Cougar Calling this year

G_Bo is one of the guys who decided he wanted to, and then he put the work in to make it happen. Really REALLY pleased with your success! Way to go!
Originally Posted By: DesertRam

g_Bo, this needs its own post! Good job man, good job!

I agree.

Garry earned that mountain lion. Very happy it all came together like it did for him! Just wish I'd a been there

Feb 8th thru 18th 2019 is our yearly Oregon Cougar camp. In the Fort Rock area. I have been out a few times this month Tracking in fresh snow and calling. Tomorrow I will be out again.
Went out yesterday. Spent a few hours hiking up to where i wanted to call, but the wind was howling. Tried to wait it out but ended up leaving. Got down the mountain by cutting through a large chunk of private land i have permission to hunt. Found a few sets of lion tracks there. Checked in with land owner and was told i dont need to ask, the permission is permanent. Going to go in there tomorrow and do some calling.
Originally Posted By: SlagiattWent out yesterday. Spent a few hours hiking up to where i wanted to call, but the wind was howling. Tried to wait it out but ended up leaving. Got down the mountain by cutting through a large chunk of private land i have permission to hunt. Found a few sets of lion tracks there. Checked in with land owner and was told i dont need to ask, the permission is permanent. Going to go in there tomorrow and do some calling.

Sweet! Git 'Em!
No luck yet, and now im out of town for work until probably the 19th. Hope the quota isnt met before i get to hunt some more. If it is, i guess its all coyote calling and trout fishing for me for the next few months until the snow is gone and its time to get to scouting and hanging cams.
If anyone is interested in going to this years Oregon cougar camp you can contact me before the 8th at
Sure wish i was out lion hunting right now, but im stuck out on the water for a couple more weeks. After taking 2 months off to hunt deer the office isnt too sympathetic about my desire to take time off to hunt cats
Hey, got another story posted on the call-in story page!

Welcome back Jeff, from RS14!!! Much happier result this time!!!

New Story, good pics! RS17 is just now fresh posted!
I’ve been out maybe 8 times since the first of December. Nothing yet, a lot of hiking long distance and gaining a lot of altitude. Going after lions on purpose is hard. Not complaining just stating a fact, at least for me. Wishing everyone luck.
Originally Posted By: g BoI’ve been out maybe 8 times since the first of December. Nothing yet, a lot of hiking long distance and gaining a lot of altitude. Going after lions on purpose is hard. Not complaining just stating a fact, at least for me. Wishing everyone luck.

Really glad you can get after them, g bo! Wish I had the time to do the same, hope to again someday! I'm lucky to get a few days per year lately!
Originally Posted By: SlagiattThought you guys would like this, cool video of a lion whistling behind my house.

That is a great video. And man that is how they sound! There was another video that played after with two in it in the same spot. Was that the same night ?
Wasnt the same night, dates are on the timestamp on the bottom. Was a few days apart. I get pretty constant year round lion activity on that trail though. Its maybe a hundred yards behind my house.
Originally Posted By: SlagiattWasnt the same night, dates are on the timestamp on the bottom. Was a few days apart. I get pretty constant year round lion activity on that trail though. Its maybe a hundred yards behind my house.

You’re living the life buddy! That’s a fantastic video!
