whats the difference in these barrels?


New member
i recently purchased a rossi .223 single shot with a HEAVY BARREL? is the barrel so heavy for accuracy??
my plan is to upgrade the single shot witha good scope "bsa sweet 223" and zero it in at 100 yards! which im getting done professionaly! i already bought a shooting stick and a strap!

anywase, what does heavy barrel mean!
Quote:Heats up less after prolonged periods of consistent shooting.

Yep, and it should be stiffer, too. That can give better accuracy, if everything else is equal.
Quote:so its good for distance shooting as well?

If it's a good quality barrel, a heavy barrel should shoot a smaller group than a light barrel at any distance.
A good quality light barrel may outshoot a cheap, heavy barrel, though, so there's no "correct" answer.

Pretty much every long-range benchrest rifle you'll find will be using a heavy, non-tapered barrel.
1) Its a Rossi, very limited as far as accuracy goes.
2) BSA scopes- better than nothing.

The part I am curious about is having it professionaly sighted in? Do people make a living at doing this? Sorry to sound like a smart arse, but your posts lend me to beleive your a newbie! I'm no pro at anything, but I can sight in a rifle. JMO!!!
i can sight in a rifle buddy,

but im just starting to learn my grains, buying a rifle isonly the half, the bullets are the other as far as the game you want to take!

i dont know how to sight in with bullet drop crap on it, as far as shooting goes, ive used rossi before and you would be surprised,
im sure you wer new at something before eh?? maybe even predator hunting perhaps?
Don't get your panties all up in a knot! I have just read some of your posts and they seem a bit strange in the questions and the statements you were making. Like I said, JMO! And I'm not a pro at anything, but I'm getting closer.
Sight your scope in at 100yds with the turrent that matchs the grain weight of the bullet your shooting. Reset the turrent to zero and you should be good to go. Probably won't be dead on, but you'll be close enough for a kill. See, I'm trying to help ya.
As far as your HB question, usually the barrel is around 3/4 to 7/8 inch diameter and some even larger. Standard barrels are some what smaller. Almost all my rifle are HB, I just like them better.
the thing is i know im swimming in sharky waters,
im asking basic questions to you guys and you know what your talking about, they may seem like basic questions perhaps even easy questions to you but to me they are the world for a newcomer! every bit of detailed and awkwared info is the best for me right now! ive called in a few coyotes and then i dont some days, so im only new at the ammo calculations and dialing in a scope with retarded features on it!

im sorry for the inconvinience and i appreciate the help from your answers, but i do know how to hunt, i just wanna start getting serious about coyote fox and bobcat, which there is plenty here, and as far as professionaly sighted in, yea the guy does it and he loves his job! who wouldnt love to beable to shoot others guns!! also im a dad and i am buisy!

also the instructions wer hard to follow lol

thank you for the answers psycodog!
Quote:...the thing is i know im swimming in sharky waters

Yeah, unfortunately this site has gotten like that (sometimes).

Tell us what you're trying to accomplish and we'll help you out.
We all started out "new" and had questions, ignore the flak (and I'm not talking about psychodog, he's a good guy).
there's a bunch of guys on here that will help you out without a bunch of drama.
And a few that get their jollies picking on new guys.

Here's something: where you hunt, what would be the longest shot you would expect to have?
Hey man, I'm just gettin ya use to P.M. There are a bunch of good folks here and a few smart arses like me. I was mainly just bustin your chops. If I can be of any help, don't be afraid to ask. Heck, I get the same B/S. sometimes when I ask questions. Most of the time, its all in fun.
thanks evil,
a great welcome and my first here as a newbie,

i live in southern ky 45 mins from tennessee!! i hunt a field taht has only about 200 yards tops view,
the fields here arent that long because there are dips and drops and islands of woods, the farthest shot a wanna make is around 150, im using bsa sweet 223 scope and 55 grain psp rounds, i have a smith sighting it at 100 yards zeroed!

thank you kindly,
Yeah, you'll be good with a 100 yard zero.

If you were wanting to shoot out to 350 yards or so, I'd sight it in a little farther out, but you would actually be better off with your plan, if it's 200 yards tops.

Quote:a great welcome and my first here as a newbie
Don't worry, they didn't welcome me, either.

A couple of them still don't.

I'll tell you something to check on your scope, before you go too far:
Zero it at the highest power, then do a test by shooting groups at lower settings and make sure the point of impact doesn't move. That's the only trouble I ever had with a BSA scope. If the impact point moves as you change zoom, it's not going to be worth keeping.
Also, if you're going to use those Remington PSP's, install the 50 gr. turret instead of the 55 gr. because that bullet has a low BC and the 50 gr. will match it a lot closer than the 55 gr. would.

If you're going to have someone else sight it in, tell him that and see if he won't check it for you while he's got your rifle.

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OH Evil- I'll still be your friend.
Heck we all get razed at some point on this site at one time or another. I was just trying to get him warmed up for when the BIG BOYS swarm on him. You probably know who I mean!! pyscodog

P.S. The little Ruger is all better now and is a tack driver. Thanks again for your help on that one!!
this is what i have been waiting to hear, great info,

all of my ammo would have to be ordered online for i am so far in southland, and the only availabe place is a walmart!

i would love to use hornady vmax, the only thing is iam concerned on pelt damage with the psp rounds,

thank you,
Originally Posted By: pyscodog I was just trying to get him warmed up for when the BIG BOYS swarm on him. You probably know who I mean!! Let us hope not. Not sure if this site is ready for another onslaught of said characters......myself included!
Quote:p.S. The little Ruger is all better now and is a tack driver.

You're kinda lucky, because there are some people on RFC getting a big runaround from Green Mountain now. I won't recommend them again after that embarassing experience.

Quote:You probably know who I mean!!

What you talkin about, Willis?
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