What’s your average stand time?

I play the turkey gobble at 25 minutes to indicate to my brother that "this stand is a turkey". Seems the dogs either come in in 3-6 minutes or around 15-20. We've decked several at ~20 min.
we call in Pennsylvania. some areas get called a lot due to their vicinity around gamelands and neighboring farms
we use the stealth approach, get set up and scan for maybe 5-10 minutes before making any sound.
check wind direction. if the wind is to variable we just fold up and back out.
most stands are 40 minutes, some as long as 3 hours if we have spotted them off in the distance or got replies. some never make a sound and just show up.

some times we have them come in while going to get the call. one man stays on the gun, one gets the call or the guns go with us :)

sometimes they come in when we are in the process of placing the call and we havent even made a call yet. thats also why we scan for a while after placing the call.
Several years ago with very few farms that I could hunt at night I stayed for an hour maybe more when 3 came in at once and I killed all 3. I was using a $39 call and scanning and shooting with red lites
Most are 40-45 min minimum, sometimes 30 but not very often. many will extend up to 2-1/2 hours if I get a response(s). Lots of silence involved in these parts if they answer-seems to take a while for "curiosity to kill the coyote".
25 minutes for coyotes and 1 hour if I know a bobcat is around. If I see a coyote coming from a ways off and it's past that I'll stay but if I don't see anything at the 25 minute mark, I'm off to a different spot.
Most are 40-45 min minimum, sometimes 30 but not very often. many will extend up to 2-1/2 hours if I get a response(s). Lots of silence involved in these parts if they answer-seems to take a while for "curiosity to kill the coyote".
Very much the scenario I deal with Mike. It’s hard for some to fathom, but it’s what we deal with in our parts/areas.
I can't imagine making a stand for as long as some of y'all do. The 25 minutes I stay on stand is considered a long time to some people. My buddies in Texas stay 15 minutes tops. If I had to wait 45 minutes on average for a coyote I think I'd be finding me something else to do. They ain't that important to me.
I can't imagine making a stand for as long as some of y'all do. The 25 minutes I stay on stand is considered a long time to some people. My buddies in Texas stay 15 minutes tops. If I had to wait 45 minutes on average for a coyote I think I'd be finding me something else to do. They ain't that important to me.
Different strokes for different folks!(y)
I can't imagine making a stand for as long as some of y'all do. The 25 minutes I stay on stand is considered a long time to some people. My buddies in Texas stay 15 minutes tops. If I had to wait 45 minutes on average for a coyote I think I'd be finding me something else to do. They ain't that important to me.
I guess you haven’t hunted the northeast?
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15 minutes, most opportunities occur in the first 10 minutes. I will extend time if I shoot one toward the 15 min mark. Cats seem to respond about like coyotes, I have shot Bob Cats in Arizona and Lynx in Alaska and they respond to the call the same.
I believe that the amount of interaction w/people has a bearing on response time. For instance, I hunt larger, sparsely populated ranches with less traffic than smaller properties, less interaction w/folks, moderate coyote hunting pressure. That being said, everyone inside the gates will take a shot at any targets of opportunity year around.
I'll usually add a few minutes to stands during hunting seasons as the coyotes are more cautious in their approach that time of year.