their own sabotage of our nation’s immigration laws. The endless flow of illegal aliens and the incursion of lethal narcotics pouring across our border will not end until this administration demonstrates a willingness to enforce our laws,” said Dan Stein, the head of FAIR.

Last week, both Abbott and fellow Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis drew headlines when they transported illegal immigrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence in Washington as well as Martha’s Vineyard, respectively.

DeSantis argued that the move to transport the aliens to the Massachusetts island was necessary because Florida isn’t a “sanctuary” state. Hours later, the governor of Massachusetts activated the National Guard and transported the some 50 illegal immigrants to a military base in Cape Cod.
US state department is funding interest free loans to prospective immigrants planning to illegally enter the US through the International Organization for Immigration. Read entire report here

Your tax dollars at work!

Quote: Exclusive: UN Funds Migrant Wave Flooding to the U.S.

Neil Munro18 Jan 2022

The public reporting as to how much the United States, through the State Department, gives IOM [International Organization for Migration] and how many got it is opaque at best. President Joe Biden’s 2022 budget calls for $10 billion in humanitarian assistance “to support vulnerable people abroad.” But there’s no detailed breakout.

A Fiscal Year 2019 summary (starting page 37) by the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), which provides U.S. funding to the IOM and many other United Nations agencies, offers one clue of the pre-expansion levels. IOM spent more than $60 million in 2019 for activities in the northern part of South America, Central America, and Mexico during the so-called “caravan migrant crisis” earlier that year, the fiscal year report said.

State Department-funneled money helped IOM provide 29,000 people in the Western Hemisphere with cash and voucher assistance and supported 75 shelter waystations, the State Department report states on page 42, much like the one I visited in Reynosa. Along the northern border of Mexico in July 2019, at the height of a “caravan” crisis, the IOM provided 600 beds and essential items to the Mexican government and helped it expand existing shelters and build new ones to accommodate the “asylum seekers.”

Read BREITBART report here

Groups of asylum seeking illegal immigrants wait outside the Migrant Resource Center to receive food from the San Antonio Catholic Charities in San Antonio, Texas, on Sept. 19, 2022. (Jordan Vonderhaar/Getty Images)

Venezuela Empties Prisons, Sends Criminals to US Border: House Republicans

By Frank Fang
September 23, 2022 Updated: September 26, 2022

Venezuela is deliberately releasing prisoners, among them violent criminals, and having them travel to the U.S. southern border, a development that prompted 14 House Republicans to write to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who is leading the Republican effort to have Mayorkas answer questions, said in the Sept. 22 letter that the decision by the Maduro regime has put the United States “in grave danger.”

“We write you with serious concern about a recent U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intelligence report received by Border Patrol that instructs agents to look for violent criminals from Venezuela among the migrant caravans heading towards the U.S.-Mexico border,” the letter says, citing a recent report from Breitbart.

The outlet reported on Sept. 18 that it had reviewed the DHS intelligence report from an unnamed source within U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The report warned that released prisoners—including those convicted of murder, rape, and extortion—had been seen within migrant caravans traveling from Tapachula, Mexico, to the southern border, as recently as July.

The report also said the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, Venezuela’s intelligence agency, may have played a role in deliberately releasing prisoners.

Hours after Breitbart published the report, Nehls took to Twitter to announce that he had obtained confirmation from the DHS.

“DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Nehls wrote. “President Trump warned us about this years ago.”

Former President Donald Trump issued such a warning several times in 2021. He did it again last week while speaking to radio show host Hugh Hewitt, when he said America had become a “dumping ground” as other nations were “emptying their prisons into the United States.”
Epoch Times Photo
Illegal immigrants from Venezuela, who boarded a bus in Texas, wait to be transported to a local church by volunteers after being dropped off outside the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris, at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 15, 2022. (Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

Nehls later commented on the Breitbart report during an interview with Fox News contributor Sara Carter on Sept. 25.

“This bombshell report confirms what we’ve known for years,” Nehls said. “Our adversaries despise what America stands for and take pride in emptying their prisons filled with the most violent and sick individuals to walk the earth and send them to our southern border, where they know they’ll have no trouble getting in.

“Our overworked Border Patrol agents can only do so much when President [Joe] Biden gives everyone a no-strings-attached invitation into this country.”
Illegal Immigration

The letter comes as the United States is seeing an influx of illegal immigrants along the U.S.–Mexico border. According to CBP data, the number of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border in fiscal year 2022 surpassed 2 million in August, with unprecedented numbers coming from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

The letter points out that there have been more than 130,000 encounters with Venezuelan nationals between October 2021 and July 2022.

“As a result of the Biden Administration’s disastrous border policies, it is unknown how many of the violent Venezuelan prisoners have been released into the interior of the U.S., as identifying Venezuelans with criminal records is nearly impossible unless the individual admits their records to U.S. authorities,” the letter says. “This will undoubtedly put our country in grave danger.”

The 14 Republicans want Mayorkas to answer more than 10 questions about topics including the precautions DHS is taking to prevent these Venezuelan criminals from entering the United States.

“Have any of the Venezuelan nationals encountered at the southern border this year been suspected to be released prisoners?” the questions read. “Does DHS have a projected headcount of how many released Venezuelan prisoners are expected to enter the U.S.?

“Do you have reason to believe that the release of the convicts could be a purposeful geopolitical move specifically intended to impact U.S. national security?”

Nehls wrote on Twitter, “We need transparency and accountability from this administration.”
Top ICE Official Admits Biden Administration Detaining, Removing Fewer Illegal Immigrants

By Zachary Stieber
September 22, 2022 Updated: September 22, 2022

A top U.S. immigration enforcement official has acknowledged that President Joe Biden’s administration is detaining and removing fewer illegal immigrants than earlier administrations.

“Since President Biden became president on January 20, 2021, ERO is removing less aliens, correct?” Florida Chief Deputy Attorney General John Guard asked Corey Price, executive associate director for Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), which is part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“That’s correct,” Price responded.

“Director, ICE currently is removing less aliens from the United States than it has in the last decade, right?” Guard asked.

“I do not have the last 10 years’ data available. But it is less than at least the last four years that I have here,” Price said.

ICE only detained 45,680 illegal immigrants in 2021, about half as many as it did in 2020. And in 2022, the agency has only detained about 48,200 illegal immigrants.

Price was speaking during a deposition for a case filed against the Biden administration by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody.

Price was later shown an email sent soon after Biden took office to top immigration officials, including acting ICE Director Tae Johnson, by Henry Lucero, the executive associate director of ERO.

Lucero informed the officials that the Biden administration’s change in immigration enforcement policies would likely reduce detention numbers by half.

And given the data that we just looked at … Lucero [and other officials] were almost right on the money on their predictions, correct?” Guard asked.

“That appears correct,” Price said.

ICE, its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and the White House did not respond to requests for comment.

“Our deposition provides even more proof that the Biden administration is intentionally underenforcing federal immigration law in a way that has never been seen. At every phase of the process, Biden is purposely failing to enforce the law and detain and remove inadmissible immigrants,” Moody, a Republican, said in a statement.

“Career ICE officials warned the administration that their reckless policies would drastically cut enforcement and still Biden continued to implement them—proving yet again, we only have Biden to blame for the border crisis and the surge in American deaths from Mexican fentanyl,” she added.

Under Biden, illegal immigration has skyrocketed while enforcement, such as deportations, has plummeted.

For instance, in fiscal year 2021, during which Biden took office, just 59,011 deportations were executed. That was down from 185,884 illegal aliens removed in fiscal year 2020—former President Donald Trump’s last full fiscal year in office—and 267,258 in fiscal year 2019, the last full fiscal year that did not include the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arrests were also down, dropping from 143,099 in fiscal year 2019 to just 74,082 in fiscal year 2021, according to end-of-year reports that were previously made public by ICE.

The numbers for fiscal year 2022 are not yet available. There is one month remaining in the fiscal year. ICE typically releases the figures about six months after a fiscal year ends.

ICE is in charge of enforcing immigration law in the U.S. interior, and ERO is an arm of the agency.

Raul Ortiz, the chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, tasked with manning the U.S. borders, said in a deposition obtained as part of the same suit that the spike in illegal immigration was due to a lack of consequences for many illegal aliens.

The case, which argues that the Biden administration is violating federal law by not detaining illegal aliens until a final decision is made regarding their presence in the United States, is set to go on trial in January 2023.
Not sure if this link will work, but everyone needs to see the paper trail on how your tax dollars are directly financing the crisis on our southern border. BORDER DECEPTION

In event above link will not work hopefully the following link will.
Contract Suggests Florida to Continue Relocating Illegal Immigrants for Months

By Allen Zhong
October 8, 2022 Updated: October 10, 2022

A Florida Department of Transportation purchase order shows that the Sunshine State will continue relocating illegal immigrants for at least eight more months.

The purchase order signed at the beginning of September by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with Vertol Systems Co., a comprehensive transportation service provider, states that the contract will be executed “until June 30, 2023.”

However, it’s stated in the contract that FDOT could cancel the order if the department finds the company’s performance to be unsatisfactory.

Vertol was retained to provide “transportation-related and humanitarian relocation service to implement a program to facilitate the transport of unauthorized aliens,” according to FDOT.

“The proposed Services include, but are not limited to, Project management, aircraft, crew, maintenance logistics, fuel, coordination and planning, route preparation, route services, landing fees, ground handling and logistics, and other Project-related expenses,” the contract reads.

The document was first obtained by Sun Sentinel through a public records request.

It shows three tiers in the price schedule: $325,000 per flight for up to eight passengers, $485,000 per flight for up to 25 passengers, and $625,000 per flight for up to 65 passengers.

The total budget for the illegal immigrant relocation program is $12 million.

Vertol completed flights of up to 50 passengers each for Florida on Sept. 7 and Sept. 15 and requested payment of $615,000.
NYC Declares Emergency

President Joe Biden has been employing a de facto “open border” policy since he took office.

It has caused huge numbers of illegal immigrants to enter the United States without many difficulties.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that their agents made more than 2 million apprehensions at the southern border this fiscal year until August—up by 24 percent from the previous fiscal year.

Texas and Florida, two states governed by Republicans, have begun to relocate illegal immigrants to high-profile Democratic cities or places.

Destinations that Texas chose include New York and Vice President Kamala Harris’s neighborhood in Washington. Florida has sent 48 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama bought a mansion in 2019.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bused illegal immigrants to a location near Harris’s Washington residence after the vice president said the border is secure.


New York Mayor Eric Adams speaks at a Brooklyn police facility in New York on June 6, 2022. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

New York Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, declared an “asylum seeker state of emergency” on Oct. 7, citing the surge in the inflow of bused illegal immigrants from other states.

Adams called for the federal and state government to grant emergency aid to handle the continued influx of asylum-seekers, which may cost the city $1 billion in the current fiscal year.

“With more than 17,000 asylum seekers bussed to the city since the spring, the Adams administration estimates that once the asylum seekers from today’s buses are provided shelter, the city will surpass the highest number of people in recorded history in its shelter system,” New York City Hall said in a statement. “If the pace continues, the city’s shelter census will surpass 100,000 in the coming year.”
Youtube videdo dated March 1, 2021:

And Biden still ignores the issue:

El Paso hit by 1,500 illegal migrants a day while small fraction sent to liberal cities strains resources

Quote: Democrat-run El Paso escapes liberal mayors’ ire for bussing migrants

There have been more than 2.1 million migrant encounters at the southern border this fiscal year so far. Of those encounters, more than 258,000 have been in the El Paso sector alone. Federal officials have also been overwhelmed, with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) telling Fox last week that it was releasing migrants near El Paso shelters and bus stations as they are over capacity.

Border sheriffs slam DC mayor, officials for declaring emergency over migrant buses

Southern border migrant encounters rose to over 200,000 in August , as numbers from Venezuela, Cuba spike

Illegal border crossings to US from Mexico hit annual high

Sat, October 22, 2022 at 12:53 PM·

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A surge in migration from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in September brought the number of illegal crossings to the highest level ever recorded in a fiscal year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The year-end numbers reflect deteriorating economic and political conditions in some countries, the relative strength of the U.S. economy and uneven enforcement of Trump-era asylum restrictions.

Migrants were stopped 227,547 times in September at the U.S. border with Mexico, the third-highest month of Joe Biden's presidency. It was up 11.5% from 204,087 times in August and 18.5% from 192,001 times in September 2021.

In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, migrants were stopped 2.38 million times, up 37% from 1.73 million times the year before, according to figures released late Friday night. The annual total surpassed 2 million for the first time in August and is more than twice the highest level during Donald Trump's presidency in 2019.

Nearly 78,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua were stopped in September, compared to about 58,000 from Mexico and three countries of northern Central America that have historically accounted for most of the flow.

The remarkable geographic shift is at least partly a result of Title 42, a public health rule that suspends rights to see asylum under U.S. and international law on grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Due to strained diplomatic relations, the U.S. cannot expel migrants to Venezuela, Cuba or Nicaragua. As a result, they are largely released in the United States to pursue their immigration cases.

Title 42 authority has been applied 2.4 million times since it began in March 2020 but has fallen disproportionately on migrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

U.S. officials say Venezuelan migration to the United States has plunged more than 85% since Oct. 12, when the U.S. began expelling Venezuelans to Mexico under Title 42. At the same time, the Biden administration pledged to admit up to 24,000 Venezuelans to the United States on humanitarian parole if they apply online with a financial sponsor and enter through an airport, similar to how tens of thousands of Ukrainians have come since Russia invaded their country.

The first four Venezuelans paroled into the United States arrived Saturday — two from Mexico, one from Guatemala, one from Peru — and hundreds more have been approved to fly, the Homeland Security Department said.

“While this early data is not reflected in the (September) report, it confirms what we’ve said all along: When there is a lawful and orderly way to enter the country, individuals will be less likely to put their lives in the hands of smugglers and try to cross the border unlawfully,” said CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus.

The expansion of Title 42 for Venezuelans to be expelled to Mexico came despite the administration’s attempt to end the public health authority in May, which was blocked by a federal judge.

Venezuelans represented the second-largest nationality at the border after Mexicans for the second straight month, being stopped 33,804 times in September, up 33% from 25,361 times in August.

Cubans, who are participating in the largest exodus from the Caribbean island to the United States since 1980, were stopped 26,178 times at the border in September, up 37% from 19,060 in August.

Nicaraguans were stopped 18,199 times in September, up 55% from 7,298 times in August.

The report is the last monthly reading of migration flows before U.S. midterm elections, an issue that many Republicans have emphasized in campaigns to capture control of the House and Senate. Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee released a one-sentence statement Saturday in response to the numbers: "You’ve got to be kidding.”;uh_test=1_11
Heard it all, now! According to local TV news, five illegals called a Uber driver to pick them up near the Rio Grande and take them to a local Mall. The $5 ride ended when a DPS officer stopped the Uber driver for a traffic violation and discovered the illegals in the vehicle. No charges were filed on the Uber driver as he cooperated w/officials was not complicit in the human smuggling.
What a load of bovine excrement! DOJ needs to quit throwing out smokescreens to protect (^*$ like this and do their job! Mayorkas needs to go.

ETA: Brandon announced a trip to AZ to claim credit for a new manufacturing facility within 100 miles of the border and was asked if he planned to visit the border while there by Peter Doocy. His reply was:

Biden tells Peter Doocy:

‘more important things’ than border crisis

Doocy, when asked later about why he asked that question said "Well, he has helicopters that fly really fast". (paraphrased)

Last edited:
US Border Patrol agent killed in high-speed chase of illegal immigrant group

Anders Hagstrom, Bill Melugin
Wed, December 7, 2022 at 9:03 AM·2 min read

A 38-year-old Border Patrol agent was killed in a high-speed pursuit of a group of illegal immigrants in Mission, Texas on Wednesday.

U.S. Border Patrol has not confirmed the identity of the agent, but federal sources say the man was a father of two children. The agent was pursuing a group of migrants on an ATV when he crashed into a closed fence at high speed, the sources told Fox News.

The agent was tracking the group of migrants at roughly 1 a.m. on Wednesday when the crash occurred. Authorities say other agents found him unresponsive and immediately attempted life-saving efforts and requested an EMS. The agent was taken to a nearby hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries.

Border Patrol did not immediately respond to a request for more details from Fox News Digital.

September data revealed that fiscal year 2022 ended with 2,378,944; migrant encounters, the highest ever recorded in a fiscal year. That figure does not include the 599,000; known "gotaways" that CBP sources told Fox News evaded capture over the same period.

"The death of an agent who died while securing our nation's border is a tremendous loss for our organization and our nation," US Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said in a statement, according to NewsNation. "Our prayers are with his family and co-workers during this difficult time."

The agent's death comes just one day after President Biden faced heavy criticism for skipping out on visiting the U.S.-Mexico border during his trip to Arizona on Tuesday.

Biden argued that he had "more important things" to do in the state and that a trip to the border would be a "political stunt."

"The president is taking action to secure our border and build a fair, orderly, and humane immigration system," a White House spokesman told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, adding that Biden has secured increased funding for the Department of Homeland Security. "President Biden is focused on real solutions, not political stunts."

A top Border Patrol union had attacked Biden for not having visited the border throughout his entire time in office, despite the ongoing border crisis.

"Nothing is more important than the safety and security of the American people, but to President Biden, it is an afterthought," National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Fox. "With a record number of people and drugs, including deadly fentanyl, crossing our border illegally and evading apprehension, it is apparent Biden cares more about politics than our children, friends and neighbors. Biden’s record clearly proves he cares about politics, not about doing his job of protecting American lives."

This is a developing story. Check back soon for updates.