Seat/Chair. What does everyone find to be the best?

I purchased one of these years ago and really like it a lot. It's really comfortable and works great when there's not many trees around, only brush. I only use it for day hunting cats in MI (can't hunt them at night here) and it's no problem to sit there on stand for an hour or more. I use my night hunting tripod and have everything close to me so I don't have to move much at all to run the call or get on the gun. For $30, it's tuff to beat IMO....

Has anyone tried the Alps Outdoors grand slam turkey vest? It has a metal frame with a kickstand back rest. I'd like to know if you can reach back into the bird pouch and pull out an E-call while wearing it? It's a pain having to take off a back pack to get to the call when you have an AR slung across your front and over the back pack straps.
I also like that the seat pad just flips up and secures with magnets.
The Alps is spendy but I have Cabelas points burning a whole in my pocket.
I have used the Alps for a couple of years now and it works well for me. I cannot reach around the back to get anything out of the pack. Only thing I is that the pack was slightly bigger. I use it for duck hunting as well and it does what I need it to. Hope that helps a little.