thought I would share some recent work with the old 1100 3" magnum, that I converted to my turkey, self defense and yote gun.
(As a reminder from early in this thread way back, I shortened the barrel on the 1100 magnum, 30" barrel to 19" and had a tru choke system installed.)
My current load this past year for yotes has been the tru choke Carlson Dead Coyote with the Rem 3" 1300 fps 41 pellets of #4 buck. A super load out to around 40 yds, and it also serves double duty as the farm and home gun. Very happy with how it shoots, patterns very well, and I am pleased, however, I shoot a lot over and around several lakes with ducks, and domesticated ducks in the areas, so I have and been using the Remi HD tungsten BBs recently and the patterns aren't as nice as with lead with the tru chokes, in any of them. Useable, but not up to my normal expectations as with the #4 buck loads.
(I also have Tru Choke Ic, mod and full and xtra full choke tubes)
for turkey I have been using either a truchoke extra full with 3" 2 oz of #4 lead, or the Rem HD tungsten #6 in the truchoke full, with pretty good pattern results, so I was fine there, but I really really wanted to shoot tungsten around the ponds all the time.
anyway, long story and I need to make it short,
I ordered the Kicks High flyer extra full and full chokes for the BB tungsten stuff and to see if I could improve the already good turkey loads even better.
Well, best few dollars I have spent in a while. and I will promise I will post pics of the patterns in the next week or two. I have a new coyote load - the High flyer extra full constriction with the Rem HD 3" BBs is just a super load, very dense, even spread, nice pattern without holes. The full choke high flyer I also bought, is almost as nice, but just a bit larger pattern. This will be perfect for some Geese this winter if I do something crazy and take the short barrel out for them instead of my HK Super Eagle. go figure, they were that good.
The #6 Rem HD tungsten with the high flyer extra full will also now be my turkey load full time.
As I said, pics of the patterns soon.
thanks all.