Live in central Maine & have been hunting coyotes for several years; started over bait, but find calling to be much more interactive & just plain fun.Found nite hunting to be exciting but much more difficult than during the day. Have hunted in the Windsor,Belgrade/New Sharon & Solon areas and up above Rockwood near Pittston Farms, where I keep a camper.In areas where turkeys are present I will often start sets off with some hen calls for a minute or so and then 5 or 10 minutes later switch to rabbit in distress calls. Just started trying/using 'misting'(mixed fox,coyote,bobcat & rabbit urine in atomizer), but no luck yet. Going up above Rockwood again this weekend to give it another try. Usally use a .223 bolt gun, but recently purchased an R15 in .223 and am waiting for the glass to get in so I can give it a try too.Visitor to this site for years, & member before under a different server/e-mail address;great site!! Happy hunting.