Forum difference?


Why is there a Predator Hunting forum, then a Predator Hunting 101 forum? Are only certain things to be discussed in each one?
Predator hunting 101 is primarily aimed as an introduction to predator hunting techniques and helpful hints to help newer hunters, but even more experienced hunters can pick up different techniques from browsing there. No matter how long we have been hunting, we never quit learning. Predator hunting is for anything related to predator hunting.
Now explain why there is a Predator Hunting forum, and then a separate Calling in the East forum.
The two were combined originally upon the move, but hunting in the east was made a sub forum at the request of the membership.
The two were combined originally upon the move, but hunting in the east was made a sub forum at the request of the membership.
What is the difference between the two forums? The content is exactly the same, just in two different forums.

On any random day or month, read the top 10 posts in the East forum and ask yourself if there is anything at all that distinguishes different East tactics or different East equipment or different East calling sounds? No. It's just regular Predator hunting. It's identical to the types of calling I do in the West, I'm 400 yards from the Pacific Ocean right this minute. Within a few hours of my home I can hunt vast ag land, or high mountains, or thick rainy redwood forest, or dry desert sagebrush. It's all just Predator hunting.

After the site upgrade and addition of the East forum, I asked one of the regular East posters why he posted hunt stories in the East forum instead of the regular Predator Hunting forum. His answer: Because my friends post there. It seems to be just a sub forum for a group of guys, not because it's different like how night Hunting is different or big game is different. Or how mule deer hunting is different than whitetail Hunting.

Maybe the mods have access to forum stats and can look up how many members view the East forum and with what frequency, or even know it exists. Fact: many members never view it.
The posters in the EAST forum are shy and posting in the main forum seems to cause angst and anxiety among them.
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Fact: many members never view it.
Kinda like a magazine or a newspaper, I kinda skim the headlines and read the ones that are interesting to me. As a result, I seldom go to Varmint & Small Game Hunting or Trapping and fur Handling. The black <New Posts> button at the upper right hand corner of the page reveals headlines of all the recent posts.:)
The posters in the EAST forum are shy and posting in the main forum seems to cause angst and anxiety among them.
Hi… I’m hunt0168 and that’s my real name. I’m really sweating bullets typing this. It feels pretty awkward stepping into the regular Predator Hunting forum all alone. Away from all my like minded anxiety filled Calling In The East forum friends. The REAL Predator Hunting forum is pretty intimidating. I visit it, but just never had the courage to post here. Too scary.

I’m only here to let you guys know that our eastern coyotes can beat up your coyotes.

Now I’m going to do my yoga and try to calm down a little. Have a nice day!
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Hi… I’m hunt0168 and that’s my real name. I’m really sweating bullets typing this. It feels pretty awkward stepping into the regular Predator Hunting forum all alone. Away from all my like minded anxiety filled Calling In The East forum friends. The REAL Predator Hunting forum is pretty intimidating. I visit it, but just never had the courage to post here. Too scary.

I’m only here to let you guys know that our eastern coyotes can beat up your coyotes.

Now I’m going to do my yoga and try to calm down a little. Have a nice day!

Take a deep breath and pet a bunny...

I joined PM back in 2007 and there was a Category dedicated to the ”east”. At the time I wasn’t all that proficient at calling coyotes. I had a pretty good lock on fox but coyotes eluded me. I figured that if there was a whole category dedicated to eastern predators, there must be some kind of difference in the critters or the techniques used to be successful. As time moved on and I figured things out I kind of got away from PM and didn’t post much or at all for quite a long time. When I did come back and got active again there was still a category dedicated to the east. I know a lot more about coyotes these days. I have only ever hunted coyotes in NY. I only have the experiences and ramblings of the other members here to go on as to how and why coyotes all over the country are hunted. Given what I know now, and from what you all post, If I were to hunt out west tomorrow I would not do a thing different than I do here in the east. As Dirty Dog eluded to earlier, and this probably pertains to just about all of us… We can make 6 different stands calling coyotes and every one of them can be in a completely different setting requiring slightly different tactics. Thick is thick. Open is open. Coyotes is coyotes. Or so I have been lead to believe?

That said, if the “Calling In The East” sub forum were to go away tomorrow I would just post in the “Predator Hunting” forum. I guess the only reason I do post in the east forum is because it’s there and I live in the east. Like was mentioned above in response to the OP’s question… just pick the forum you think best fits and go for it.
We can make 6 different stands calling coyotes and every one of them can be in a completely different setting requiring slightly different tactics. Thick is thick. Open is open. Coyotes is coyotes. Or so I have been lead to believe?
Variables requiring different tactics to achieve success? Let me see, now...........My hunting is pretty much limited to:
Private property vs public land
Heavy cover vs vast open views
night hunting vs daylight only
limited acreage vs large tracts of land
shotgun vs rifle

Pick your hunting style ^^^^ you'll find that the five differences above affect your hunting style a lot more than East vs West and
I think you'll have to agree, we have a lot less differences than we have in common based only on the area of country in which we hunt.

Try 'em both, and I'd wager you will learn a lot more than you will limiting your visits to one or the other.
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Try 'em both, and I'd wager you will learn more than you will limiting your visits to one or the other.
Completely agree. I personally don’t limit myself or any contributions to any one forum. I post and read in many of the PM categories. And I think most PM members are the same. I would say that when it comes to telling about actual hunts is where the two in question here get divided. When eastern folks have a successful hunt or want to tell about a hunt they’re going to post in the east forum. Likewise, folks not from the east won’t post in the east forum because it wouldn’t make much sense.

I do think more general questions are probably posted in the broader Predator Hunting forum. I have no hard data to say if this is correct, just approaching it from a logical perspective.

I do feel like for newer hunters that don’t quite have things dialed in, they’re going to more than likely make the same assumptions I did in my earlier days. That there is some geographical based information that will help with success. Seasoned veterans of the sport know this isn’t the case.

Is there room for both? Sure. Would there be less participation if the east forum didn’t exist? I have no idea.
Is there room for both? Sure. Would there be less participation if the east forum didn’t exist? I have no idea.

The idea behind doing away with the east forum in the first place was increased participation. And I still firmly believe that would have been the case. Most members never see any of the posts in the east forum. If they were all in one forum, more members would see them, would reply, etc. Increased participation.

Some long standing valued members more or less threatened to leave if we didn't put it back though. So it wasn't worth the drama. They want to be here, but don't really want to comingle with westerners I guess. That's okay. It does result in less overall participation though. Even if they all would have actually left, I'd bet a pretty penny participation would still be higher today than it is by not having them split the way they are.

Small potatoes in the big picture and not worth the drama that was happening over it.

New to this and was happy to see an East thread location.
I don’t hunt Western expansive areas. I hunt the East. Yes a coyote is a coyote, but different areas have coyotes with different tendencies or quirks I guess you could say. I hunt/trap a lot of working areas. A truck isn’t necessarily going to spook one to the next county. Heck I’ve sat in the truck just listening one night and spotted one and lip sqeaked one to 50yds from my drivers window.
I have done both and there are some differences. For example, the sound doesn't carry as much out east because of the trees. However, out on the plains, the wind can seriously screw up your day. Back east it was easier (I felt to work the wind). However, back east they will stick to cover as long as they can when they are coming in. Either way, techniques are similar. I really enjoy hunting both places. Just seems to be more of them out west.