What Happened To COVID???

Kino M

Staff member
Was out and about today, mingling at the local dinner and for the life of me I couldn't get a strait answer from anyone, mostly the ones that got vaxed, wore mask and drew staunch lines in the sand over COVID.

So my two main questions are do you currently know one single person who currently has COVID??? I don't and can't seem to find out where it went??

Question 2, if you got vaxed/boosted,wore your mask like a good citizen do you feel stupid and like you was duped or do you actually think it helped?? I'm yet to meet anyone that is unvaxed in a rush to get it done currently and you don't hear a peep out of our government about it, maybe they are waiting for November??
You won't hear anything until:

1. Need an excuse to delay
2. Charge higher prices
3. Blame because they don't know and/or won't tell
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Symptoms have been changing, it's hard to tell if you have covid or something else. Go to an urgent care with something & they test you for covid (happened to me 2 or 3 months ago).

The CDC changed protocol for handling it, drastically less than what it was.

People are still dying of it but they're mostly in the risk risk categories to start with, for most it's a virus you get & get over with various degrees of misery
I had it for Christmas. I’ve had colds that were worse. One night of chills then just kinda crappy feeling for a couple days. Celebrated New Years like a pro though! Most recent person I know personally that had it was like a month ago.

I got vaxed. I got one booster. It ended there. I don’t feel stupid. Duped… Mmm? No. I’m not egotistical enough to think that it was nothing. I know 3 people that died from it so it was real. Masks… I never subscribed to them as being anything more than some feel good thing for the overly paranoid. I don’t know if the vax helped or not but I never had the shit until a few months back. Certainly no plans to pursue any further precautionary measures to keep myself safe!
Well if you think back there was a bunch of people that had it and never knew it when it started so I don't really know the symptoms and severity has changed one bit but the narrative has done a 360!!

The at risk category always have died from simple viruses so that category won't ever change.
I think the mask Nazis was the worst, I enjoyed telling them I'm wearing underwear, if I fart can you still smell it???
I got both phizer shots. 6 months later I got covid, very mild case. About 3 months after that I got a moderna booster.

Then I watched as everyone got covid. Vaxxed, unvaxxed, boosted, did not matter. Everyone got it. And we found that even if you were vaxxed/boosted, if you got covid you could spread it, so the shots didn't stop that either.

I gave up on the idea that these shots were doing anything worth doing for most people & haven't had one since. I've had people get sick all around me at work, never caught it again myself. Not yet
Lawsuit against Pfizer in Texas as clinicals were not properly done.
Wife had it this spring, slept in the other bedroom so I wouldn't get it. Lasted about a week, like the normal flu. We got shots early on, she worries too much, watches wrong TV news. About March after it came out, I suspected it was 'released' by the China lab in Aug yr before. Took a while to get noticed. NOBODY will admit to anything.
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Stu that's exactly what I mean by being duped. I think the scare created by the government to get vaxed was one of if not the biggest lie they've pulled on the citizens.

Vaxed, unvaxed, boosted or not everyone could get it and everyone transmitted it. They scared the shit out of people, healthy or not and divided this country like nothing I've seen, not to mention absolutely killing small businesses that never recovered.
We know that Fauci lied. We know that Dr Scarf lied. We know that masks don't work. We now know that there was NO science for the 6' rule.

They squandered one helluva lot of public trust, good luck earning that back.
Fauci, China's puppet, and his right hand man are due in for questioning this week. Of course, he will pull the typical ploy of "I don't remember", I don't recall", I can't speak to that", ad infinitum, and the world keeps spinning!🤣
Had it many times. Same as always, I don’t worry about it. The people who don’t have anything better in their lives to think about are the ones who worry about it. We are busy, Covid can kiss my ass.
I have a government job, and at the time I was threatened that if I didn't get vaxxed I would lose my job. I absolutely did not want the shot, I knew deep down that mandating this vaccination was unconstitutional, but how long would it take them to overturn the mandate, that was my concern. It could be a month, a year, several years, who knows? I sat with my wife and tried to figure out how long we could get by financially without my salary. In fear that I could be out of work for an undetermined amount of time, I opted to comply and get the shot in order to maintain the life my family was used to living. There were a small number of co-workers that held out. It wasn't but a few months and the mandate was overturned. No one lost their job, at least not where I am. I don't dwell on it, but any time someone brings it up I can't help but be reminded and regret the decision I made to comply and not hold my ground in what I believe in.
I've never had Covid. Didn't mask or get a shot. My sister's both have had it recently. Both got the shot and both wore masks back when required.
Masks do not work. I tested them in the lab at work. The cloth mask results were laughable but none of them can stop a 125nm particle. Mask were used as advertising to keep the fraud going.
I remember my daughters both tested positive for it, my work sent me home to quarantine with them. I told my daughters I’m just going to get it I don’t care. We stayed around the house living life as normal as possible during the shutdown. I tested a few times and all came back negative. My daughter and I went jogging while she had it, my grandpa had it while in the nursing home - I went in and spent time with him, my girlfriend had it and I spent time with her. I have refused the shot, never worn masks and have never tested positive. I do not know anyone who has it now, I have other things to assign worry to
I’ll play along.
I was on a trapping forum with a microbiologist and he read the “ingredients” and said NO WAY would he put that in his body.
I had to get a waiver to keep my job, but was willing to be fired because I wasn’t taking it no matter what.

Now the funny part…my wife’s sister talked her into getting it. She’s been trying to break us up for almost 28yrs now and told her that she wasn’t in the best of health and needed to get it, so they did.

I got Covid in Jan ‘20 as did the wife. She thought she was dying until I got tired of hearing it and asked which of her HOT friends she wanted me to marry to help raise CJ? She miraculously was healed in the time it took to get that text!!
I ran a 103 fever for a few days, but honestly all I felt was like a sinus headache. Work said I had to stay out for 10 days so I added another property to trap, lol. Normally only have time for one at a time.

Since that time, I’ve taken care of everyone else that’s got it and I never got it again. My wife on the other hand has had it 8 other times and each time she gets worse! Thought we were gonna have to put her in the hospital last time. Now folks may laugh but after I got it the first time, I went to the local feed store and bought a bottle of Ivermectin and would take a dose every 2 weeks.

I’m in the communications business and have done a lot of work for Docs. Ain’t found one that got the shot or even pushed it. They said the regs killed more people than anything else and the numbers were so skewed it was pathetic. If you died of anything (car wreak, heart attack, gunshot, etc.) and they swabbed you and you tested positive for Covid, then THAT was your cause of death. Forget the fact your entire chest was caved in from an automobile accident, you died of Covid.

What’s so funny now is even if you get it now, our work says as long as you ain’t running a fever or feel too bad, then come on into work.
Covid was a mask to throw an election, and it was a psyop on the entire world to see how people would respond to absurd and asinine demands. Seemed pretty successful to me. Covid was a flu bug and nothing more. That is why it has mutated, like all virus, to be of no concern. Still think it was something more than a flu, then why is the CDC now telling you to treat covid like a flu?
Think the lockdowns, social distancing and masking were based on "the science", then why is Fauci sitting before congress telling us that the weren't based on science but on hunches and assumptions?
Who is Anthony Fauci, a virologist? No Anthony Fauci is a political hack who was willing to lie, to deceive and to kill for an election. This wasn't about "the science" or any other lofty ideal. It was all about achieving a political end.
They used people's lives to usher in the greatest scam in American election history, the "mail in ballot".
Fauci, amongst others, needs to be arrested, tried and convicted. Then the death penalty should be used with extreme prejudice.
I did not wear the muzzle, I did not take the jab and I did pass go.
I know a couple folks who have it right now. They feel totally sucky and hate life, but they're making it through. So have the other half dozen I know who have had it the past few months.

I never bought the mask BS or really expected the vax to be all that effective, but for work I had to wear a mask and get the vax. Do what you gotta do.

The whole episode was sure an interesting "experiment" in social science.