Went back to the hay farmers deer blind, I knew from tracks(snow) there was a female with a limp(front right). Yesterday I was near there and had a front half of a road kill from the county,so added it to what little was left. Hiked to the blind about 8 pm, NOAA had a wind change and some snow/rain mix starting about 11pm, figured 3 hrs and head home. About 11 the wind started swinging around SE to SW, heard a bit of sleet sounding precipitation. 11:30 I figured 15-20 minutes, head out. Well I dozed off a few minutes, woke up at 11:47. Shut off the heater, packed the day pack, thought to look out before putting binoculars away. There is a coyote out walking near the bait. Got the rifle ready, can see the coyote limps slightly. After a few minutes of the coyote not standing still and me wondering how long the coyote will hang around if the rain/sleet intensified, it stopped broadside. 115 yards, 17 rem 25 WCD is fantastic. No blood, no exit. Probably best fur so far.