Picked up a new Remington express tactical with ghost sights a couple weeks ago. Plan on using it for home defense and a little coyote/turkey hunting. It has an 18.5" barrel.
I went out Sunday to test some chokes and 4buck loads for patterns at 40 yards.
Ammo used was Remington 3" 4buckshot and Rio Royal 2-3/4" 4 buckshot.
I used the following chokes: carlson full (.700"), factory full (.695), factory turkey x full (.685), and undertaker (.675).
Below are number of hits on a 8" round plate at 40 yards.
Rio Royal 2-3/4" 4 buck:
Carlson = 4
Full = 1
Turkey = 3
Undertaker = 1
Remington 3" 4 buck:
Carlson =7
Full = 7
Turkey = 8
Undertaker = 4
There were 20mph winds blowing in all directions, so I wasn't terribly surprised with these results. Based on these results, I've still got some work to do to find a great combo, but I do plan on re-performing this exercise with less wind factor. I'm not sure the exact pellet count in the Rio rounds but imagine it is much less than the 3" Remington, which has 41. Think I might also try some hornady heavy magnum bb loads, as well as hornady varmint express 4 buck. Any suggestions or comments?