whats the difference in these barrels?

thank you warpig,

i know i kick up alot of debatable q's and i might be off on some answers, that i can admit,

but again there are alot of seasoned or wanna be seasoned hunters out there that love to scould a beginner in the field. i will learn from the answers people like warpig and the others i have talked to in the beginning of this thread! they are helping some answers and giving me [beeep] for dumb questions lol, but please dont be rude to me, we are all fighting for the right to do what we want everyday and thats shoot guns and hunt.
thank you all,
Quote:Just an opinion....

I have serious doubts Tim or anyone else on this board that acts like an adult will ever have any of us "turn on them" for posting valid information.

That's my opinion.
Originally Posted By: Evil_Lurker Quote:Just an opinion....

I have serious doubts Tim or anyone else on this board that acts like an adult will ever have any of us "turn on them" for posting valid information.

That's my opinion.

We all have one, Evil...

And self-perception:


Isn't always reality:



Originally Posted By: lon0121thanks evil,
a great welcome and my first here as a newbie,

Hey WarPiggy,,,, AKA Chit starter...

First,,, I ment absolutly no harm, and jokingly used the term "newbi" because that's what Lonny called himself..
See quote above.

Second,,, I wasn't talking to you, so I respectfully suggest that you go screw yourself and keep your sarcastic comments to your self..

Third,,, The advice was FAR better than anything you had to offer.. Oh yea you didn't offer any advice. Just snide comments on other people's behavior and opinions.

Fourth,,, See number two..

I don't know why you always have to be such an A-hole, but I'm sick and tired of it, and if I get banned for saying so, then so be it..

And don't bother getting the last word in like you always have to do, because I'm done with your dumb azz.
Forum rules prohibit the use of name calling, you should adhere to the rules, I was just giving you a friendly reminder.

I see you still use commas as if you have Parkinsons, sorry to see that.

We can all hope you'll get banned for saying so.

Carry on,,,,,,,,,,,,, im done with you now.
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Originally Posted By: lon0121haha my comments created a war.....,

Everyone else here is proud of you, too... Some obviously more so than others...


i heard your a crbaby from he11,

that you cant handle most knowing more than you,

well i love you continuosly watch every move i make, o yea,

Originally Posted By: Evil_Lurker Quote:...the thing is i know im swimming in sharky waters

Yeah, unfortunately this site has gotten like that (sometimes).

It's that time of year again.

This is what I do, I sight my 223 in dead on at 50 and it is 6" low at 300. I can smoke them from 25 to 300 no problem using 55gr Hornady TAP out of a Rem 700 VTR and Nikon glass. On the BSA glass I have personal experience, If you can I would skip out on it (had good ones and bad ones). Try the Nikon from wally world $150.
Originally Posted By: lon0121bcb,

i heard your a crbaby from he11,

that you cant handle most knowing more than you,

well i love you continuosly watch every move i make, o yea,


When I consider your source of information, do you really supposed I care about any of the above for some reason...?

Who's crying...? You sound like you might be 15 at most... You definitely possess lots of knowledge, however... And you express it so well.

For your own benefit: If you'll look back at the beginning of this thread, there are some folks here who like to stir the brown fecal matter if they can for no other reason than their own enjoyment. They like to throw matches on gasoline just to see what happens. You just served as their willing and fairly witless accomplice.

You'll go far here with that approach..

Originally Posted By: lon0121i recently purchased a rossi .223 single shot with a HEAVY BARREL? is the barrel so heavy for accuracy??
my plan is to upgrade the single shot witha good scope "bsa sweet 223" and zero it in at 100 yards! which im getting done professionaly! i already bought a shooting stick and a strap!

anywase, what does heavy barrel mean!

.223 is a great cartridge for varmints and other critters up to coyote size. I don't consider it a deer cartridge but that is my opinion. There are folks have shot a lot of deer with them. I have and use a .30-06 Spr. or 7mmMAG for deer which is overkill for deer here in PA, but that's what I have so that's what I use. I use a .17 Remington, .22 Hornet, .223 Rem., and a .243 Win for ground hogs matching the cartridge to the hunting area and weather. A .223 and the .243 for Coyotes. A .30-06 and 7mmMAG for deer. I could use the .243 for deer but I don't.

A rifle like you have (I used to have an H&R that was quite similar) is most useful set up to shoot at point blank range for the game in question. For coyotes that means shoot 50g to 55g bullets and sight it ~1-1/2" high at 100 yards. For Ground Hogs it means shoot 40g bullets and sight it 3/4" high at 100 yards. That will give a point blank range of about 200 yards in each case. As experience and range time improves the understanding of where it shoots the 100 yard zero can be adjusted, but these are a good place to start.

That means one only really needs a 3-9x40mm scope that can be adjusted to and hold the chosen zero, and which will not change point of impact as the power is changed. In no case would I sight a .223 for point of aim at 100 yards unless I was putting a good solid scope that would pass the box test with flying colors - something the BSA is unlikely to do.

If I were to recommend a scope I'd say to to Wal Mart and pickup a 3-9x40 Leupold Rifleman or VX-II. It will work just fine, has a lifetime warranty that meeans something, you can see thorugh it with clarity, and you can shoot a lot of game with it for generations.

If by strap you mean sling, that's a good thing. IMO a sling is mandatory on a hunting rifle.

Heavy barrel has three advantages:

It will take more shots to get it too hot to shoot anymore. This is really only an advantage in benchrest shooting and high volume shooting like at Prarie Dogs. Most hunting there isn't even a second shot never mind the 3 to 5 it takes to get a sporter barrel hot.

It is stiffer and may be more accurate with the right ammo for that reason.

It may make it easier to hold the rifle steady which would improve accuracy.

It has one disadvantage: It is more weight to carry around.

More important than barrel weight on a walk around hunting rifle are the quality of the crown, bore, chamber, ammunition consistancy, and bedding of receiver to stock, or in the case of the Rossi, the quality of the break joint.

There is a big advantage to sighting the rifle in yourself which is you will learn more about the rifle, the ammunition, and the scope. There sre some things that just shouldn't be farmed out and sighting in the rifle is one of them in my opinion. Having the scope mounted and boresighted makes sense if one doesn't have the time or skills to do it, and many don't have the skills to do it right (as is proved over and over by messed up scopes with dents, etc.), but the actual zeroing of the rifle should be done by the shooter.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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