I went out last night prepared to stay all night(3 1# propane bottles for the buddy heater). Saw one with thermal about 250 yards out in the hay field (6:40 pm). That one was over where bales were being loaded at sunset, it did not come to the bait. Watched opossum and skunks and heard some coyote in the direction of a cattle yard about 1/2 mile away. Around 11:40, I scanned the field with the thermal(it's a Leupold hd2, all I can afford). A skunk was on the bait, and 2 coyote moving in from downwind of the bait. They tried to run the skunk off, but it stood it's ground. As they circled the skunk, I took a shot. The coyote dropped, but then suddenly leaped up, yelped and ran. I was unable with the Wraith to get a follow up. It ran left about 200 yards and layed down(could "see" it with the thermal. As I watched, the second coyote came back and hung around the wounded one. Since there are buildings behind it(500-600 yards) I couldn't shoot. The second one meandered about and eventually gave me a close safe shot, it dropped clean. I recovered the first one at daybreak, it had died out where it was laying. I have video from the first, will see if my brother(computer guy, me not) can help me share. I haven't called yet, because I hear that there are other hunters out calling. I figure if they are educating I have to actually kill the coyote. I will snare when we get snow.