NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

I killed a 90lb doe at 40 yds with my super 90 with hevishot #4 dead coyote on friday. I found 5 pellets under the skin of the far side shoulder. Some where round some where flat. Deer dropped at the shot! I was using a 21" barrel with a briley lm choke. This gun doesn't shoot to point of aim for me, but it was all I had. Although it patterns pretty good, my other benelli has a fastfire on it.
I have a Mossberg 835 tactical turkey with the factory x-factor ported turkey choke .695. When I contacted Mossberg about shooting buckshot or Dead Coyote through it they said to contact the shot manufacture. I want to get out and pattern my gun but am not sure if it is safe with this choke shot combo. Duck season closes this weekend and I need something to do. I'm not against buying a new choke or two but if this is safe I would like to give it a try. Anyone have any experience with this choke? Thanks
They are afraid you'll shoot steel shot through a too tight constriction. And that would be a no-no that could cause damage or injury. Lead or soft non-toxic shot no larger than Number Four Buck should be fine if the constriction isn't over about .050" - .060" for your particular bore size.
Well it is a factory over bored 12 gauge. I know about the steel with full chokes I just wasn't sure on the shot size vs constriction.
I just shot my 535 Mossy with the .670 ported choke that it came with, overall performance was better than expected. At 40 yrds with #4 Buckshot it was a very tight pattern and would be very deadly to any coyote that came within the 40 yard mark.
well, I patterned my bennelli many years ago with dead coyote and a carlson choke for DC... I dont even remember what my results were out of my Bennelli M1.....

So hope fully this week I can get out and patter that and a Rem 87 expess mag that I recently aquired..I bought a carlson for that also. We will see how they do.

the bennelli has a 26" barrels while the rem has a 28". I will have pics of the results hopefully.
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WELL, I went to the range today with my 870 and my benelli M1......I was shooting all dead coyote loads, 3".. I tried all of my factory chokes as well as the carlson choke for the dead coyote shot.

The carlsons chokes were by far the bast patterning. The stk tubes were horrible and not even worth posting pics of even at 25 yds..... I shot the guns at 25 and 50 yds... Both the Rem and the Benelli were great at 25 yds but I thought were lacking at 50 yds. I may have to work with carlsons to see if they will send me a did size constriction for my guns. Your thoughts on these patterns?

I see that is a 10" circle, and you have about 10 - 11 pellet strikes for the Dead Coyote T's at 50 yards.

For comparison I have the results of my 3" 12 gauge Benelli M1S90's with both an 8" and a 12" circle with the Remington HD-BB load. With a Kick's .670" I am consistently keeping 12 pellets inside 8" at 50 yards and 18 - 20 inside 12" at 50 yards. Of course there are more pellets in the HD-BB load than with the DC-T's load so that should be taken into consideration. You might improve the pattern some, but despite some claims laid out on the forums and in some advertisments, a true fifty yards is a long way out there for a shotgun with shot loads.
so this is a decent pattern than or at least one I should be happy with? I was looking back and seen some of your patterns and mine are not far off. thanks for the input!
I would say you have a solid 40 -45 yard gun that should give reliable kills. If you would misjudge the range and shoot at 50 yards, you should be alright, especially if you are ready to back up with follow up shots immediately.
I would like to see some of these patterns that some guys are claiming to have. I cant image a gun/choke combo holding a load to gether at 70 yds plus. I read somewhere a guy was taking 100 yd shots! I have a feelign that they are "hoping" for a hit or their are totally BSing their ranges.
It's sorta like the black panther stories that so many people seem to constantly have; nobody ever seems to be able to document any of the claims or stories. One retailer here pushes a certain "long range" choke tube that claims such performances, yet even after I challenged him to produce some credible proof of repeatable and consistent patterns at such ranges he and the company have failed to do so. Wonder why...?
Anyway, if I could get an honest reliable and consistent 75 yard shotgun set-up I wouldn't need a rifle in the timber that I hunt. I would love that... if it were only so! Still waiting...
maybe some poeples idead of a good pattern and kill shots are alittle diff.... I wouldnt consider 1 BB in the kill zone at 75 yds good, I would call it lucky.
Reliable or lucky that's the thing...Back when I was a kid looking for my first turkey during a fall hunt I killed a hen at over 60 long paces with a 12 gauge shooting 23/4 No. 4 high brass pheasant loads...One shot and that bird was flopping on the ground and deader than dead in about 15 seconds...

It was total luck and the turkey was having a really bad day!....It certainly doesn't mean that a turkey gun loaded with No. 4 pheasant loads is a 60 rig...Now I would really think hard before shooting beyond 45 yards at a turkey with magnum buffered turkey loads utilizing copper plated shot......
That took me back some years, the very first turkey I killed was just about like yours. I was sixteen years old and it was the fall season. I ran into a flock to bust them up so I could try to call them back with some Kee-Kee's like you read about in Outdoor Life magazine and one of the young of the year flew straight up into a tree about 50 yards away. I studied that for a second, hesitating thinking that wasn't supposed to happen, I wouldn't be calling the bird back to reassemble like the magazine articles said to do. Then I remembered an old saying about a bird in the hand so I shrugged and took a bead and squeezed a 2 3/4" high brass 1 1/4 ounce load of #4's off. That young hen fell dead as a sack of hammers! I was using my Remington 12 gauge Wingmaster with a 28" fixed modified barrel. After proudly telling dad about it, he got me fixed up high tech with some real short magnum turkey loads and told me not to shoot past 40 yards from now on. I don't rely on luck anymore, but I won't turn from it when offered either!
Originally Posted By: preddhunterjust wondering is it fine to shot federal black cloud steel bbs through my 12ga full choke or is that not good to do.


I wouldn't...
it seems that most predator chokes fall between the .660 and .680 range. I just ordered the mad dog pounder with a .710 constriction..This is another 70yd coyote choke tube.. haha.

does anybody have input on this choke? or chokes in the .710 range?
I think the Mad Dog choke is actually made by Indian Creek. I'm pretty sure that is true and if so the choke will be very well made of high quality materials. I'm not crazy about their constriction choices, I think they are too conservative and play it safe by using such a large diameter. It seems they consider predator ammo choice to be 00 Buck and aren't quite up to speed on the smaller shot choices used by many predator hunters. It may shoot great... it may need to be a tweak tighter, you know how that goes.

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