
I use my WT E-caller Raven in distress. Man they dont like that. It will keep them away for almost a week. But its easy for me with my bait behind my home.The ravins around here are very skiddish and I dont know why because they are not hunted.


Last year I had a terrible problem with Ravens, Crows, Hawks and especially Buzzards. This year I am doing things a bit different and haven't had much of a problem at all.

I'm putting out smaller portions of bait, and putting it out in late evening. The chunks of bait I use are mainly around 2" or less, and I generally put out anywhere from 6-10 pieces at a time. I sometimes put out a larger piece such as part of a deer backbone (which still has meat on it), or half a rib cage etc.

Not sure if that has lessened the birds from coming or not, but I suspect it has because we have an abundance of all the birds mentioned.

Here's something else we have an abundance of. I can't take him legally over bait, but if I catch him out on the farm, such as when he is turning over cow patties and away from the bait, he is fair game.


The best coyote bait on 4 legs. Whack him away from the bait and haul him back to your site. Black and white Coyote dessert. Skunk must be good eating because coyotes and fox lap them up off my trap line. They never last more than a day or two
Originally Posted By: ScalloperOriginally Posted By: gobblergetterScalloper- I heard that rumor too, but I'm not sure it is true. I wouldn't doubt it that they have tried to ( in ways) decrease the deer population across the state.
I will be in your neck of the woods(Chestertown) on thursday to help decrease the deer numbers too

Hey, that sounds good. You must be catching that late shotgun season? I'm guessing white-tails, 'cause I don't recall the Sika deer being that far north on the eastern shore. I'm about 90 miles = 1.5 hrs. from Chestertown. If you see any yotes . . . .bust 'em and keep them off my shore.

Good Luck on the deer hunt!
wen't out last night at 530 to sit at my bait. At 555 a bunch of cons showed up and i watched them for awhile. there was a ton of them suckers they cleaned all the bait out must of been 5+.Well at 740 i catch a set of eyes move around real quick so i get ready then a few minutes later a coyote walks out broad side so i took the shot. he ran a little ways but i found him. good thing i took the shot soon there was no bait at all after them coons got done. dont no how long the coyote would of stayed around. He weighed 35lbs.

this is of the coons that were there well i was in the stand

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Hey, nice going on the coyote. Did you use a red-lens light?

We have the same problem here with raccoons. Seems their numbers are really spreading. You may have to thin the population a bit.
i used a night owl night vision monocular and the red xlr 100 and 250 kill light before the coyote came in the battery died on the night vision so i had the 100 on and then went to the 250 mounted on my gun for the shot. i would take some coons out but the season ended at the end of december.
Excellent work there preddhunter. Since you can't shoot the coons, you may have to live trap them and move them on out of the area.
no action on the bait at my house in almost 2 weeks, that night i killed a 34# male. i put a fresh roadkill out at my friends place on wednesday about 6:pM, it was untouched at 9:am thursday, thursday at 10:pm it was almost GONE. i was there with her watching TV from 7:pm to 10:pm when i shined the light on it. so the coyotes (i assume) completely devoured a whole mule deer between 9 in the morning and probably 7 in the evening! this morning i went out and looked at it, all that was left was stomach contents, rear leg bones, rib cage, and some hide. today at 3:pm i took her a load of sawdust and what little was left this morning was completely gone!
they are not coming around at night, but going crazy during the daylight! going to put another one out tonight, maybe i can catch them tonight.
6724, you need an alarm at her house to alert you. Didn't you say you had one on the baitpile at your home? Sure seems like you have pleny of coyotes at her house.
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i have an alarm at my house. i moved it and the bait out another 20 yards yesterday, no activity there. stayed at her house again last night, no activity on a new roadkill until just before 5:am. with the moon i saw movement and got the light on it, the coyote was "hiding" in some brush about 150 yards out, i could see him perfectly. i squeezed the trigger and CLICK! at first i thought i had a dud round. while still watching the dog through the scope in the red light, i opened the bolt, and pushed a round home. right as i got the bolt closed, he took off. i had forgotten to put a round in the gun, i think it is my year for stupid mistakes. he was still hanging around half hour later, but he was now about 200 yards out and all i could see was his eyes with the heavy snow coming down. never saw another dog all night.
he will be back tonight, a whole adult deer for bait, fresh 2 inches of snow, no moon if the clouds stay, how could they resist?
I am new to this forum and new to predator hunting. I am looking forward to doing some coyote hunting soon. Just wanted to let you guys know I have really enjoyed reading this thread.(all 56 pages). I feel I know more about baiting than I do about coyote hunting. Looks like there are a lot of really nice and knowledgable guys and gals here! Hopefully I will be able to contribute something to the forum.

Welcome Whitebeard. Glad you have joined in. Everyone has something to contribute with a variety of experiences. Looking forward to your posts as well.
Been awful slow here also, storm over the last few days added some much needed snow and now the cold, put out a fresh baitsicle yesterday, will see what happens over the next few days.