Best shooting sticks

Originally Posted By: hawken11Have used varmint al's home-made "bi-fur-pod" sticks for years. Have given away several to friends' kids when in need. They are super cheap to build.

After all these years I bought the Primos trigger stick bipod and can't go back. The quick infinite adjustment and self leveling are tough for me to beat with home-made rests.

I used homemade sticks for a time (arrows and rubber tubing), then switched to Stoney Points, but now I too use Trigger Sticks. I love those things for most applications, particularly when calling because I never know when I leave the truck if I'll be sitting on the ground, sitting on my seat, or standing. The Trigger Sticks adjust to any stand and work great. I still carry the Stoney Point sticks when backpack hunting though, the Trigger Sticks are pretty heavy.
Primos Trigger Sticks I have used a lot of different sticks and I believe these are the best. The legs self adjust to the ground. The tri pod legs are not real wide like the bog ones. Just grab the handle squeeze the trigger the legs hit the ground flat or uneven. ready to shoot.
The only problem with the adjustable shooting sticks I encountered was that they have a tendency to Freeze in cold weather.

Tapping them against a tree trunk to free them up, or flicking them with a Bic Lighter does not bode well for stealthy concealment purposes.

I made a couple sets of sticks out of wooden dowls and heavy rubber bands - IMO they work just as well and easily support my Savage 223 Heavy Barrell.
Click on video to watch....
Save your hard earned money guys. Get two 1/2" dowel rods from Home Depot. Make them any length to fit you. I'm pretty tall and I set on a four inch turkey webbed seat so I make mine 40 inches. A 3/16" bolt with nut. I make a little groove with a sharp chisel where I'm going to put the silicone rubber. Make sure you clean the area with rubbing or denatured alcohol so the rubber sticks good. Other end drill a pilot hole for dry wall screws so they don't split your dowel. Run them in and leave about an inch or so out. Then grind off the heads. TIP do the screws first before you bolt them together cause its easier to hold one dowel while your grinding than two. I've made at least 3 or 4 more pair for my buddies. 1/2" dowel will hold any heavy rifle you have believe me. Camo them and you're good to go. I love making stuff. If you have any questions let em fly. Pete

Sorry guys no video at this moment. I never did much video on forums from photobuckey and when I posted it and watched it on the forum, I can see where it said 1 of 170 which means everyone can go thru my whole album and see every picture I have in there. Not that there is anything bad, I just don't want to have everyone looking thru all my pictures.
Can anyone tell me how to post that single video without exposing my entire album.??? THanks

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Peter, I'll give it a try.

To get where you can make your stuff private, open *my albums*.

Over on the right hand side of that page you'll see *album options*.

Click on *album options* and it'll have a drop down menu.

4th one down will be *privacy* where you can *edit*.

Click on the *edit* and select *private*.

Then hit *save* at the bottom.

That should work for ya.
Here is what I did. Instead of the bolt and hole, I got some small bungie cord with a spring loaded clamp and wrapped it around the sticks fairly tight. That way you can adjust the pivot point up or down.
Here are a couple pics!

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I used fiberglass fence post from tractor supply and castration bands the post are 1/2" x 48". then use 1/2" inside diameter tubing over the ends. the posts cost about 99 cent. a bag of bands about 2.50 good sticks for about 3.00 a set. I have a 48" set and a 36"set.
Totally agree on the legs not spreading far enough apart on the primos trigger stick. That's the only thing bad I can say about them. Let me know if you find a good way to modify them to expand further. I've been hesistant to try any modifications on them yet.
I have used Stoney Point Bipods and Monopods for years. They stand up to the abuse well.

Quote:Unless you just want to spend money, build your own.. I take a couple of replacement broom handles from the local hardware/farm store (5/8") for $3 each and attach them together with a carriage bolt and lock nut, paint them with camo paint and pad where the rifle stock sits...

My friend uses a set of cut down broom handles with 550 cord tying them together. The cord can be slid up and down the stick for the correct height. They work darn well.
I get all of my stick making equipment from Lowes, although any hardware store that carries it would work. I use either the 1/2" dowel for a short set of sticks, or the 5/8" for longer, as in sitting. I used to attach the sticks together by using leather shoe laces but my latest creations I've been using a 1/4" thumb knob with a 1/4 bolt with curved end, which allows a bit more stability. In the plumbing section I buy the clear tubing in the right size to slip over the top of the sticks to protect the gunstock. Paint em camo, spray poly them a few coats, and they're ready to go. I've been able to keep the cost to $10 or below no matter what size I want.
Originally Posted By: kelI get all of my stick making equipment from Lowes, although any hardware store that carries it would work. I use either the 1/2" dowel for a short set of sticks, or the 5/8" for longer, as in sitting. I used to attach the sticks together by using leather shoe laces but my latest creations I've been using a 1/4" thumb knob with a 1/4 bolt with curved end, which allows a bit more stability. In the plumbing section I buy the clear tubing in the right size to slip over the top of the sticks to protect the gunstock. Paint em camo, spray poly them a few coats, and they're ready to go. I've been able to keep the cost to $10 or below no matter what size I want.

Ya might try electric fence posts too. 1/2" diameter grey fiberglass...smooth exterior...4 feet long I use a 1/2" "S" ring on them at the point I want as the pivot...the scissors point. Wrap duct tape around each shaft UNDER the "S" ring...use anything above the S ring so it doesnt slide up and off.

They cost $1.95 each
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I ground down the part where the legs spread, now they spread farther, BUT now my rifle sits too low.
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Ive got a set of Mad Max shooting sticks. I found them at walmart a year ago for $15. They are light and will hold whatever rifle you want to use. I am quite impressed with them.
I've used several different shooting sticks over the years. But recently switched to SWAGGER Bipod. If you haven't seen them, check them out.