
Thanks guys! Week, that is another dandy pile of bait there!! GG, that is right. I tend to get what I perceive as a slow start every year, maybe just get anxious early, but yes, feed them and they will come. Looking forward to a good winter of action for everyone here...lets go get em!!
Finally got a little bait to put out, then had two timber wolves move into the area for a few days, friend said he hasn't seen any tracks in the new snow the last couple of day's so we'll see if they left or are just on a check their territory cruise. Sure wish we could hunt them legal.

DannyK, are you still hunting out of your shack? If so, how about posting another photo or two just to keep the forum updated and interesting.
The hay farm deer blind paid off finally. Tonight about 6:45 I picked up a lone coyote seemed to be mousing/hunting in the hay field. About every 10-15 minutes I would scan the field with the Leupold hd2, she was about 250 yards wandering around like they do hunting short grass areas when I checked the field. Watched her work her way over downwind of the bait, she cut my track to the camera. The camera was about 50' south of the bait. She immediately headed back the way she came from(west) and resumed hunting about 100 yards west of the bait. She finally found something(small) and stopped and was eating. About a 170 yard shot, with my 22-250. The Nosler 55 gr/Varget load worked perfectly, hair looks very nice. I forgot to hit the record button, had the scope setup to video, crap,sorry. Too excited.

Nice going, Spot. I have often wondered how well a hay blind would work. I guess if hay bales are a common sight in a field, it would work very well.
I going to stay longer in the deer blind tomorrow night,taking 2 1# propane tanks for the buddy heater and an old sleeping bag. I'm going to park and hike in from a different direction, so no more human scent until after shooting. I have heard 3 different groups of coyote in the same evening, surrounding the hay field.
Had what I believe is the mate to the female I shot, come by about 6:15 pm. I started the video but didn't take a shot as I thought he would come near the bait, he seemed to be searching. Hour later same coyote came back, following same route. I took about a 200 yard shot when he was standing still for several seconds, heard the hit. But even suppressed there is still some smoke and didn't see the hit. Thermal revealed nothing, 1/2 hr later I scanned east as far as the window would allow. Saw a coyote sized object not moving in the hay field. Couldn't stand it had to know, I walk toward where the shot was, nothing, turn toward object in thermal. Walked right to the coyote, he had ran about 200 yards. Shot was a little low, right behind the shoulder. Edge hit, but he bled out.
Took this Red dog last night at one of the bait sites I just started back up. Had a feeling he would come out to feed before the moonrise and he did. Yea, the shot was a bit forward on the shoulder but he still went down. At least I remembered to hit the record button this time!
Now that I've pretty much finished deer hunting it's good to have all my regular bait sites up and running (4). I think it takes the pressure off just one.
We'll see how things go.....mean while I'm still enjoying the "hunt life"! And so very blessed to be able to do so.

Social distancing before it was trending.

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