
This is our compilation of kills for the season from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Sorry we couldn't get them all. Way too many times when the recorder didn't get turned on.

Originally Posted By: weekenderDU has provided a BUNCH of quality entertainment, and we THANK him.
We certainly do. DoubleUp kills more coyotes in the east than anyone I know of. I always look forward to the next video.

Interesting critter showed up near the bait area a few nights ago.
Well, it's hot and not much happening for us coyote wise right now. Looking for that cooler weather later this coming week. I thought you guys might get a kick out of this red fox pulling pears off my tree. I've also seen coyotes do the same thing.

MFDC5948 by Double Up, on Flickr
I enjoy the foxes showing up. Mostly they come after about 10:30 at night in this hot weather, but this red dog made an early morning search for breakfast.

MFDC0887 by Double Up, on Flickr

Here was another one from July 1 coming by for lunch.

MFDC5626 by Double Up, on Flickr

Often at night they visit two at the time. Here's a couple of reds.

MFDC5491 by Double Up, on Flickr

A couple of Grays on the same night.

MFDC5479 by Double Up, on Flickr

And even a pair of coons that I could do without, but bait piles sure can be entertaining.

MFDC5324 by Double Up, on Flickr
Well I finally had a new visitor last night. He was around for about 45 minutes. Wind had shifted NE and was finally blowing the bait pile scent out into the corn. Now I just have to arrange a meeting.

MFDC2517 by Double Up, on Flickr
DU, I have a felling there won't be a whole lot of conversation at that meeting. It will also be slightly one-sided. But how ever it shakes out, be sure to hit the record button. You know it's been a while and us OLD folks tend to .... what was I gonna say?
I know this is the baiting thread, but you guys need something to get the juices going again.

Crops aren't harvested and won't be for a while so places to call are hard to come by. We called in this female tonight on one of the turf fields we have access to. I used the AR in 223 with 50 V-max and the Varminter 4.0 suppressor. The shot wasn't pretty but got the job done. Parvo would probably have done better. Just trying something different for a change. I forgot my camera but my hunting buddy took this picture with his phone. Unfortunately not a very good picture. Video below.

IMG951883 by Double Up, on Flickr
