Originally Posted By: DiRTY DOGWhat load? 3" T's or #4 buck?
That was 3" Hevi shot "T,s)" Every shotgun is different, but the T shot gives me the most dense patterns. Since it is so expensive, I shoot 3" copper plated lead #4 BUCK most of the time right now. For some unknown reason, the T shot throws its pattern higher than the lead loads, so I need to set my sights for which load I choose to use. I use a twin bead system, and the rear bead is my rear sight. Taller rear bead gives me more elevation. These tight patterns have forced me to aim the shotgun just like I would a rifle.
Ya know Dirty Dog, I tried one of the first "Dead coyote" tubes when they first hit the market. Absolute waist of money. To be fair I must add that Carlson appears to have made some changes in their "Dead Coyote" tube design, and they are likely a lot better now.