END IT WITH * you might be a coyote hunter* (a fun thread maybe)

If your buddy texts you, "we had a baby girl 15 minutes ago" and you text back, "healthy and kickin?" Then he texts back "sounds like she's in there trying to call coyotes" you might be a coyote hunter.

If you are at McDonalds, at the drive thru, and they take forever to give you your food you get pissed right. So as you drive off, you hang the foxpro out the window full blast with lightning jack going and scare the shizznit out of the little girl working the window you might be an AHole or a coyote hunter.
If you spend your monday morning disposing of coyote carcasses your husband skinned two days earlier and left in the back of the truck, you might be married to a coyote hunter.
Originally Posted By: screechIf you spend every minute you possibly can reading posts on Predator Masters .... you might be a coyote hunter.

If your kid asks for a .223 and hand calls for his birthday,you might be a coyote hunters dad.
If you're cutting firewood to keep from freezing to death,but you can't help but be constantly wishing you were coyote hunting.
Sounds familiar...
If you wonder how well your sheltie tied to a stake would work as a live decoy....

If your kids should have been in bed 3 hours ago because you have been on the PM forums....

If you like to scare the neighbor's kids when they walk by by putting your e-caller in the bushes....

If your 3 1/2 year old knows what the coyote "dinner bell" sounds like....

If you take better care of the rechargeable batteries for your e-caller than you do your wife's vehicle....

If you pass up poker after dinner at the camp house to go out calling every time (and I could pay for my trip playing!)....

If you hunt the "gut dump" at your ranch more than anywhere else during deer season....

If people constantly ask you what the "office chair on stilts" hanging over your tailgate is for....
if at school you ask your girlfriend to look in the back seat and make sure your rifle is covered up

if she answers by saying "ya its good, but the shotgun isn't"

if she answers and says "ya, but the barrel on mine is sticking out, through me that shirt"
If your GF wakes up on valentines day to find you still lying in bed, and the first thing she asks is "whats wrong? Because she fully expected you to be hunting, you might be..
Originally Posted By: steiny2025If you've been pulled over more than once for being a "suspicious vehicle" ..... you might be a coyote hunter.

thats me lol.

If you've ever slept in your truck using the coyotes for a pillow.
If you are on good terms with your Wife and find she has all her clothes on when you jump in bed with her after being out late

Man I hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you ever get called to the office in school cause some of your friends put the coyote out of the back of your truck and threw it on the principles car and the principle knew that you are the only one in the school to coyote hunt. True story
if the school bus has to wait because your 5 year old daughter refuses to get on...until your wife grabs the AR and shoots the coyote mouseing in the feild across from the bus stop
Quote:if you ever get called to the office in school cause some of your friends put the coyote out of the back of your truck and threw it on the principles car and the principle knew that you are the only one in the school to coyote hunt. True story

Glad to see the MO Boys haven't lost their sense of adventure/humor...