One cartridge.

6mm Rem. If you're not a reloader, .243 is probably better. Way back when, my buddy used a .270 at night. He hated looking for downed coyotes. He said they were easier to find at night cause there was still fur floating in the air.

I know that I heart punched one at around 120ish with my 6mm arc and it blew chunks of heart and heart worms several feet away.
Most managers/landowners don’t care, but I still try and keep them tasteful.
Haha! I know what you’re saying there Spur! Most farmers want the coyotes gone and don’t care how or when it happens. One told me he didn’t care if I used hand grenades or dynamite to get rid of them! 🤣
Thought about getting into some of these other cartridges and maybe if I lived in a different part of the US then I might, but for me it’s way overkill I know, but I go with the .308. I don’t want to have to switch rifles for hogs or coyotes and want to know if I hit it, it’s going down. Gotta have pics to get paid, lol.

One thing I like about my RA Predator 6.5cm is that the 95gr vmax and 140gr normal whitetail's fly the same except for the vmax's shoot little flatter. So I can easily switch from coyotes to pigs and not have to worry about anything.
Fur's no good down here and I am a firm believer in you can't use too much gun. Before Ar's were not allowed on ranches I hunt, the Dtech 243 WSSM was my preference for coyotes, hogs, culling deer W/87 Gr Hornady BTHP. Considered 243 Win for replacement, but found a deal on a .308, compared ballistics and found negligible difference between the 243 and .308. One of my 308's like 110 Varmageddons and the other likes 125 NBT's. The game can't tell any difference and I don't have to worry about splashes. ;)
I'll divide my answer in two.....

For night time thermal use, it would be my 22 DTI:


For day time, because I sometimes go out west to call the bigger country, my choice is the 6x47 Lapua:

300BO as I can't hike and the stand restricts to 100 yds. Could use the henry 308 in daylight across the lake but probably not.
Lots of good choices. But I am with the .243 crowd, it has the horse power and bullet selection to put the coyotes up here drt. Same with the 6 creed. I run both.

I will be playing around with a 22 br shortly as soon as my barrel is done. Planning on running the 75 eldm's.
I use a 22Hornet, 222RemMag and a 243.

Pick one? The 243.

Near or far, the 243 hammers them.

The only drawback I can think of is, here in Colorado, I can't use the 243 during a big game season, unless I have an unfilled big game tag for that Unit.
Most farmers want the coyotes gone and don’t care how or when it happens.
Farmers, or ranchers? I'm seeing a trend here in MI where crop farmers are actually starting to not allow coyote hunters because the coyote kills turkeys and deer, and that's what they really want killed.
Farmers, or ranchers? I'm seeing a trend here in MI where crop farmers are actually starting to not allow coyote hunters because the coyote kills turkeys and deer, and that's what they really want killed.
Well here in NY I’ve never heard of a dairy or beef “rancher”, but I understand your point. Yes, I have had more agricultural crop farmers deny me access to hunt coyotes. Their logic is as you mentioned, the coyotes are taking out a few of the animals that are cutting into their profits. As one farmer told me… “The coyote is the only one out there working for me”. I can’t argue his point. Beef, dairy & sheep farmers are far more likely to allow access, or they already have someone that hunts coyotes.
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I'm seeing a trend here in MI where crop farmers are actually starting to not allow coyote hunters because the coyote kills turkeys and deer, and that's what they really want killed.
That's a shame, but I can see their reasoning; their bottom line is their main concern.
For me personally, a 223 is plenty of gun for coyotes. When I hunt coyotes, play the game within the game. That is, I call, and I am only satisfied if I know that they are coming to the call and can bring them in close. I like to test myself. I will never take a target of opportunity. Just sling lead out there to see if I can hit something. First of all, it's not safe,

For me personally, a 223 is plenty of gun for coyotes. When I hunt coyotes, play the game within the game. That is, I call, and I am only satisfied if I know that they are coming to the call and can bring them in close. I like to test myself. I will never take a target of opportunity. Just sling lead out there to see if I can hit something. First of all, it's not safe,

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I've always felt that way about turkeys.