I generally use chicken or catfood for bait. I'm creative though and I'll dump anything out as bait that I think will work and that is convenient at the time. If any of our chickens die, i usually put them out as bait. I've also used dead rats, turkey scraps after thanksgiving, remains from cooking up a fish, apples, etc.
I actually haven't put any bait out in about a month. My brother shot a coyote a few days ago that was just passing through the property and tripped the alarms at 8:30pm. That coyote, now about 4 days old, was dumped in a pre-dug hole, but not covered over yet. The coyote I shot in the video here was about 20 feet from that hole and the other dead coyote. I think it came in to check out the dead coyote. The direction the coyote was looking when I shot it was towards our chicken coop, and also towards where my wife was calling for our cat from the front door of the house.