
BP, that fried chicken scraps does seem to create a fair amount of coronary disease in these southern coyotes, but they seem to die suddenly from lead poisoning so it might be something in the water.
Lead in the water...??? Nah..,not thinking so!!!! 45 gr Spitzer...more likely the cause!!! Stay after em!!!!! Good stuff!!!
The last of my stock piled bait, deer carcass, went out a couple days ago to start getting the piles cleaned up a bit before it gets too warm. Boy, theses "prime fur" seasons just FLY by anymore!!! Seems like I just layed out the first deer yesterday! Before you know it, it'll be back to pushin a lawn mower...AAAAArrrrrgggghhhh!
I have not read every page of this thread, but have read a fair amount. I usually bait during the winter months with roadkill deer. I have a local seafood market and meat processor that can get me all the scraps I could ever want. I do find in the winter deer kills seem to be preferred.

I am in the south. We are starting to knock on springs door here.

For you guys who bait, do you notice a certain time of year where you notice a sharp decrease or flat out abandonment of your bait piles? I have about 8 locations with trail cams on bait piles and these piles are on various tracts of land miles apart. It just seems like when the temp starts warming up to where bugs/flys are around you can forget getting the daily feeding like I get in the winter time. I have noticed this over the last few years.

Also do any of you use K9 trapping scents/lures at your bait piles. I find this to be extremely beneficial.
I usually stop around the end of Feb. I have never tried scents on my bait site but would if I thought it would help. What do you use Hootie? Tell us more please.
Here in Maine baiting has been tough this winter for some of us.
In certain areas ticks are killing off our moose and the coyotes have had plenty to feed on. Other areas and crusty snow has made it easy for coyotes and bobcats to take down deer with ease.
And then there are some guys doing well over bait, especially at night.
I picked up some Caven’s yodel dog scent from the trapping section of cabelas just to try something different. Im my cameras I would have coyotes coming back up to twice daily to deficate and mark their own scent in the exact spot. So long as I kept the scent post fresh every few days this would go on indefinitely. I put the cam on video and they would roll in the scent, pee on it, scract the ground, sometimes as soon as 2 hours after I left. It would also be multiply yotes doing this.

I was very surprised by in so now if I know I’m going to call an an area on say. Friday, I will at least try to make a post by Wed, or Thur. Take a tablespoon sized piece of this nasty stuff and put it on a football sized rock on a well traveled coyote trail, put up a cam and you’ll be surprised. It is not just coyotes either, I have pictures from last month where a pair of grey fox came back 3 times over the period of a night smelling and then scent marking their own on a partcular rock I used.

They make another scent that is just ungodly strong that works well too but will about gag you. I have all that stuff in a sealed waterproof bag. I’ll look up the name of the other stuff too.

Work has really kept me from hunting, but I swear looking at photot date/time stamps you could just about predict when a coyote would come back around and remark the post.

Weekender, I think you are about right unfortunately, in that usually toward the end of Feb they just don’t hit the bait likenthey do when it is colder.
I just put my last bait out a couple days ago. I try to time it to be pretty much cleaned up by the end of March. March has generally been a good month for me, however, the fur is getting pretty much worthless due to rubs, etc... I always start about the 1st of November.
*******ALERT ALERT ALERT******* Beeper just went off during this post!!!
*******COYOTE DRT 170 yd SITE*******

Pics to follow!
Stay after em fellas. Coyotes howling like crazy in the valley!!! I will be back.
I think the other scent is caverns Gusto. That stuff is super strong, high quality rubber glovers are a must for any of them. Funny thing is, I have been surprised at the number of deer (especially bucks) who will come by daily and sniff this stuff.
BP, make another post, get another beep, kill another coyote!

I bait all year long. There are good times and bad times. I only bait here in my yard and the field behind my house. So I generally will have a group of coyotes that seem to move in, often about this time of year, and after I kill them down it will be scarce for several months until another group moves in to claim the territory. Last year's spring was really good but the fall was really bad. This year it hasn't been really good or bad with just one here and there.

There is so much more food available during warm weather, and I agree deer seems to be best in winter, but doesn't do well in summer. I generally cut down on the amount and size of pieces of food I put out in warm weather just to avoid the maggot problem.

Never tried the scents but it sounds productive.
I also pretty much bait all year even though I don't hunt coyotes in the summer months generally. I use most any kind of meat I can get, from table scraps, old meat that may be outdated or deer.

Seems that this time of year (January through March) is the most productive coyote activity at my site. I haven't had much of an opportunity to hunt this year but at least 4 different coyotes have been hitting the bait lately. I plan to hunt tomorrow night, my only chance considering work and weather for the next several days.

Hootie, I may have to try some of that Caven's scent.

Okay guys, I'm back...sorry for the interruption...not really:).
Female pup at the 170 yd site. Fur is rubbed out good, but $5 bounty, so all is good. My new Remington 700 .22-250. Third coyote on that gun since I got it about 3 weeks ago. I'm off tonight, so standing by for her partner later. Coyotes howling crazy in the valley tonight.
j2-25-18170 (1) by jrhranch, on Flickr

j2-25-18170 (2) by jrhranch, on Flickr

Good hunting to all, stay after em!!!! Good stuff!!!

Hey Gobbler, have you had a chance to test the PNY battery yet? Just curious how it's working for you. I like mine.

Last night I finally had a chance to stay at the cabin. It was totally quiet all night, not even a possum. Bummer. I was really hoping to get an X-Sight coyote.
nice going bp ....get it while the getting is good. cooled down here not sure why. 3 bait sites.... nothing is getting hit including a road kill deer somebody gave me. they were out last night carrying on not more than 100 yards from the one site and i did not see anything for well over an hour. I am thinking that we have an abundance of rabbits this year and my buffet selection does meet their taste requirements. keep it going
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Hey Gobbler, have you had a chance to test the PNY battery yet? Just curious how it's working for you. I like mine.

Last night I finally had a chance to stay at the cabin. It was totally quiet all night, not even a possum. Bummer. I was really hoping to get an X-Sight coyote.

Been wondering if you had made it out to your cabin yet. The last 2 nights on stand have been boringly slow. Had a Red show Monday night a little before 7:00pm and that was it. Absolutely nothing last night. Too much moon right now.
I ran the PNY battery for about 2.5 hrs. on Monday night and didn't recharge, then ran it last night for about 1.5 hrs. before the last blue light started flashing. Temps were mild - around mid 40's. The real test will be in much colder weather. But the little battery worked well and by using it instead of the battery and saddle bag that came with the scope, it lightened my overall gun weight by almost 2 lbs. This helps considering I usually take way too much stuff with me to the stands anyway. I think next year I'm going to create a small cache box at each stand for extra and back-up items i.e. small flashlight, spare batteries, plastic gloves, extra hand warmers, SD card, large trash bags, etc.
2 thumbs up for the little .99 PNY battery. Thanks too, for enlightening me about it. Looks like a fair weekend, weather wise, maybe you'll get another chance to try out that scope. Oh, and Gimpy must still be wandering the countryside somewhere . . . ?
Maybe Gimpy will pair up with my Lefty. Just imagine the invalids those two might produce.

Yeah, the little PNY battery is working well, cheap, light weight and enough power to do most anything I need at the bait site. I purchased another one and have it too mounted in a scope ring, so I can easily change out when needed.