
Originally Posted By: kyflshooterhave any of you fellas used fish remains as bait, reason i asked is i have been crappie fising alot lately and dumping remains in our field and been able to shoot several coyotes off it didnt know if you guys have tried or had similar success also going to try a fishbait pop cycle this winter too
I have been putting out whole Carp for the last 2 years. Nothing will touch them not even the buzzards. (Can't say I blame 'em!) Perhaps Crappie will work as a better bait....just try it an see!
This female was sneaking around the bait pile at the back of my pond about 11:30 last night. Shot her at 147 yards with the 204 using a 32 v-max and she was another bang flop. I was using the EWT-red 250 Kill Light. Many thanks to Jeremiah at Boondock Outdoors. This makes 11 that I've taken with the EWT-250 since Aug.

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Hi DU. Ya know I think those carp are going in the bone pile along with all the other picked over carcasses.

That is one furred up female, very nice size too. I too use the 250 Kill Light on my gun and it can really reach out there and light things up. I was using a LightForce 170 light before which can also reach out there with some light. The disadvantage is that the LightForce is quite big and cumbersome with an external battery pack. The advantage with that light is that it has a reostat (sp?) control where I am able to down size the light beam in close hunting quarters. If only EWT could come up with such a thing for their Kill Light, it would be the perfect light for me.
Keep those dead coyote pictures coming.
Does anyone know where to get an adjustable mount for the 250 Kill light, one similar to what is used on the ND3. I have a 250 light, but it needs some adjusting to be centered with the aiming point. I see that the ND3 adjustable mount is available for $50, but will it fit the 250? Is there a cheaper substitute?

6mm06, you will probably get the correct answer on the Night Calling forum or just contact Jeremiah at Boondock Outdoors.

I reckon I was just lucky but my 250 lines up very well with the crosshairs using the including scope mount.
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Finally got my first one off the bait pile this season. Have had a big hog out for a couple weeks with no takers during the day time until this morning. I limbered up the .22-250rem. and put a 55gr. Ballistic Tip through her hart at 290 yards while she tried to drag the carcass away.

Hi David..I'm Glad to see you well and Hunting. The season is here again.
Hi GG..Same goes for you nice Lady.
I have been busy with work and grown kids. I Thank the Lord for All that...

Cheers to both of you for another Great Season of Predator Control. The Deer will Thank you for the effort.

I have a Large pile of bait this year. Been Duck and Goose Hunting alot, and have 80 of them right where they need to be.Also 3 deer have fallen to our Bows and Shotguns. We,(my son who just got back from the Army and I),have been busy Harvesting Game for the freezer. It's so full, I have Duct tape ready to tape it shut..Lol.

Here is a short Vid of a Bow coyote Kill. I missed the kill with the camera, but got the results on vid. This is 2 'yotes. First 1 I nail at 12 yards(not shown) and the 2nd I take the hair of it...


Nice job weaponx. Bowhunting coyotes ranks right up there. Looking forward to more of your posts and exchanges this season.


This red is starting to show up at the bait on a fairly regular basis. Now, if there can only be a night without wind (errr...!), maybe I will have a chance at it.

And, Happy Turkey Day to everyone!

WTG guys on the coyotes.
I put out 3 barrels of bait I got from a butcher shop 1 month ago but I have not had much hitting it at all. I have been out scouting deer and bear hunting the area sence sept but I havent seen much sign at all. I shot 11 coyotes on my bait pile last winter. I did get 2 knocked up females but I thought there would be more move in by now. I may need to set up another location.
My trail camera is getting some coyotes occasionally. They don't come to the bait every night, but just enough to know they are there. Problem is the timing. Seems they don't come at any particular time of night, making it difficult to know when to hunt.

Skunks and possums are coming to the bait quite often, and gray fox sometimes too. A few nights ago a bobcat also visited.

Here are a few photos taken recently. Hopefully I have some success before too long. If not, I'll have a darn good time trying.

I have two cameras mounted on a post. One is set for flash and the other is infrared only at night. What one doesn't get, the other does usually.











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I just found this thread a couple days ago...
It took a two days to read it from start to finish. (Time restraints...not a slow reader!
Very nice thread and you will see me posting here from time to time.
6mm06 - cool photos.
I wish you well in getting a couple of these critters!
Good hunting!
2 years ago i had bait out near the house and i killed 9 coyotes off of it, mostly during daylight hours. one day i shot the left front leg off of a dog, no kidding it was laying on the ground when i went out to collect him. after that the coyotes have not been on my bait much. last winter i put out roadkill deer regularly but only got 1 all season. i put up a trail camera to see if they were there at night and it proved that they were not touching the bait. then i set up a wireless motion detector, i had a couple fox come by late in the season, but there were only 2 or 3 instances where a coyote hit the bait. this season i put out a roadkill and that very night i got one. have not seen one, got a picture of one, or had the motion sensor set off since. there are occasionally tracks about 15 yards from the bait but they will not go up to it.

i put a roadkill at the neighbors place and got one off it the first night i stayed at her place, put another one out yesterday but missed one at 5:AM. at her place i dont have a motion sensor so it is hit or miss getting up during the night, the bait is also at maximum range for my light so it is really hard to see a good sight picture.

the bait at my house is 2 roadkill deer, and the trimmings from my elk. right now there are not even birds on it. i do not go near the bait for a week at a time, how do i get them to come back?
I have been following this thread from the start. I like it. I have baited bears for years and started baiting coyotes last winter. There is more then one way to skin a cat, and Im learning some of them on this thread.