Forum difference?

I fail to see how any difference in East vs. West has any bearing whatsoever on WHERE you post your hunting story, and experiences or ask questions about hunting strategies on a hunting forum. There is no actual NEED for a separate forum. Otherwise, there could be separate forums for each region, Calling the NE, Calling the SE, Calling the Midwest, Calling the Upper Midwest, Calling the Upper Great Lakes region, Calling the SW, Calling the Central Rockies, Calling the Northern Rockies, Calling the NW. And species, Calling Coyotes, Calling Bobcat, Calling Grey Fox, Calling Red Fox, Calling Bears, Calling Mountain Lions, Calling Wolves, etc. And there you are, back to a fractured discussion forum with such widely scattered traffic nothing moves in each subforum for weeks or months. It is silliness, period.

Obviously if we combined all our forums then that consolidation is going to have "more" traffic because it's lumped together but I fail to see how doing that would bring MORE members and interaction and there's zero proof or anything quantifiable that I've seen yet other than opinions. Before the new software we had MANY more sub forums that was purged, most wasn't relevant to predator hunting.

If we went by this theory how would we pick and choose what we do away with??? I don't hunt over bait or make custom calls, should we get rid of them since it's not my cup of tea?? Not everyone night hunts, should that just be considered predator hunting?? I don't think so because is pertinent stuff that is important to predator hunting as a whole and members across the country have different interest.

When we changed to this new forum there was several contributing regular members that wanted to keep the eastern hunting forum so what does it hurt to accommodate that??? I'm not afraid to say I'm in favor of an Eastern Hunting forum because there absolutely is differences. Everyone has an opinion and we have to find a balance that works for most and it's ok to agree to disagree amicably.

I'm not in favor of taking anything away from long standing contributing members, regardless of there techniques, it's all useful information that people are free to read if they choose.
I fail to see how any difference in East vs. West has any bearing whatsoever on WHERE you post your hunting story, and experiences or ask questions about hunting strategies on a hunting forum. There is no actual NEED for a separate forum. Otherwise, there could be separate forums for each region, Calling the NE, Calling the SE, Calling the Midwest, Calling the Upper Midwest, Calling the Upper Great Lakes region, Calling the SW, Calling the Central Rockies, Calling the Northern Rockies, Calling the NW. And species, Calling Coyotes, Calling Bobcat, Calling Grey Fox, Calling Red Fox, Calling Bears, Calling Mountain Lions, Calling Wolves, etc. And there you are, back to a fractured discussion forum with such widely scattered traffic nothing moves in each subforum for weeks or months. It is silliness, period.


...I fail to see how doing that would bring MORE members and interaction and there's zero proof or anything quantifiable that I've seen yet other than opinions.

Baloney. I could get the stats and show them. Far more members visit the main predator forum than the east forum. That is logged, quantifiable, provable, fact. Many more members would see the east posts if they were in the main predator forum. Fact. Interpret that and the implications as you will. I don't care either way.

As far as how would we pick and choose what to do away with. That is simple math and you were privy to those conversations. I folded my tent on it because as I've already said, the drama isn't worth it. But, yes, leave it up to me and simple data driven decision making and I'd cut about half of the current forums.

I'm not going to bother trying to make any of that actually happen though.

One predator hunting forum would suffice for all. If anyone has any any magic potion for how to hunt differently in one area as opposed to another remember one thing, about the time you think you have them all figured out they adapt and now we have something new to contend with. Someone tell me why you are not 100% successful on every outing. Give me a sip of that potion.
Someone please convince me it's not all about habitat/terrain (with a little weather/hunting pressure sprinkled in)........I'll wait. :ROFLMAO:

<iframe width="1056" height="594" src="" title="Coyotes Love New York City" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The whole country is going to h_ll in a hand basket and all we can find to complain about is whether or not to have an eastern hunting forum? I originally got in this discussion last year not because of an eastern forum but because of the baiting subforum. Now all those of you who want to know the difference between east/west tell me there is no difference in baiting coyotes. After all, a coyote is still a coyote, right?

At it's inception 14 years ago, Cougar Jim who started the baiting thread was rebuffed and told there wasn't enough interest by the "calling purists." He didn't get a subforum but did manage a sticky which has had more hits than most anything else. When I started about the same time, I knew nothing about hunting coyotes and had no land to call. I did live on a big field and found I could bait them and be successful. Eventually, I learned a little about calling and as word got out that I could kill coyotes, deer hunting clubs, duck clubs, and farmers began to ask for my help. Now I have over 100.000 acres that I can call and have turned down more. I still bait and kill a few behind my house each year. Simply put I'm amazed this is even being discussed "again" and it must be mighty slow or some folks just need something to complain over. Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The whole country is going to h_ll in a hand basket and all we can find to complain about is whether or not to have an eastern hunting forum? I originally got in this discussion last year not because of an eastern forum but because of the baiting subforum. Now all those of you who want to know the difference between east/west tell me there is no difference in baiting coyotes. After all, a coyote is still a coyote, right?

At it's inception 14 years ago, Cougar Jim who started the baiting thread was rebuffed and told there wasn't enough interest by the "calling purists." He didn't get a subforum but did manage a sticky which has had more hits than most anything else. When I started about the same time, I knew nothing about hunting coyotes and had no land to call. I did live on a big field and found I could bait them and be successful. Eventually, I learned a little about calling and as word got out that I could kill coyotes, deer hunting clubs, duck clubs, and farmers began to ask for my help. Now I have over 100.000 acres that I can call and have turned down more. I still bait and kill a few behind my house each year. Simply put I'm amazed this is even being discussed "again" and it must be mighty slow or some folks just need something to complain over. Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

100000% correct...
I offer this as evidence


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Says the guy that doesn’t drink beer! Lol…

But seriously… The New England states have way better IPAks than those bitter old west coast IPA’s. 🤣
Man, people talk crap to me all the time because I don't drink coffee unless it's a liberal flavored coffee. I just don't like bitter tasting stuff. Back in the day if I had to drink a beer I would drink Bud Select. Is that even still made?
Man, people talk crap to me all the time because I don't drink coffee unless it's a liberal flavored coffee. I just don't like bitter tasting stuff. Back in the day if I had to drink a beer I would drink Bud Select. Is that even still made?
Mmmmm? Uhh… well buddy, I don’t know about Bud Select? Does any ody drink Bud anything anymore? I don’t!
Man, people talk crap to me all the time because I don't drink coffee unless it's a liberal flavored coffee. I just don't like bitter tasting stuff. Back in the day if I had to drink a beer I would drink Bud Select. Is that even still made?
Yeah drinking that foo foo coffee is worse than bud select! Do y’all remember that drink Zima, lol
Yeah drinking that foo foo coffee is worse than bud select! Do y’all remember that drink Zima, lol

And get this. I can't do hot coffee. It's gotta be iced!

I remember Zima. About like all the wine coolers that were popular.

I grew up on Boone's Farm, MD 20/20, PJ made in someone's cooler. Or just called one of my buddy's grandpas to bring us some creek liquor.
See, now you are all talking my language. I do however have to admit that is Voodoo Ranger Imperial. However, prior to the Budweiser debacle, I enjoyed Busch quite often. Coffee wise, after the first 15 years of working night shift, I am prepared to say “any coffee, foo foo, burnt black Folgers or anything else I can get my hands on.”
See, now you are all talking my language. I do however have to admit that is Voodoo Ranger Imperial. However, prior to the Budweiser debacle, I enjoyed Busch quite often. Coffee wise, after the first 15 years of working night shift, I am prepared to say “any coffee, foo foo, burnt black Folgers or anything else I can get my hands on.”
I like strong beer and strong coffee. My go to beer stylistically are IPAs and depending on the situation it will be a single, double or imperial IPA. If making a day (or night) of it I’ll stick with Kolsch, Lager or Pilsners with lower ABVs.

Coffee is just Black with nothing added.

Ole’ DoubleLungRage has been working the night shift too long without coffee and is just confused about how it all works. Poor guy thinks craft beer is just what
yuppy kids and Yankees drink! Lol…

And yeah… When I’d just grab a 6 pack from any old convenience store with plans to toss a couple down while fishing or whatever it was a Budweiser (Heavy) typically. Not anymore!