What’s your average stand time?

I'm relatively new to coyote hunting, about five years now. So, I'm still learning and tend to make every mistake in the book. That said, I tend to make 20 - 45 minute stands. I've stayed on stand for an hour and a half succesfully calling in an April coyote using dying calf. I've tried 10 - 15 minute stands but they don't work for me.
I guess you haven’t hunted the northeast?
I have not. If I did I think I'd have to stick with 25 minute stands and hope for a dumb one. If I sit on my butt for much over that my legs fall asleep. I'd get too bored on top of that. I couldn't handle it. I like a challenge as much as the next guy but the longer I do this I've about decided I'd rather have a dumb one than a smart one. The less time I'm sitting out there waiting, the better. I'll let someone else fool with killin those educated ones.