
Thanks guys.

I put some bait out last night. (crumbled chicken sausage). Alarms were quiet. (Or I was tired and slept through them.)

My female cat is in heat right now and her and a couple neighborhood toms were yowling around my house last night. If the bait doesn't draw the coyotes in these crazy cats should. Haha.

To be continued....



Morning Gents,

Male coyote from last nights activities.

Suppressed SBR AR 223/60Gr VMAX
Super Hogster
About 50 yards

Had a coyote at my site last night. I have stopped hunting until early fall but it’s good to see some activity. Exciting actually.

Today I retrieved the SD card from my Tactacam Reveal X cellular camera. I hadn't deleted photos since November. Thought I would share a few of this past season just to keep things interesting. I am already anxious for September to roll around and begin hunting again.









Finally had a coyote howl the other night around midnight. First one in about 6 weeks. That bed was so comfy I didn't even peek out the window. lol

Hopefully next year will be better for you 06.
Good pics 06, hope we all have a good next year. My visits have stopped at the new camp but there is still one coming by the new house once a week or so.
I've been getting picture of this one for a week or so out in the field, but he wouldn't come into the yard at the bait pile. Last night around 4 A.M. he finally got hungry enough to hit the bait. Now we just have to cross paths at the right time.

MFDC0376 by Double Up, on Flickr