A lot depends on where you set up and what sounds you use. I have called in coyotes at all hours of the day and night. When I call in the early afternoon, I expect that the coyotes are bedded down. I don’t think they are lying there, mentally reasoning whether or not to respond to my sounds. Instead, I believe they are impulsively triggered, and once they are on their feet, their instincts guide them, leading them to circle for the wind, use cover, key in on perceived dangers, etc. One of the advantages of using an e-call is the ability to cycle through multiple sounds, which increases the chances of finding one that will trigger that coyote. It is why you can play one rabbit distress, and nothing, then you switch to another rabbit distress with a different pitch, and they trigger.I had this idea in my head that although the animals are bedding down during the day, if they heard the call they would take advantage of the opportunity and get up and grab a quick snack. Maybe thats a big part of my failures, calling at the wrong time of day. Thank you Joe
I have called to many coyotes that I saw bedded down, where I play a sound, and they would lift their heads, lose interest, and then lay their heads back down. I start cycling through sounds, hit the right one, and they start coming in. There are other times when no sound will trigger them, at that time and place. I’ve seen the same thing with coyotes that are mousing in fields or responded to my vocals from patches of cover. Sometimes, simply moving a few yards closer can trigger them by getting into their "bubble." I believe the closer you are, the more likely they are to trigger , and they have less time to detect something they don’t like, on the way in.
When setting up, I always analyze the terrain between my location and the area I am targeting. I look for features that might cause coyotes to hang up or serve as territorial boundaries. I survey the terrain with these considerations in mind, make a best guess, and then expect them to come in from where I least expected, lol