the number one impediment to successful predator calling

We are hunting as uninvited guest at there dining table…I like to keep it simple… I carry bare minimum to get the job done. Wind and movement are key objectives to my setup. KISS RULE APPLIES. Side note,, retrieving these 4 legged muts.. makes a man weary.. no unnecessary gear…’ Ifedell 762 is spot on in the straight line placement of calling devices. The experience on this web site is the key to harvesting fur and growing your “ port folio!!!
You used the term successful predator calling, so in that same vein I would suggest that not many successful predator callers are too concerned with "visual pollution". Simply because the basics of a good approach and set up for those individuals minimize that concern. Yes, we all bump coyotes on occasion. If you call much, it is inevitable.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I would disagree that it is the number 1 detriment to "successful" calling.
Drones are also illegal here.
Now, if you're asking if this would be a profitable venture, my father and I were almost begged by my uncle to invest $5000 each in Kansas Cellular in it's infancy and we decided
there was no way that cell phones would ever be for anyone but the wealthy. So I wouldn't take my advice on that one!