and this is #8 it was at a bait site I have I walked to my seat in the dark and as it got light I could see him moving around but when it got light enough to shoot he was gone. I waited 45 mins and suddenly he popped out on the road 35 yds from me, I had to move the sticks fast and got on him and dropped him, it was a big male 37lbs 14oz, a very cool morning
got this one today, a big male 35lbs15ozs while walking out onto a blueberry ground in the early am darkness I saw 2 coyotes before I got to my spot. I set up right there starting w/lip squeaks then right to pup dis right away there's the 2 of them popping in and out of sight around the mojo couldn't get on either then after a bit they began to bark and move away. now I moved about 60yds closer to them and started with female challenge then to pup distress, in a few mins I suddenly saw this one but just the head and shoulders and I got him right in the neck at about 100 yds, he dropped right there. the other one never showed. it was so cool I never thought i'd pull them back after they were barking and i'm sure they saw me. it shows that the right sounds will work. man I was some excited, good thing I didn't miss
i've had this one coming to my bait for a while haven't had a shot yet. waiting for a daylight visit or dec 15th "legal night hunt " which ever comes first