Well-known member
We had some nasty thunderstorms this afternoon and so I didn't even attempt to go calling tonight even though the rain had quit. It was still blowing pretty fierce. About 10 o'clock I decided to have a look with the thermal scope out the window and saw what I thought might be a coyote at the back of the field to the west which is over half a mile. I did three lone howls and saw the animal coming up the side of the field. It didn't come in, but continued on past the house at about 200 yds. distant. After I felt like it had gotten far enough beyond the house I blew a few pup distress notes. At 11 after getting my shower I decided to have another look thinking it might have circled back. Sure enough the coyote had just come into the yard. I shot him and he ran and jumped the ditch into the field and died doing somersaults. Here is the coyote, another good size male.
IMG_0484 by Double Up, on Flickr
Here is the video:

Here is the video: