whats the difference in these barrels?

Just saying, there's more grief out there than you're dishing.

BTW, I have a short stirring stick.

lon0121, you're more than welcome here. Ask questions and you'll get answers. Everyone was a noob at one point.
thanks again,
i guess every rookie deserves alittle crap,
by the way!! your gonna be super pissed when you find out this is fred eichler host of predator nation,

haha jk, but seriously thanks for all answers,

does predator pursuit deal with predator masters or is that predator quest???
I have a rossi heavy barrel in 22-250 and the best I have ever gotten out of it is 1.5 at 100yds, my Sav. puts 3 in in hole. Hope you have better luck with yours.
Quote:Zero it at the highest power, then do a test by shooting groups at lower settings and make sure the point of impact doesn't move. That's the only trouble I ever had with a BSA scope. If the impact point moves as you change zoom, it's not going to be worth keeping.

I've got a BSA and a Bushnell that both do that. I missed a few easy shots with both of them before I figured out what was going on. If it's doing that, send it back and get a replacement.

If you keep providing the new guy with valid information, he and his new best friends all might turn on ya' for telling them more than they want to deal with at one time...

Just an opinion.... -BCB
bcb i see your friends with tim, its nice to know that you got eachothers backs in a computer fight lol

no but seriously good luck bcb i hope you get a big coyote soon!
BSA==== Been Screwed Again
BSA==== Barley See Anything

BCB==== I ain't touching that one...

Seriously though Newbi..
I'd forget about all the gimicky Knobs and other BS and just get a simple 4X. Sight it in at 100 with the ammo you intend to use, and go huntin..


Originally Posted By: RePeteSeriously though Newbi..

Might come across as more helpful and less arrogant if you at least called him by the screen name he chose if not maybe try the name he signs with.