
I've never tried dogfood DoubleUp but have to give that a go once my meat supply dries up.

Good photo there Predhunter.
6mm06, yea I got them started on dogfood back in August when they were eating the pears right off my pear tree. Man, I had all kinds of coyotes for about 3 months. Seemed like I killed 2 or 3 a week during Oct and Nov once I got my alarm set up and working correctly.

But as you know, I got greedy and killed them all. Now I'm suffering withdrawal from no coyote shooting. Bad mistake!
This guy was at my bait sat. morning at 4am laying down munching. didnt weigh him but could tell he was in the 40+ range easilly
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Very nice indeed. I think many of the large coyotes up that way have some grey wolf mixed in according to some of the DNA research on them.
Double up, thats what ive heard also. they say that these dogs have come south from Canada with those genetics. Some do get quite sizable.
Sure looks "wolfy". I read an article in National Geographic Newsletter a while back that stated evidence of "hybrid" coyotes has been found as far South as northern Virginia through use of DNA. I live about 25 miles Northeast of Raleigh, N.C. and have seen several killed in the 45 - 50 lb. range in the last 6 months. Congrats on your kill and thanks for the pics.
You bet , thanks for chiming in Whitebeard. Did'nt know they got as big that far south. Not your average run of the mill coyotes when they get this size, its easy to see why the deer pop. can take a beating.
I've heard of a 70lb'er winning a contest in ny somewhere but have never seen one myself. It would have to be shaped like a
That is one heck of a coyote, JKRuger.

If that trend continues, especially since they have been noted in northern Virginia, then it's just a matter of time until they show up here.

Coyotes that size will really put a hurting on the deer population.
I've seen evidence in the snow , on many occasions, where coyotes have chased deer through woods and field towards busy roads behind my place. I cant prove it , but i think its a purposfull effort to get them hit by a vehicle. Last winter I watched three coyotes one morning doing this.
I have shot 4 coyotes in the last 8 days on my bait at my home. I am having trouble posting pics sence I went from dial up to high speed. I have some settings wrong.
I had foxes at the bait last winter and I see them in my yard this year but I have not had one visit the bait for some reasion.
Scalloper, sure sounds like you've got them going good. Foxes are probably afraid to show their faces around the baitpile with all those coyotes. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Tom.
scalloper, 4 in 8 days thats fantastic! You really have a hot spot.
I agree , fox would be afraid of that much yote activity.
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Nice going Scalloper, that's a lot of coyotes in a short time. You must have a really good setup. If you don't mind, tell us how you are going about it, the equipment you are using, distance, coyote reaction to lights if any etc.

DannyK, here is the latest with regards to getting the rifle / scope out the window with using foam similar to yours. I cut out an opening after measuring for close tolerances, and still need just a bit less diameter.

I used 4" PVC pipe and a connector of PVC 3" to 4", fit like it was made to order. It worked great, now I just need to camo it, will do that next summer. I can't use the illuminator with this outfit, but the infrared lights provide all the illumination I need. As well, I plan to make a sort of shutter out of OSB that will hinge on the inside of the window, have a cut out for the foam to mount to, and that will make the seal even more air tight. For now I'm using a blanket. The shutter will allow me to open for window view when I need it, or close it for use with the foam.

The cabin is now basically sealed from the outside and vice versa. This setup not only helps keep heat in the building better and scent control too, it also cuts down on visibility that a coyote might see coming from within the building. Once completed with OSB and a better seal, I should be able to use low-level red lights maybe at floor level so I can see to get about the cabin, and not be visible to a coyote.





Man, am I a redneck or what!!??

I've often said that half the fun is in the process. Of course that hasn't helped me shoot any coyotes yet, and they seem to be as wild as a marsh hare so to speak.

The other night the alarm went off around midnight and then again shortly after 3:00 AM. I saw nothing, but it took me several seconds to get in position and turn the scope on. The alarm was very quiet so that didn't spook a coyote I don't think. I have a volume control on a headset that regulates the amount of volume emitted.

Trail cameras didn't catch any critters either, but somehow I have a feeling that a coyote passed near the bait site and set off the alarm, yet was out of trigger range of the cameras. I had a coyote do that once before, just go across the upper end of the bait and kept going without even touching the bait. It just more or less passed through.

It's anybody's guess as to what happened, or if it was a coyote at all. Any of you guys have thoughts about this or have coyotes act in similar fashion? One consideration is if the yote could smell the battery (deep cycle) operating the infrared lights, or the lights themselves. I can see the infrared, but just barely and the lights are about 15 feet up in the tree.

UPDATE: YouTube clip of night vision / infrared light setup

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David, looks good, We have a predator challenge hunt coming up first weekend of Feb. will be out in the shack. finally had hits on the bait after a foot of new snow and two days of below zero weather, can't wait.