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Since all of my choke tubes are ported, I am now wondering if ALL Federal "Premium" shotgun fodder uses flite control wads. I believe you mentioned in an earlier post that the flite control wads may damage ported chokes or even maybe the barrel.
Not all of it Rich. If it is Flite Control it will state it somewhere in the product description and on the box. Flite Control wads act to keep the entire wad and shot column as one single unit - basically a slug. If that slams into too tight a constriction, or the wad catchers grab that "slug" it may act as a barrel obstruction and cause damage. A few companies are now offering non-wad catching chokes to better mate with the Flite Control wad. And often Flite Control works best from a standard flush mount choke as supplied by most factories with the gun. It is a non-issue with me because there are loads just as good or better that do not use that type wad so I don't mess with it.
Flite Control Wad:


I recovered this one about 40 yds out.
Originally Posted By: Rich CronkCoyotejunki,

I had one of those Carlson "Dead Coyote" tubes, but I threw it in the junk. I know that some folks like em, but it was worst tube that I ever tried.

Well I wasn't going to do that, I will pattern it with some #5 shot for turkeys.

I'm using an extended Hastings .685" choke and getting pretty good groups out to 40 yards with Rem 3" #4 buck and the Fed plated BB's.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Maybe I need to try a ported choke. Any suggestions?

Kick's, Indian Creek, and Pure Gold are all excellent products and good folks to work with.
I believe the bore diameter of your Remington is .730. Bore diameter of my Beretta is .731 and a Kicks "Gobbling Thunder" .680 works like a dream for me with lead #4 Buck and Dead Coyote T's. Shotguns are finicky critters, but I think a .680 tube from Kicks would work out fairly well for you.
Browning Invector barrel.Anyone know the bore dia. of these? I'm looking at a older BPS deer/turkey game gun w/3" chamber.These have factory adj. sights and drilled for a scope base.I think this would be a korker of a pred./turk. gun with the right chokes.
I think the standard Invector had the standard bore size of American 12 gauges - .730". The Invector Plus is over bored to .742" if I'm not mistaken.

That would be a good all around choke, you might go a bit tighter, say a .670" for the BB load. Your bore is .730", my Benelli bores are .723" and the .670" shoots best of all. I don't think you would be too tight - but understand that is a semi-educated guess. Barrels are funny, it's like recommending a load for a rifle to another guy with the same brand rifle chambered for the same cartridge as yours. The load you like and shoots best for you may or may not do well in his particular gun.
If BB is the largest shot you plan to use, the .670 would likely be the ticket. If your gun came with an X-full "turkey" tube, you may want to try that one first.
I've been looking at the new Natchez flyer online and saw that Federal makes a shell using copper plated lead BBs. If they pattern well and perform well on coyotes they might be a good alternative to other more expensive non lead shot.

Has anybody tried them or would like to share opinions on them?
Originally Posted By: Houser in NCI've been looking at the new Natchez flyer online and saw that Federal makes a shell using copper plated lead BBs. If they pattern well and perform well on coyotes they might be a good alternative to other more expensive non lead shot.

Has anybody tried them or would like to share opinions on them?


I recently sold a BPS just like yours. It whacked a lot of coyotes for me, and I used those Federal BB's you mention. I had a Hastings .655 "card shooter" tube screwed on up front, and it gave me a 45 yard sure kill range on coyotes.
Originally Posted By: RedcloudBrowning Invector barrel.Anyone know the bore dia. of these? I'm looking at a older BPS deer/turkey game gun w/3" chamber.These have factory adj. sights and drilled for a scope base.I think this would be a korker of a pred./turk. gun with the right chokes.


The nominal bore diameter of the standard Invector bores is .730.
Houser, the plated lead BB's do work fine, though they won't give you the range or quite the terminal effect of the tungsten pellets. About 40-ish yards like Rich mentioned is a good safe bet. We sometimes misjudge range and that gives you a little cushion on the upper end, especially when shooting through brush which takes some of the shot out of the pattern.
Ok, so educate me a bit here.

I had been thinking hard about updating my shotgun to shoot 3 & 3 1/2" shells to extend my range.
My rem 1100 with the 2 3/4 " chamber & modified barrel has put a good pattern on paper at 50 yrd with #4 buck.
During one hunt, after getting busted by 3 coyotes while walking to a set & a 4th standing bewildered at the far end of possible range, it dropped him at 62 yrds. At this point I had nothing to loose. I did have to give him a follow up shot, but it did the job.

So my question is, I hear yall speaking of a 45 yrd kill range & am wondering if I need to make a change. I know the load options increase with a 3" quite a bit. But other than that is it worth the extra cash?

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JJ said:
Ok, so educate me a bit here.

I had been thinking hard about updating my shotgun to shoot 3 & 3 1/2" shells to extend my range.
My rem 1100 with the 2 3/4 " chamber & modified barrel has put a good pattern on paper at 50 yrd with #4 buck.
During one hunt, after getting busted by 3 coyotes while walking to a set & a 4th standing bewildered at the far end of possible range, it dropped him at 62 yrds. At this point I had nothing to loose. I did have to give him a follow up shot, but it did the job.

So my question is, I hear yall speaking of a 45 yrd kill range & am wondering if I need to make a change. I know the load options increase with a 3" quite a bit. But other than that is it worth the extra cash?

When it comes down to the nitty gritty, the answer to your question is "probably not". I think it comes down to the fact that good 2&3/4" 12 gauge fodder is kind of hard to find. It is pretty easy to find good 3" fodder though. Ya know I only gained maybe ten yards of "sure kill" range by spending 1400.00 for a Beretta Extrema2, about 200.00 more in various choke tubes, and who know how much in testing various 3&1/2" fodder. Was it worth it to me? Yes.
Think of it as rifle hunting deer. You have a .30-30 and a 4X scope that has worked well for you for years. Your average shot at deer is around 80 yards, a couple times over the years you've shot one near 150 yards but that is pretty rare. Twice in those many years you have had a chance at over 200 yards but just didn't feel comfortable trying a long poke with your .30-30.

You keep hearing and reading of higher velocity cartridges that stretch the range beyond what your .30-30 is really ethically capable of. I mean, sure the .30-30 can kill deer at 300 yards... but that is a real stretch and a sometimes "iffy" thing. Do you want to invest in a new rifle chambered for a more powerful flatter shooting cartridge, higher power variable scope, and go through the process to search out accurate loads for new rig? All the while continuing to hunt the same terrain the .30-30 has been working in for so many years? Only you can answer if it is worth it or not to you.
Has anyone tried the Hevi-shot goose loads? I have the "B" size at 1400 fps. I also have a pure gold 670 to try. Is B big enough and are there enough extra pellets to make them better than the dead coyote?
dpittman,derbysacrebob has shot a decent # of coyotes with the
heavy shot b goose load i believe.I am preaty sure he likes it.
Maybe Bob will chime in here and let us know what he thinks.
I dont know what gun your screwing that puregold .670 into but you should like it that choke has worked great for me in 2 different browning shotguns invector + with a variety of different loads,also great in .670 as well in rem choke in three different remingtons.