Coyote hunting in Maine...

Nice job! I was up calling off the Stud Mill yesterday and had no luck either. I covered a twenty five mile loop of road with fresh snow and I saw coyote tracks on almost every mile of it. I think the longest I went without seeing a track was about .25 miles.

What part of the Stud Mill were you calling? I was up by where the main stem of the Naraguagus crosses.
We hunted the east side of the Machias river all the way back towards Calais where it comes out on the South Princeton Road. We saw some tracks but not a bunch and we went miles without seeing any tracks at times.

We Hunted the side roads in new and old cuttings.
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since my last one at the end of October, I've set up 30 times and haven't seen one although I've seen tracks. I'm calling a little to the west of you guys and it looks like we've got to come up with a new strategy, we're smartening them up. good to know there are others calling. good luck
C:\Users\Don\Pictures\2017-02-28\100_3293.JPG finally broke the slump. 1100_3298 by don lynch, on Flickrst
finally got this picture thing thanks to help from lonehowl this is my 1st of 2017 a 29lb female on my bait
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yes I have and that's my preferred plan, but once the local dogs on a bait have busted you, the calling won't work any where near as good. then you need trail cams to tell you if they're coming out in daylight. if they only visit a bait in the dark, calling is your only choice. if they are showing in daylight then shuttin up is best. now if you're rich then thermal image is the way, but mom's goin to have to let you stay out all night

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