Seat/Chair. What does everyone find to be the best?

I purchased one of these years ago and really like it a lot. It's really comfortable and works great when there's not many trees around, only brush. I only use it for day hunting cats in MI (can't hunt them at night here) and it's no problem to sit there on stand for an hour or more. I use my night hunting tripod and have everything close to me so I don't have to move much at all to run the call or get on the gun. For $30, it's tuff to beat IMO....

Has anyone tried the Alps Outdoors grand slam turkey vest? It has a metal frame with a kickstand back rest. I'd like to know if you can reach back into the bird pouch and pull out an E-call while wearing it? It's a pain having to take off a back pack to get to the call when you have an AR slung across your front and over the back pack straps.
I also like that the seat pad just flips up and secures with magnets.
The Alps is spendy but I have Cabelas points burning a whole in my pocket.
I have used the Alps for a couple of years now and it works well for me. I cannot reach around the back to get anything out of the pack. Only thing I is that the pack was slightly bigger. I use it for duck hunting as well and it does what I need it to. Hope that helps a little.
Slydog chair for me when hunting with very low ground cover in West Texas.
Then I have a small 3 legged chair that sets me up higher over the high CRP grasses.
OK, before you guys laugh and tell me I am nuts, I have been a welder, steel fabricator for 45 years, as well as martial arts and motocross racing have left me mildly handicapped, my hands, neck, shoulders, and knees are arthritic. Up here in the "east" I really can't walk stand to stand, like some of you can. So, I have had to modify my yote hunting style, I am basically a sniper who uses calling as I will stay on the stand longer, then pickup and drive across town to my next one. I use the Caldwell chair pod, it swivels 360 degrees quietly and the rifle rest keeps your rifle up and ready, the whole unit it is rock solid, after I started using this chair, my kills on doubles and triples really took off. Yes, it is a little heavy, but I just drive out in the field drop my call and chair then stash the truck and sneak back to it.. Maybe this unit would help others who have physical disabilities to keep hunting, I have three of them
OK, before you guys laugh and tell me I am nuts, I have been a welder, steel fabricator for 45 years, as well as martial arts and motocross racing have left me mildly handicapped, my hands, neck, shoulders, and knees are arthritic. Up here in the "east" I really can't walk stand to stand, like some of you can. So, I have had to modify my yote hunting style, I am basically a sniper who uses calling as I will stay on the stand longer, then pickup and drive across town to my next one. I use the Caldwell chair pod, it swivels 360 degrees quietly and the rifle rest keeps your rifle up and ready, the whole unit it is rock solid, after I started using this chair, my kills on doubles and triples really took off. Yes, it is a little heavy, but I just drive out in the field drop my call and chair then stash the truck and sneak back to it.. Maybe this unit would help others who have physical disabilities to keep hunting, I have three of them
Find a way, no excuses, no surrender. I love it.
I've used a rectangular foam pad for decades. Light weight, keeps me low to the ground and I can swivel Left/Right pretty easily, not to mention pretty cheap.

I have been tempted to try a turkey vest for the back support. My usual hunting area is devoid of trees or even tall bushes. Knee high sagebrush is the norm.