Your Pic of the Day

Y’all got Rios in SW Idaho?
F & G introduced them a couple of decades ago and they have done pretty good. This flock is one of two near me. Both in areas without turkey seasons yet. They have been growing in number, so hopefully it keeps going that way and maybe someday be able to tag one.
Nilgai bull
This shameless moocher, she just wont give up. Already gave her a handful of carrots and half an apple today, but shes gobbled it all up and she continues to hang out trying to look pathetic, staring in through my window. I told her no more today, but she doesnt seem to be taking me seriously. This has been going on for a number of years. Very old doe. She was at least 3 yrs old when i bought the place in 2014. No idea how shes managed to dodge all the lions for so long when so many other deer have been snatched up.
Thought i saw the neighbor dog laying on the porch (it was just a big black shovel, i guess shes inside) and walked over that way, bag of treats in hand, and started calling to her, telling her i had treats for her. Damn doe heard me and came back 🤣
Something tells me the doe wouldnt be very impressed with dried bison heart, but the pup absolutely loves it. That dog has a taste for the most expensive stuff.....