
I am using one that I got from Amazon called a "Driveway Patrol Sensor and Receiver Kit" for $16.59. It is 90 yds from my house. It took some work to find the place where the receiver needed to be located to go off when a coyote approached the bait, but it works good now. This cat came in Friday morning early and was back just at dark last night. Big SNAFU on him, no shot.

I also put my sensor in a plastic container to protect it from the weather and placed a piece of aluminum foil in a semi-circle on the backside between the sensor and container to act as sort of dish or reflector to amplify the signal going toward the house. It helped right much. This coyote came in last night at just after 11 and alarm went off, but he was gone too quickly.
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Question for all of you..........I started baiting a few years ago, last year I went to a driveway sensor this year I got the bait going again and they picked up right were they left off.......every night buzzer going off sometimes you open the window and they are there, lots of other times they are not.......I want to take it a step further this year and add a security camera to the set up. I would like to be able to see what is there, and what they are doing before I commit to opening that window or getting out of bed for that matter!!! I have big visions of sitting in my shop looking at my bait on a tv screen! Is that wrong? I think it would be pretty cool!! I think more than anything I could learn alot about what baits they like how they approach them etc. Question is does anyone do this, if so what camera setup do you have any suggestions???
now that sounds like a good idea keep me posted on your info. i am waiting on loggers to finish so can get mine set up here at the house
would it be possible for the moderator to put a long term posting up on the forum on how to make and install a feeder motion censor light ? maybe one of the advertizer could even put one up. i think alot of guys would like to buy one for xmas this year. thanks. marty
I tried two different sensors and neither worked well. Then I decided to spend a bit more money in hopes of finding one that works, one designed for hunters. Will keep you informed.

UPDATE: I regret to say after quite a bit of testing, that the SpyPoint has been disappointing. Too many animals - coyotes, skunks and possums, have all passed in front of it without it alerting me. I contacted Tech Support in an effort to find a solution. They suggested placing the SpyPoint lower to the ground than the recommended height of 3 feet. The recommended height, they say, was intended for deer.

I then placed the unit lower to the ground and still had animals all around it and no alert was sent. I installed fresh batteries but nothing worked. I have played around with setting it at different heights above the ground and still it's not good.

Tech Support informed me that the SpyPoint scans from side to side at about a 30 degree coverage, it does not scan up and down. They also suggested that I purchase a 9-volt wiring and connector from Radio Shack, something I have not done yet, and hook a 12-volt battery to the receiver. Seems to me that the unit should work as it is, especially considering cost.

At this point, I cannot recommend the SpyPoint and give it a thumbs down. I will however, continue to experiment even more with it in hopes of finding a solution.


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I can't really say just yet, but I've tried it at 25 yards and it works fine. It will need to work at 60 yards for me, so very soon it will be put to the test. It's rated for a much further distance (I don't recall exactly what) and that's what led me to get it, plus good reviews.

I tried other sensors and had problems with both. One kept going off every few seconds, and the other one wasn't reliable. I had gray fox all over the bait last season and the sensor wouldn't alarm me, then it would go off with nothing there. Hopefully this Spypoint will serve the purpose.

I'll keep you posted.
6mm06, I hope it will work out good for you. The range is supposed to be 1,000 ft, so it should be okay.

Please report back after you get chance to test it some more.

So far my cheap one is working perfectly, but I'm always looking for a better mousetrap.

Nice going DoubleUP. I'm like you, I would rather call them but I'll take them over bait too.

Calling here in my neck of the woods works, sometimes, but I sure do put in a lot of time and effort calling to get one or two. It's not as easy here as in the western states, but it's a lot of fun trying.

Here is a link to the hunt I just finished that demonstrates hunting out west.

It seems that coyotes just kept coming to the call, but here it just doesn't happen that way. That's why I have turned to baiting, but I won't give up calling either. Baiting just adds one more demension to my hunting efforts. I'm reallly going to give night vision a good try this winter. Will keep you posted.

6mm06, I had been keeping up with your adventures on the big western hunt. It sounds like a great time with great friends. Congrats to all of you.

Looking forward to hearing how your new alarm works out.
Howdy all! Just wanted to jump back on and say "'Tis the season again". I have 2 bait piles up and running with a new addition for me this year- a sensor. Things in my neck of the woods have been unbelievably slow. Have yet to see a grey. I had this vixen show up on the game cam a few times, even took a shot at her and missed --not the case last night. Feels good to finally have one under the belt.
Hope all of you are well and have a successful season.

have any of you fellas used fish remains as bait, reason i asked is i have been crappie fising alot lately and dumping remains in our field and been able to shoot several coyotes off it didnt know if you guys have tried or had similar success also going to try a fishbait pop cycle this winter too

I think I got it at Sportsman's Guide, but I can't find the invoice, but I'm pretty sure that's where I got it. The price in the link above is much cheaper than I paid for mine.

I think there may be a newer model out now. Did you try SpyPoint website?

Thanks Nick. It's been really a slow start here. I was going to ask how things were on the Eastern Shore, but I see Wyoming is now your location. Any luck with dogs out there?